Conquering Planets...

Here's a real brain stumper for y'all.
Can you conquer all the planets in the EVO universe.
I only need two more systems to conquer, the Igadzra homeworld & Gadzair.
Damn those Council members are tough.
Having a fleet of five CW's comin at ya, aint the easiest thing to handle...
Even with a fleet of seven Igazra (THE BEST SHIP)!!!

Micah James Henderson

Yes. It's damn possible. Council station is probably the toughest, so I recommend getting some escorts with fighters (like UE cruisers, Aggy warships, etc.) Takes forever, but if you're almost there, good luck! 😄

Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

What's so good about fighter escorts, I already have six other Igazra's.
I've been at it for a least six days. I'll need more than luck.
I need cheats!

Micah James Henderson

There can only be 32 ships in a system, so when you have all the fighters out it lets less ships at a time out of the station. If you get enough then only 1 ship can come out.

The folowing statement is true. The preciding statement is false.
Books of the new millinea:Left Behind, Tribulaton Force, Nicolai, Soul Harvest, Apollyon, Assasins, The Indwelling, The Mark.

Yah, did Iggy's World w/a CW once. Others are entirely correct though; if you have a bunch of escorts w/lots of fighters in their bays, they will effectively prevent too many "militia" ships from attacking at once, and if they're fast (like Adzaras) you'll never get scratched. Don't go to sleep though, you never know when something wierd could happen, and who wants to repeat another 2 hours of watching the screen?

How was I supposed to know that murder can sometimes smell like honeysuckle?

It is impossible to conquer all the sytems in one pilot without making serious changes to the missions in EVO.

While you can conquer every system that is curretnly visible, there are visbit systems.

So, to conquer everything, you'd have to conquer all visable systems, do the missions for every single race, and conquer all the visbit systems that come out of that. guys should have figured that out. 😛

"If a frog had wings, it wouldn't hit its tail on the ground. That's too hypothetical." -George Bush, talking (or trying to talk) about unemployment benefits.
AIM-OctoberFost (b)
(url="http://"")October Development(/url)

One problem Oct. Fost...

Outpost Zachit, Outpost Avaan{sp?}, and 2 of the human renegade systems are destroyed through missions....

Any others I missed??? And don't get me started with those frilling nomadic Azzies..

There, I've proven it impossible to conquer every system and keep the highest amount of tribute income... I'm so happy.


Originally posted by A silly Alien#5672:
**One problem Oct. Fost...

Outpost Zachit, Outpost Avaan{sp?}, and 2 of the human renegade systems are destroyed through missions....

Any others I missed??? And don't get me started with those frilling nomadic Azzies..

There, I've proven it impossible to conquer every system and keep the highest amount of tribute income... I'm so happy.**

Well, I was saying that it was impossible becasue you can't do missions for a race ANR its oponent. So I proved it impossible first. Read more throughly 😛

"If a frog had wings, it wouldn't hit its tail on the ground. That's too hypothetical." -George Bush, talking (or trying to talk) about unemployment benefits.
AIM-OctoberFost (b)
(url="http://"")October Development(/url)

You can do the triple agent plug.

The folowing statement is true. The preciding statement is false.
Books of the new millinea:Left Behind, Tribulaton Force, Nicolai, Soul Harvest, Apollyon, Assasins, The Indwelling, The Mark.

Silly is right... I gotta stop sittin so close to the screen...

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...
Alien's famous tongue...
"Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...
SEARCH..... THEN...... ASK!!!!