Igadzra missions

Does anyone know how to get missions for Igadzra?
How much I even work my reputation up I can´t seem to get any! 😕



Originally posted by Lampjock:
**Does anyone know how to get missions for Igadzra?
How much I even work my reputation up I can´t seem to get any! 😕

Do a search before you ask a question. If you don't know how to do a search, look to the upper right corner under "New Topic," and "Post Reply."


The world of Kitrak in Miranu space.A 1 or 2 day jump ship required though.

Visit my site (url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/indie/thecatacomb/index.html")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)


Originally posted by The Catacomb:
**The world of Kitrak in Miranu space.A 1 or 2 day jump ship required though.

They won't learn to do a search if you keep helping them.

To Lampjock: I'm sorry for being mean, but the same questions appear over and over on this board, so, when you have a question, use the search feature.


This board is dying so i think any conversation is good.

Visit my site (url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/indie/thecatacomb/index.html")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)


Originally posted by The Catacomb:
**This board is dying so i think any conversation is good.

Conversation is good -- but not conversations that have taken place thirty times already.


Then leave this conversation.

Visit my site (url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/indie/thecatacomb/index.html")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)

SEARCH..... THEN...... ASK!!!!!

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...
Alien's famous tongue...
"Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...
AIM: StrikerDragon


I guss Hucked on Fonex werked fer you tew.


Originally posted by The Catacomb:
**Then leave this conversation.

This conversation should not even exist. If people searched before asking, like they're supposed to do, we wouldn't have this conversation in every single topic that asks a question. Alien is right. Search, then, if you didn't find results, or the results were unclear, ask. That's how it goes. It's acceptable when it's someone's first post, but, unless you tell new people to search before asking, they will never learn to do so, and we will have this same conversation again as soon as this topic slips off the front page of the board. So shut the hell up , because you know that I am right!

Bart Simpson Blackboard Quote of the Day: "I will not mock Mrs. Dumbface."


Originally posted by skyblade:
**This conversation should not even exist. If people searched before asking, like they're supposed to do, we wouldn't have this conversation in every single topic that asks a question. Alien is right. Search, then, if you didn't find results, or the results were unclear, ask. That's how it goes. It's acceptable when it's someone's first post, but, unless you tell new people to search before asking, they will never learn to do so, and we will have this same conversation again as soon as this topic slips off the front page of the board. So shut the hell up , because you know that I am right!

ahhh... but, this makes you ask the next question, can you leave a conversation that shouldn't exist? Maybe it is possible, but what about one that doesn't exist?

makes you think, huh?

"Do not try to bend the spoon, that is impossible.... instead... only try to realize the truth"
"The truth?"
"There is no spoon"
AiM: CrazyJ617

I wrote something rude. It is now deleted.

(This message has been edited by skyblade (edited 10-29-2000).)

Run back to Voina Lone!!! And stop messing with my head Flatulence!!!!

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...
Alien's famous tongue...
"Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...
AIM: StrikerDragon

Flatulence, 1st, of course, 2nd, of course not, 3rd, not for very long (.00274 nanoseconds).

How was I supposed to know that murder can sometimes smell like honeysuckle?

And so far the score is:

Searchers: 3
Askers: 2
Riddlers: 1

I'm all for searching, but asking is okay if you're a newbie. (I did it myself> :))


Captain Orne tries to close this topic and then sees he hasn't enough power for that 🙂

Captain Orne

(This message has been edited by Captain Orne (edited 10-31-2000).)