Simple newbie question...

How do I join the Renegades? Whenever I get near them, they light me up...I managed to land on a base in one of their systems, my shuttle getting beat up in the process, but they offered no missions, obviously. Do I just need to kill UE ships for a while? If so, approximately how many? Help a newbie 😉

"Fear eats people."

You need to make Iothe Prime mad at you and land there. You also need at least a "Below Average" combat rating. Once you land at Iothe you need to go to the bar and you should get a mission from one of the captins of freeport. And you should have a ship that is a LOT

Hehe yes, I was just using a shuttle because I started a new pilot in order to try joining. I thought maybe they don't like me 'cause I'm a UE d00d. Does it matter what I do aside from that? Can I boost my rating by killing Renegade ships and still join? Can I do the UE missions? I have a scout ship now, thinking of getting a Helian before I start upping my rating. Or do you think a scout is enough?

Thanks 😃

"Fear eats people."

(This message has been edited by gonff (edited 10-31-2000).)

You can kill whoever you want as long as when you try to land on Iothe to get the mission you have them mad at you. I like being in a Voinian ship for the missions, though. Not just because they are more-or-less my favorite ship but because you have to battle a LOT

Helian is nice.... but you'll want AT LEAST a turncoat...

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...
Alien's famous tongue...
"Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...
AIM: StrikerDragon

Even if you join the renegades, most of them will still shoot at you, so it's pretty useless. Terrible, isn't it, how disunited all the renegades are? And you'll need at least an (url="http://"")Arada(/url) to be successful with the renegades.

Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"") !

(This message has been edited by shayborg (edited 11-21-2000).)

Hmm, really...
I'm actually beginning to feel quite at home with the UE. Having fun blasting those little rebel fools with my new Helian. Whee. Guess I'll stay around with the big bad government after all 🙂

"Fear eats people."

Since you already went over to the dark side I'll tell you this: You can still do the renegade missions. You just can't join the best goverment anymore.

I guss Hucked on Fonex werked fer you tew.

You shouldn't call yourself a newbie/Munchkin, it lowers people's opinions of you.



Originally posted by shayborg:
**Even if you join the renegades, most of them will still shoot at you, so it's pretty useless.

Download my Plug-in EVO Govt Fixer form Ambrosias site and that will change. And Truncoats suck, so don't get one. They're too clumsey for thier strengh.

"Don't worry - that red flashing light proably doesn't mean anything..."
"Then why did the escape pod just launch?"
"Oh ****!"
Cuz i'm a 21st-century digital boy


Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
You need to make Iothe Prime mad at you and land there. You also need at least a "Below Average" combat rating. Once you land at Iothe you need to go to the bar and you should get a mission from one of the captins of freeport. And you should have a ship that is a ** LOT**

Get some missions at the mission coumputer and abort them 1 at a time. Go back to the bar between each abort. If that doesn't work get a better combat rating and try again.

The folowing statement is true. The preciding statement is false.
Books of the new millinea:Left Behind, Tribulaton Force, Nicolai, Soul Harvest, Apollyon, Assasins, The Indwelling, The Mark.