Armored Tanks vs. Speedy Buggers


When up-grading it is usually better to buy one freighter upgrade then max out on mass expansions, but eave 20-30 tons of cargo space for missions....

Honestly though, the Emalgha and Voinion figheters are nice because you can strip these huge cannons off of them
e.g. The emalgha fighter has:
2Emalgha cannons @ 15 tons a piece
5 Heavy rockets @ 2 tons a piece
1 Rocket launcher @ 30 tons
Current spare space:10
10+30+10+30=80 tons of space

or the Voinion fighter:
3 Neutron cannons @ 15 tons a piece
5 heavy rockets @ 2 tons a piece
2 Rocket launchers @ 30 tons a piece
current spare space: 10+45+10+60=125 tons of space

All on one fighter!

"A terrible darkness has fallen upon us, but we must not surrender to it. We shall lift lamps of courage and find our way through to the morning."
-Member of Emalgha Resistance

Yeah. My standard early money making procedure involves buying a cargo transporter, going out and capturing a voinian fighter - rinse & repeat. It's amazing how much stuff you can cram onto a Voinian fighter; before 1.0.2 mucked up the turret slots I could use a Voinian fighter as a warship in the Crescent - slow, but packs a big punch and is mucho hard to kill (once you've got all the shield & armor upgrades, anyway).


(Insert Signature Here)


Originally posted by ~Patton:

When up-grading it is usually better to buy one freighter upgrade then max out on mass expansions, but eave 20-30 tons of cargo space for missions....

Honestly though, the Emalgha and Voinion figheters are nice because you can strip these huge cannons off of them
e.g. The emalgha fighter has:
2Emalgha cannons @ 15 tons a piece
5 Heavy rockets @ 2 tons a piece
1 Rocket launcher @ 30 tons
Current spare space:10
10+30+10+30=80 tons of space

or the Voinion fighter:
3 Neutron cannons @ 15 tons a piece
5 heavy rockets @ 2 tons a piece
2 Rocket launchers @ 30 tons a piece
current spare space: 10+45+10+60=125 tons of space

All on one fighter!

I like stripping down UE Destroyers. Heheh. 200 tonnes and a lot of shields. Perfect cargo ship.

Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
-Alduran Outlaw Rick Blazer


Originally posted by Meowx Design:
**I see you're new to the board.
Don't use 6 million exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lern to slepp rite!
And try to use not wrong sturctures that go in sentances use commas too if annoying people is not something doing that you like!

HAHHAHHAHAHHAH!!! VERY good lines Meowx!!!

Now back to the topic question.

I like either:

1. HUGE, heavily shielded, armed to the teeth, battleships, battlecruisers, and dreadnaughts.


2. Smaller vessels with more speed and turning, but still well shielded and armed. I don't exactly like fighters like the Azdara and such.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!

So, Captain, what smaller vessels do you see as acceptable? Arada? Lazira?

Patton, I never actually considered that... but, when it boils down to it... you still need the space for turrets, and all the movement upgrades are 10 tons a piece (if you use them), along with all the other 5 ton upgrades like Scoops, Extra tanks, etc.... That still leaves you with a quick ship, but you're still easy to kill.

I guess I'll never get into the smaller ships. 😄

"Do not try to bend the spoon, that is impossible.... instead... only try to realize the truth"
"The truth?"
"There is no spoon"
• AIM: CrazyJ617 • B-net: Flatulence • (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc •

I like ships where you can sit back and watch them get beat up by attacking ships for hours without a worry in the world--too bad there isn't one in EVO :D!

"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die." -Mel Brooks

My ideal ship is fast, but has some firepower as well, and can hold up under fire. Here are the designs I like to use:

() Lazira: Get rid of ranged weapons and phase cannons. Add 3 neutron turrets, all engine upgrades, shield upgrades, fuel tanks + scoops, all sensor upgrades, all available missile jammers. The result: a tough light warship with the speed of a UE Fighter.
) Crescent Warship: Get rid of all weapons. Replace with: 4 neutron turrets, all engine upgrades, shield upgrades, fuel tanks + scoops, sensor upgrades, Dospect armor, Bronev plating (If available), all available missile jammers. The result: a medium warship with a great mix between speed, shields, and firepower.

Here are some experimental designs I want to try:

() UE Destroyer: Sell off all weapons. Buy phase cannons, engine upgrades, shield upgrades, fuel tanks + scoops, sensor upgrades, armor upgrades, missile jammers, ranged weapon (Determined by space available). Probable result: a kewl medium warship.
) Miranu Heavy Freighter: Remove all weapons. Get Emalgha upgrade, lots of mass expansions, 2 neutron turrets, dospect and bronev plating, shield upgrades, Azdara bay, engine upgrades, Azdgari upgrade, missile jammers, SAD modules. Probable result: a kick-@$$ heavy warship.
(*) Miranu Freighter: Remove all weapons. Replace with Emalgha upgrade, lots of mass expansions, 3 neutron turrets, dospect and bronev plating, shield upgrades, Azdara bay, engine upgrades, Azdgari upgrade, missile jammers, SAD modules. Probable result: a good medium-heavy warship.

May the world never rest in peace.

(This message has been edited by goomeister (edited 11-12-2000).)


Originally posted by goomeister:
**My ideal ship is fast, but has some firepower as well, and can hold up under fire. Here are the designs I like to use:

() Lazira: Get rid of ranged weapons and phase cannons. Add 3 neutron turrets, all engine upgrades, shield upgrades, fuel tanks + scoops, all sensor upgrades, all available missile jammers. The result: a tough light warship with the speed of a UE Fighter.
) Crescent Warship: Get rid of all weapons. Replace with: 4 neutron turrets, all engine upgrades, shield upgrades, fuel tanks + scoops, sensor upgrades, Dospect armor, Bronev plating (If available), all available missile jammers. The result: a medium warship with a great mix between speed, shields, and firepower.


Those are both excellent ships.... I use #1 after I've gotten enough credits from trading in the beginning of the game. I buy the Lazira and the upgrades and then go out and kill ships, steal credits, and do some bounty hunting for strands or for Zacha. (after I get the rating). However, the Lazira gets old after a while (for me...) I just need to upgrade to a larger, more powerful ship. As for the Crescent Warship... I use the same thing, except for the bronev plating. I use that 80 space to get a (or actually, keep the...) crescent fighter bay. I find those 3 fighters to be pretty useful for an extra punch.


Originally posted by goomeister:
**Here are some experimental designs I want to try:

() UE Destroyer: Sell off all weapons. Buy phase cannons, engine upgrades, shield upgrades, fuel tanks + scoops, sensor upgrades, armor upgrades, missile jammers, ranged weapon (Determined by space available). Probable result: a kewl medium warship.
) Miranu Heavy Freighter: Remove all weapons. Get Emalgha upgrade, lots of mass expansions, 2 neutron turrets, dospect and bronev plating, shield upgrades, Azdara bay, engine upgrades, Azdgari upgrade, missile jammers, SAD modules. Probable result: a kick-@$$ heavy warship.
(*) Miranu Freighter: Remove all weapons. Replace with Emalgha upgrade, lots of mass expansions, 3 neutron turrets, dospect and bronev plating, shield upgrades, Azdara bay, engine upgrades, Azdgari upgrade, missile jammers, SAD modules. Probable result: a good medium-heavy warship.

I've never actually gotten around to playing around with the UE Destroyer... I'm trying to imagine if it'd be better or worse than the Lazira. I imagine that the Lazira has some better space/cargo... I dunno, I guess I have to take a look. (yay! something to do on Sunday after homework's done!) :D.....
As for the Miranu ships... we've had a little discussion about it in another thread... They'd be pretty good ships, but they'd be expensive to buy and expensive to maintain. Plus, even with all those upgrades, they're pretty slow ships. Shield/armor is also an issue, but with all that space, the dospect/bronev and shield enhancers come easily. All around good ship that packs a nice punch.

"Do not try to bend the spoon, that is impossible.... instead... only try to realize the truth"
"The truth?"
"There is no spoon"
• AIM: CrazyJ617 • B-net: Flatulence • (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc •

I just got around to testing my captured UE Destroyer, Stormbringer. The verdict: Excellent!

Here's what I've equipped Stormbringer with:

  • 3 Neutron Turrets

  • 2 Needle Launchers + 250 Needle Missiles

  • Dospect Armor

  • 4 Shield Capacitors

  • All engine upgrades

  • All sensor upgrades

  • All missile jammers

  • 2 Fuel Tanks + 2 Fuel Scoops

How is the ship? Great! It's about as fast as a stock Lazira, but it has superior firepower at close range. It has almost as much shields as an upgraded Lazira, but way more armor, great in the Crescent. All this comes at a price of cargo capacity, 30 tons to the Lazira's 50. All in all, a great warship.

May the world never rest in peace.

That does sound like a great ship... but, you say it has almost as much shielding as an upgraded Lazira? Shouldn't it have more? Lazzy starts with 135 and Destroyer starts with 150....

Fortune Cookie say: "Baseball wrong. Man with 4 balls can not walk"
-- Lo Wang, the Shadow Warrior
• AIM: CrazyJ617 • B-net: Flatulence • (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc •


Originally posted by Flatulence:
**That does sound like a great ship... but, you say it has almost as much shielding as an upgraded Lazira? Shouldn't it have more? Lazzy starts with 135 and Destroyer starts with 150....


Nope. UE Destroyer has 1,200 total shields, Lazira has 1,350. Upgraded, you have 1,600 for the Destroyer and 1,750 for the Lazzy. The 900 total armor on Stormbringer compensates, though.

I almost forgot. The Destroyer has one more drawback: slower hyperjump than other Crescent ships. It can be quite agonizing getting killed by a swarm of fighters just trying to jump out of the system.

May the world never rest in peace.

(This message has been edited by goomeister (edited 11-14-2000).)

I still love my souped-up Arada. But then, I'm a peaceful trader! 🆒


Oops. I got that wrong. Max shield boosters increase total shields by 200, not 400. An upgraded Destroyer has 1,400 shields (Not 1,600) and an upgraded Lazira has 1,550 shields (Not 1,750). Sorry for the mix-up. :redface:

May the world never rest in peace.

Alright, i did a little Destroyer vs. Lazira analysis... here's the starting stats:

Speed: 150 (sorry, don't know # values for acc/turn. Dest. has Avg/Avg, Laz has Good/Avg)
Shields: 120
Armor: 40
Guns: 3
Turrets: 3
Space: 35 Tons
Cargo: 30 Tons
Fuel: 4 jumps
Mass: 350 tons (big advantage for boarding... drawback for jumping)

Speed: 225
Shields: 135
Armor: 15
Guns: 3
Turrets: 3
Space: 40 Tons
Cargo: 50 Tons
Fuel: 6 Jumps
Mass: 65 tons (baaaad for boarding!)

Anyway.... at first, the Lazira seems better... while not better protected (40 armor vs. 15), it has better space, fuel, speed, acc, etc. However, once you sell all of the Lazira's standard stuff, you have a total of 170 tons of space (including original 40). The destroyer, after selling all the standards has 210 space (including original 30). I added 3 Neutron turrets, a layer of dospect, 4 shield enhancers, 2 fuel tanks/scoops, a burner, all the speed upgrades. (and all the non-weight-sensor-upgrades stuff). And there was still space left over for other special addons.

When I tried to spice the Lazira up, I ran out of space. I ended up with 3 Neutron turrets, a layer of dospect, 4 enhancers, a burner, and all speed upgrades.... and there's no space left. While the Lazira is faster and can handle better than the Destroyer in it's upgraded mode, the Destroyer can pack a bigger punch. It's even better protected now.


Every thing you say to me
Takes me one step closer the edge
And I'm about to break
• AIM: CrazyJ617 • B-net: Flatulence • (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc •

Yup. The Destroyer is a tad more powerful than the Lazira, probably because you have tons of space for upgrades and secondary weapons. I totally agree with your analysis. Oh, and for future reference: the shield and armor ratings in the ship info window (When you're buying a ship) are 1/10th the actual numbers. For example, if it says 100 shields and 30 armor, you actually have 1000 shields and 300 armor to work with.

What the hell does mass have to do with chance to capture ships? It's all in the ammount of crew you have, plus a random factor to make things interesting. All mass does is affect the ammount of days you spend in hyperjump (Lazzy takes 1 day, Destroyer takes 3 days, making it bad for rush deliveries) and how much impact weapons have on your ship (Destroyer is harder to knock around with rockets and such). The ammount of time it takes to get out of a system is stored in a flag in the shďp resource (Look at the EV:O Bible for more on the subject).

May the world never rest in peace.

(This message has been edited by goomeister (edited 11-15-2000).)

My favortie thing to do is build up a task force of medium-heavy vessels, and then use them to swarm enemy ships. Carrier-class ships are pretty good as escorts, since when the fighters die all you have to do is jump and they'll regenerate. 😄

Still, I usually get a UE Carrier, add as many weapons as I can, max out the fighter bay, and hire one other Carrier and five Destroyers. That group is a killer one pretty much anywhere, but they're not so tough as to make the game unchallenging.

really wants to find Final Fantasy Tactics...

"What makes you think she is a witch?"
"Well, she turned me into a newt!!"
"A newt?"
"I got better..."

Goo, I thought I had the Crew ## there, but I didn't. my bad.

Every thing you say to me
Takes me one step closer the edge
And I'm about to break
• AIM: CrazyJ617 • B-net: Flatulence • (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc •

This is to goomeister. If you look at the data files in EVO you will see that a neutron cannon is as powerful as the turret. I know what the picture shows but the data file does not lie. So if you change over to N cannons you can have an extra 45 in space to play with. It is just as easy to hit a Voinian with cannon because they arn't moving to fast.

Gee, I think there's another medium size ship that isn't really getting enough credit here... the Miranu Gunship! Hang on, I'll grab the stats...

Cargo: 25
shields: 800
armor: 250
accel: 500 (very good)
speed: 250
shield recharge rate: 150 (lower is better)
guns/turrets: 3
crew: 3
space: 35
fuel: 6 jumps

Not really incredible, but I have a soft spot for the dorky-looking M. Gunship. 😄 😄 😄 It's got mucho space once you take off the SAD launchers, and it has decent shields and speed. Upgraded, it can be really nice for a mid-game ship.

Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

Answering to the first question of this topic, I must say I like "Armored Tanks"ships with as much maneuverability and speed as possible.

Reading this topic, I think you forgot the UE Cruiser which is an excellent ship and with many upgrades it is even better.

Captain Orne