Improving EVO...

A few months ago, there was a post here called "Realism in EV3 or EV4" - It was about things that people would want to change in EVO. I have been making a plug-in incorperation several of those changes, and many more. THe plug-in, EVO Enancer, is almost ready for initial release. So this post is to find out if there are any other things that people would want to change. A few of the changes already made: weapons are stored in cargo space, some outfits have been added that are unique to certian planets/stations, mercenaries have been added in NT and ST, etc.

"Don't worry - that red flashing light proably doesn't mean anything..."
"Then why did the escape pod just launch?"
"Oh ****!"
Cuz i'm a 21st-century digital boy


Originally posted by 21st Century Digital Boy:
**A few months ago, there was a post here called "Realism in EV3 or EV4" - It was about things that people would want to change in EVO. I have been making a plug-in incorperation several of those changes, and many more. THe plug-in, EVO Enancer, is almost ready for initial release. So this post is to find out if there are any other things that people would want to change. A few of the changes already made: weapons are stored in cargo space, some outfits have been added that are unique to certian planets/stations, mercenaries have been added in NT and ST, etc.

Be able to outfit your escorts. That would rule. Plus, be able to sell the ships that you have captured. Maybe for half the going price on a certain planet....

"Do not try to bend the spoon, that is impossible.... instead... only try to realize the truth"
"The truth?"
"There is no spoon"
AiM: CrazyJ617

Hey, he's just writing a plug! There are limitations, you know...

At least, I know. Do you know? Heh...

(url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)


Originally posted by Flatulence:
**Be able to outfit your escorts. That would rule. Plus, be able to sell the ships that you have captured. Maybe for half the going price on a certain planet....

You can't re-write the engine with a plug-in.

Bart Simpson Quote of the Day:
Bart : Is Jacques there?
Moe : Who?
Bart : Jacques, last name Strap.

I'll have you notice that he just asked about changes that people want made, not specifically ones he could add to his plug 😄

But, I know, playing with escorts is impossible... but, it'd be a nice EV3 touch.

"Do not try to bend the spoon, that is impossible.... instead... only try to realize the truth"
"The truth?"
"There is no spoon"
AiM: CrazyJ617

See below

(This message has been edited by Captian LeGrenadier (edited 11-01-2000).)

Have a hidden system where you can buy all the ships and outfits in the game. Make this directly under another system and call it the same name as the system on top of it. Make it look the same in the map screen too, buy giving it the same services and comodities. This system can only be accessed by a one way link from only one other nearby system, and all the links out of it are one way only. These links are hidden under the normal two way links that go to the "normal" system. If implemented correctly, it could be really cool. 🆒

(P.S. this would be a "fix" because if you look at the screenshots, there is a system where you can buy all the ships and outfits)

Relax, were not in trouble yet!


Originally posted by Captian LeGrenadier:
**Have a hidden system where you can buy all the ships and outfits in the game. Make this directly under another system and call it the same name as the system on top of it. Make it look the same in the map screen too, buy giving it the same services and comodities. This system can only be accessed by a one way link from only one other nearby system, and all the links out of it are one way only. These links are hidden under the normal two way links that go to the "normal" system. If implemented correctly, it could be really cool.🆒

Great idea. There's something similar to that in one of the Beta Star Trek Plugs, but it's different enough so I could include it.

"Don't worry - that red flashing light proably doesn't mean anything..."
"Then why did the escape pod just launch?"
"Oh ****!"
Cuz i'm a 21st-century digital boy