Perfered Ships

What are you're faviorate ships w/ upgrades? My ship is an Igzara with either space bomos ar a c. fihgter bay and dispy rockets. I would fly a UE cruiser, but they're too clumsey for me.

"Don't worry - that red flashing light proably doesn't mean anything..."
"Then why did the escape pod just launch?"
"Oh ****!"
Cuz i'm a 21st-century digital boy

Enhanced Dreadnaught w/speed, turning and aceleration upgrades and as many guns as I can fit on the thing. If I can put secondary weapons on there to... well, you don't want to fight me. Posted Image

I guss Hucked on Fonex werked fer you tew.


Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
**Enhanced Dreadnaught w/speed, turning and aceleration upgrades and as many guns as I can fit on the thing. If I can put secondary weapons on there to... well, you don't want to fight me.Posted Image

I'll take you on any day - with my other pilot - an adzara with an enhanced shield generator and doposect armor. Posted Image to you too. That ship's as clost to invincible as you can get. But i don't play with it much, because then the game gets pretty boring.

"Don't worry - that red flashing light proably doesn't mean anything..."
"Then why did the escape pod just launch?"
"Oh ****!"
Cuz i'm a 21st-century digital boy

I love my (url="http://"")Crescent Warship(/url) with Dospect armor and some other junk. The best ship in the game to fly, though, is probably the (url="http://"")UE Cruiser(/url), just because it's so powerful and hard to destroy. Of course, that doesn't count (url="http://"")the Dreadnought(/url) and definitely not the Enhanced dreadnought. Those are pretty much invincible cheat ships. The (url="http://"")Voinian Cruisers(/url) are strong too, but they can't touch the UE cruisers.

Visit my EVO web site (currently under construction) and tell me how it looks (via the poll at the bottom of the page or the guestbook)! It's at (url="http://"") !
I can't think of anything else to write...

My favorite ship is an enhanced Igazra.... add all the miranu upgrades, and it handles like an arada 😄
It also has Dospect armor, Neutron turrets, and when I'm in the mood, either hunter rockets or defense pods as secondaries.

"Do not try to bend the spoon, that is impossible.... instead... only try to realize the truth"
"The truth?"
"There is no spoon"
AiM: CrazyJ617

I like my UE Carrier with Neutron Turrets, all the reg (d scanner,iff decoder and fuel tanks),speed upgrades and lots of other stuff.Plus i sold the bay for 120 tons.

Visit my site (url="http://"")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)


Originally posted by The Catacomb:
**I like my UE Carrier with Neutron Turrets, all the reg (d scanner,iff decoder and fuel tanks),speed upgrades and lots of other stuff.Plus i sold the bay for 120 tons.

If you sold the bay, you used a plug. If you used a plug, your ship isn't legit.

Simple logic. Gotta love the Modus Ponens.

"Do not try to bend the spoon, that is impossible.... instead... only try to realize the truth"
"The truth?"
"There is no spoon"
AiM: CrazyJ617

It was EVO fixer!That plug simply makes the game less of a pain at times.

Visit my site (url="http://"")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)

I have a legit. Drednought w. brontev plating and dospect armor, a plasma siphon and 5 phase turrets. It can cut through any crecent ship like a hot nife through vionian hide, and it has all the speed enhancements. Tell me that's not cool! 😄 😉 :eek:

Relax, were not in trouble yet!

Wow. I sure feel sorry for those poor "Vionians", being cut with such a hot "Nife". Whatever those are.

I guss Hucked on Fonex werked fer you tew.


Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
**Wow. I sure feel sorry for those poor "Vionians", being cut with such a hot "Nife". Whatever those are.

BWHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. sorry. that cracked me up. You missed the "Drednought" though 😄

"Do not try to bend the spoon, that is impossible.... instead... only try to realize the truth"
"The truth?"
"There is no spoon"
AiM: CrazyJ617

I decided that "Dreadnaught" was hard enough to spell as to let me let him off the hook for that. I must get back to writing my story now.

I guss Hucked on Fonex werked fer you tew.