QUERY: Best Weapons

Okay, here is what I was wondering: What are the best weapons? To be more specific, here are some more defined questions:

1. What is the non-guided, rocket-like weapon?

2. What is the best turret?

3. What is the best homing weapon?

4. What is the overral best weapon for all circumstances?

I don't really mind if you give your opinion, but I do appreciate reasons. And no cheat weapons! Like the disco machine gun and forklift! Enhanced Neutron Turrets also don't count, and neither does the Igadzra Beam. Stick with weapons you can buy. You can also e-mail me.

-Captain Carnotaur

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!

I would have to say Defense Pods. It is so fun to sit over Mira nad demand tribute with eight launchers spewing out pods.

Books of the new millennia:Left Behind, Tribulaton Force, Nicolae, Soul Harvest, Apollyon, Assassins, The Indwelling, The Mark.

If I had to pick a turret, it would be phase. For a non-guided weapon, space mines...they are just good. Ummm, the best guided missle is the Pursuit. As for the overall weapon, you have got to love Dipsy rockets. Yeah, I know, I'm screwed if I attack voinians, but I attack UE so it don't matter.

Harry Rules!
Why is phonics not spelled the way it sounds?
Great game, gotta check it out!(url="http://"http://pub29.ezboard.com/b20")--20--(/url)


1. I'm very partial to fighter bays. I think they're much more useful than any missile-pod-module secondary... although, maybe they could as "homing secondaries".. I dunno, I like the bays.

2. I only use the neutron turrets. Blaze/Emalgha have too much spread, you have to be REALLY close to hit the enemy... phase just don't do enough damage. Neutron turrets have GREAT range. Their only drawback is how slow they are to lock onto the target..... that can be a serious pain if fighters are swarming you... but, of course, that's what the siphon is for.

3. Hunter missiles. Although they're so damn heavy, they pack a punch like no other.

4. Neutron turret. It presents very little need for a secondary.

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Id have to say a blaze turret it is better than a phase because of the armor damage, better than a neutron because it only takes 2o tons of space rather than the neutrons 30 tons. Better than the emalgha because it does more damage to shields. The best rocket is the turreted rocketbecause it aims at the target by itself and you dont have to turn toward the target. I dislike all free floating devices because they are hard to aim. The best guided weapon is the hunter, it does a lot of damage for a seeking weapon.

A quetsion that should be added is the best fighter. I like the Zidagar fighters.

Okay, another question:

5. What is the Best Fighter Bay?

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!

Best Fighter bay? Probably the UE fighter bay. (You can buy it in some plugs)

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Email me at:grahamgoff@hotmail.com

Uh, the Azdara bay is the best bay, but it's not always convenient. It takes up mucho space, the Fighters are expensive, but it releases them all very quickly and they are awesome Fighters.

Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

For EVO:

1.Dis. Rockets, Powerful and accurate

2.(1) Phase, Long range & accurate (2) Neutron, Power to the people!

3.SAEs, Fires three at a time, STRONG


5.(1) Zidagar Bay, Strong fighters, Releases quick (2)Azdara Bay, ALOT of fighters, Fast,
Releases quick

For EV:

1.Heavy rocket, POWERFUL

2.Proton, strong

3.Missiles, It is soooooo obvious.


5.Manta Bay


(This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 11-19-2000).)

1. Turreted Rocket, because it's so much easier to aim them.

2. Neutron, power.

3. Hunter, homing capabilities/power.

4. Neutron Turret, power.



Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Okay, here is what I was wondering: What are the best weapons? To be more specific, here are some more defined questions:

1. What is the non-guided, rocket-like weapon?

2. What is the best turret?

3. What is the best homing weapon?

4. What is the overral best weapon for all circumstances?

I don't really mind if you give your opinion, but I do appreciate reasons. And no cheat weapons! Like the disco machine gun and forklift! Enhanced Neutron Turrets also don't count, and neither does the Igadzra Beam. Stick with weapons you can buy. You can also e-mail me.

-Captain Carnotaur


Here are my responses:
() Non-guided weapon: The Plasma Siphon! Best fighter elimination weapon around. 'Nuff said.
) Turret: Neutron Turrets. High damage, good range, good fire rate when you have at least 3.
() Guided weapon: SAEs. Good damage, long range, almost un-jammable.
) Best weapon: Neutron Turrets. Good in any situation.
(*) Best Fighter: Azdara. Six invincible, ultra-fast fighters are unstoppable.
Those are (In my opinion) the best weapons in the game.

May the world never rest in peace.

(This message has been edited by goomeister (edited 11-18-2000).)

The Phased Beam Turret might be the best turret if you're flying a Miranu Courier or something else with a lot of fuel. Otherwise stick with Neutron and Phase.

Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

1 :Dispersal Rockets
2:Blaze-Almost even armor/sheild damage, great rate of fire and pushes small and medium ships away from you as you fire.
3:Hunter missles (But I hate having to travel so far to refit more of them on my ship)
What sucks is that Sad's and Sae's seem to work best in human space, but you need to travel so far to get some more that they seem useless altogether.I would choose them if they actually worked in most places.
4:Normal Heavy Rockets
5:UE fighter bay

Visit my site (url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/indie/thecatacomb/index.html")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)
Email me at:grahamgoff@hotmail.com


Originally posted by Jorinn:
3. Hunter, homing capabilities/power.


You've got to be kidding!?


(This message has been edited by Nova6 (edited 11-19-2000).)

Nova, allow me to introduce you to this thing called "personal opinion"......

"I know Kung Fu"
"Show me"
• AIM: CrazyJ617 • B-net: Flatulence • (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro &default;=8")Search(/url), inc •