Nebula Exploration

I have beaten one of the main objectives for EVO: Exploring the nebula. But on a new pilot, I can't remember where the string starts. Anybody know?

Safey Tip: Lock the doors. And hope they don't have blasters.
--Star Wars, Episode 4, "A New Hope"

The answer is Station Pybin.

"Veni, Vidi, Vici" "I came, I saw, I conqeured." Julius Caeser "The revolution is over. I am the revolution."Napoleon Bonparte Join against Bush, Visit and tell your parents to vote Gore

You be WRONG! There's a pre-mission first.

"Do not try to bend the spoon, that is impossible.... instead... only try to realize the truth"
"The truth?"
"There is no spoon"
- AIM: CrazyJ617 - Bnet: Flatulence - (url="http://" &default;=8")search(/url)

If i said Blaga would you get angry at me?

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It starts anywhere in Miranu core space with a mission to deliver goods to an Iggy world. Imir will hunt you down and say something like, "or efforts towards the Igadzra have paid off! would you like a mission for 500,000 credits?" or something. I think this is available after you join the MTC. If you want more definite info, just search. (Please don't kill me, Flatulence tremble tremble)

Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.


Originally posted by watzerman:
**I have beaten one of the main objectives for EVO: Exploring the nebula. But on a new pilot, I can't remember where the string starts. Anybody know?


First, you get a mission to take <classified> to an Igadzra world. This mission appears on any Miranu core world. Then (Also on any Miranu core world), Imir tells you that their overtures toward the Igadzra have paid off, etc, etc. It should be obvious from there.

May the world never rest in peace.


Originally posted by Samurai:
**It starts anywhere in Miranu core space with a mission to deliver goods to an Iggy world. Imir will hunt you down and say something like, "or efforts towards the Igadzra have paid off! would you like a mission for 500,000 credits?" or something. I think this is available after you join the MTC. If you want more definite info, just search. (Please don't kill me, Flatulence tremble tremble)

grrrrrrrr hmmmm... we'll let the traitor live.... for a while šŸ˜„

"Do not try to bend the spoon, that is impossible.... instead... only try to realize the truth"
"The truth?"
"There is no spoon"
Ā• AIM: CrazyJ617 Ā• B-net: Flatulence Ā• (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc Ā•


Originally posted by goomeister:
**First, you get a mission to take <classified> to an Igadzra world. This mission appears on any Miranu core world. Then (Also on any Miranu core world), Imir tells you that their overtures toward the Igadzra have paid off, etc, etc. It should be obvious from there.


Thanks. I'll try it.

Safey Tip: Lock the doors. And hope they don't have blasters.
--Star Wars, Episode 4, "A New Hope"
Philosiphy: "Always ask yourself the questions you cannot answer."
-- Journeyman Project 3