Stupid Mistake Needs Fixing

I'm working the Voinian/UE war. I did the mission for the Emalgha to take out outpost Romit. I finished the mission, landed, and then slipped and hit the return key before getting the next mission. Now I need to get back on board to get the next mission in the series. They won't take bribes. My UE Cruiser can't take the defense fleet out. How do I get back onto Outpost Romit to continue the mission series? I know I'm not the first one to make this mistake...

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Chris FOM


(This message has been edited by chrisfom (edited 11-17-2000).)

Is the Gov. Voinian or Emalgha?

The folowing statement is true. The preciding statement is false.
Books of the new millinea:Left Behind, Tribulaton Force, Nicolai, Soul Harvest, Apollyon, Assasins, The Indwelling, The Mark.


Originally posted by chrisfom:
**I'm working the Voinian/UE war. I did the mission for the Emalgha to take out outpost Romit. I finished the mission, landed, and then slipped and hit the return key before getting the next mission. Now I need to get back on board to get the next mission in the series. They won't take bribes. My UE Cruiser can take the defense fleet out. How do I get back onto Outpost Romit to continue the mission series? I know I'm not the first one to make this mistake...

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I hate to say this, but, you're screwed. If you completed the Voinian missions (Yes, it is possible to complete the Voinian and UE missions. You just need to get a fake ID and proceed normally with the UE missions), just capture the planet at DSN-1156 system (It has a weak defense fleet) and get a mission to the station (I think the planet has a mission computer. If it doesn't, then you're really stuck). If you haven't done the Voinian missions, then you're completely, hopelessly stuck without some hacking in ResEdit.

May the world never rest in peace.

So what do I need to hack, and how do I go about doing it? I've been playing the game for a few years, just like trying it different ways (ever tried completeing a mission series using ONLY ships and techs of that species?). This, however, has me lost. Where does ResEdit store the legal status for each system,aand what do I need to do to change it? Or even flip the mission bit? I really don't want to start this pilot over, and there has to be a way to figure this out.


Chris FOM



Okay. I've had this problem before, and the only way that I've found to get around it is to dominate the enemy planet. This is done by hailing them, then demanding tribute. If your combat rating is below Deadly, they will just laugh at you. If it is deadly or above, out comes the defence fleet. Destroy all the ships in the defence fleet (yes, there is an end to them) and then hail the planet and demand tribute again. The planet's status will change to "dominated" and you can land whenever you like. If you can defeat their defence fleet it should be smooth sailing. Don't give up!

Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

And after you dominate it, release it from servitude if you're afraid to fight the bounty hunters (I was freaked out the first time I dominated a planet just to get a mission on it and all those bounty hunters came after me). Otherwise, enjoy killing and capturing those (url="http://"")Crescent Warships(/url) they throw at you wherever you go (until of course you kill enough of them that they don't want you any more :frown:).

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
"Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?"--Charlie McCarthy

I think the mission in the bar takes you to outpost alpha. I would go there and check their bar just in case. That's my idea short of hacking. I am not sure it will work but you might as well give it a shot.

For a quick easy hack, I wouldn't call it cheating b/c of the circumstances, you'll need resedit and the evo bible. Both available in the addons section of this web site. First open up the file that comes with the bible, its called something like templates, open it with res edit, then open the second data file with res edit. Copy the templates from the template file over to the data file (this will make it easier to change back later) then save and open up the spob resource in the data file. Locate Outpost Romit and open it up. Scroll down till you see mincoolnessfield, remember the value there, then set it to -999 or some greater negative number. Save and quit then you should be able to land. It is probably a good idea to back up your data file before editing it, so you don't have to reinstall if you make a mistake.

All that from memory, hopefully its correct 🙂



Originally posted by Jubee on diff com:
I think the mission in the bar takes you to outpost alpha. I would go there and check their bar just in case. That's my idea short of hacking. I am not sure it will work but you might as well give it a shot.

That won't work! The mission starts on Outpost Romit and only Outpost Romit. You can't get a mission from it's destination! That's stupid! If you want to capture the station (Or any other planet) easily, you can get the I RULE!!! plug from the Add-Ons page. Although I don't advocate cheating, in this case, I think it would be justified.

May the world never rest in peace.

(This message has been edited by goomeister (edited 11-16-2000).)

Thanks for the help. One quick use of I RULE later, I am back on track. Needless to say, the plug-in has already left my hard-drive. Cheats are for wimps. Thanks again for your help.
