Why no "Reign of the UE?"


Originally posted by UE Patriot:
**Just keeping this thing on top of the board!:) 🙂 🙂
By the way, has anyone besides me thought of what is going to become of those Voinian worlds the UE conquers? It's just wouldn't be right to have half of the UE being "UE Frontier" at the end. I think that perhaps they should be annexed to the UE, w/Voinians & other aliens having equal rights w/humans. All you plug-in makers, what do you think?

God bless,

UE Patriot


Or there could be a new government called "UE Territorial" that controls all Voinian worlds or something.

Visit my EVO web site (currently under construction) and tell me how it looks (via the poll at the bottom of the page or the guestbook)! It's at (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/evosite")http://www.geocities.com/evosite(/url) !
I can't think of anything else to write...

this is my solution to the whole "what of former Voinian Empire?" question. I think that, for most of the game, the conquered Voinian space will be UE Frontier until after the completion of the Battle of Voina. (The battle where you defeat the last remnant of the Voinian fleet & then return to somewhere) After the Battle of Voina, the UE Pariliament will fully annex the Voinian space, making it full UE space, as UE as Earth and Centauri! Only trouble is, when making the Voinian worlds that would be conquered Ambroisia decided that the mission #s (you'll see them in EV-Edit) that would "eliminate" a certain star system and "create" the replacement (liek replece the Voinian Obron system w/a UE Frontier Obron system) the same. So therefore, the only way to change those worlds AGAIN is to go back and to change somw of the mission #s. So could anybody tell me the names of the missions that liberate Romit (& change Fridion's stuff- after the liberation of Romit it goes from "jumping off point" to something about Voinians fearing Emalghons or something but stays Voinian) and Gamur and Gualon and Obron & possibly Isled (possible UE colonization?) It would be very nice! 🙂

God bless,

UE Patriot


But then the rebellion comes. Coupled with the Emalgha's new found greed for territory and the fact that the UEs had taken most of their ships out of Voinian space it was devestating. The Voimalgha(As the races after the allience were called) manged to reach Earth again. The battle was masseve. The Voinians with their new "Ultra Dreadnaughts" holding the new "V-19" fighters and the Emalgha with their new "Super Carriers" with 10 Emalgha "Gnats" fighting the new "UE Hammerhead" with "UE Gunboats" in her bays. This was the final battle. Whichever side won would controal the Galxey. After hundreds of thousends of casultys and the destuction of Luna and Mars from all the stray weapons fire it ended in a stale mate. All points to the galactic west of earth are Voimalgha. All points between that and Omm are United Earth. The Earth cannot survive much longer since the Moon is gone so there are no tides so sea farming is much less effecint and Centari is gone so almost no food can be imported. All the best estimets say the Earth has 100 years before the lack overtakes the production and the stockpiled food. The United Earth Empire has, for the last 70 years, been throwing all the ships it can at Centari to try to get it's food supply back. So far the Voimalgha have held onto it. All humans know that when Earth falls the fall of the rest of United Earth space is only a matter of time. Into this you are born. Somehow you survive the constant bomings of Earth. You have grown into a young man. The Earth only has 5 years of food left. Every trader is assinged to ship food to Earth to lengthen its life. Most of the shipments don't make planet fall. You scrape credets together doing work you would rather not remeber. After five more years you have enough credits to buy a shuttle.
Then the food runs out.
The Earth is throwen into a panic. People are trying to find any ship they can to get off the planet. You make a small fortion shipping people off planet for twenty thousend creds a head. Fianaly everone is off planet. The remsinets of the Fleet cause the sun to go nova destroying a large part of the Voimalgha fleet. It also causes the system to be so hot that the odd atom can burn straight through shields and burn a hole straight through even an Ultra Dreadnaught. All hyper links to the Sol system were closed so that no ships would wander in by accedent and be destroyed. The Humans, with the destruction of their home system, finaly gave up their pride and appeled to the strands asking for them to stop their war and help them destroy the Voimalgha or else when they defeated the Humans they wouldn't stop and they would take over all strand space as well. The Igazdra agreed after the Humans said they would give them samples of Dospect armor to try on their ships and a sample Cloking device. The Zidagar asked for Hunter missles and the collective works of Robert Frost and Willem Shakespear. The Azdgari asked for some armor as well as some UE fighters to improve and add to their fleet. All of them recived blaze cannons as well as 50 million credits. The fleets engadged the Voimalgha in the Tulir system. It was even more massive then the Second Battle Of Sol. The Igazdra engadged their cloking devices and snuck up behind numorus Ultra Dreadnaughts and destroying them before they could get through the weak armor on their ships. The Azdgari used their Super Mosqutos to great effect. They could make a pass on a Super Carrier and if it was not destroyed it could turn around and make another run and its shields would be at full. The Zidagar stayed at long range showering the Voimalgha ships with hunter missles and bad opras. Fianaly the Voimalgha were defeated. But the Strands and the United New Taranto govements were almost out of ships.

Please countinue this, somebody. My brain hurts and I'm out of ideas.

I guss Hucked on Fonex werked fer you tew.

(This message has been edited by Lonevoinian (edited 10-26-2000).)

OK< why does EVERYTHING have to end up bashing the UE? You've already got "Reign of the Voinians I & II," don't you? You want to make a "Voinalgha" (or whatever, sorry for the misspelling :redface:) plug-ing, go ahead! I was just wondering why nobody has made (thought that seems to have changed) a plug-in that, on the UE side, carries the war to its logical conclusion- the conquest of Voina and the fall of the Voinian Empire. I know you want to make everything end up bad for the humans but there enough plug-ins for that anyway. I probably won't get around to making (never mind finishing) the plugin until December-January, and it would end with the Battle of Voinia and then all of Voinia becoming UE space (actually, Voina would be the last Voinian system left before the final battle.) If anyone would like to make a sequel to it, fine. If anybody would like to make another "UE conquers Voinia" plugin, that's fine with me. If they want to "show the dark side of the UE" that's fine with me. If a lot of people want to make a lot of "UE conquers Voinian Empiure" plugins, I say go ahead. Just please stop bashing the UE in this subject thingy.
By the way, do you think anybody could make a good picture of a "UE Dreadnought?" Preferably, some free downloadable PICTs that could be used in a plugin? Thanks!

God bless,

UE Patriot


I might make one. If UE Patriot wants, then I could put Lonevoinian in it and it would be a mission to destroy him, who would be leading the Voinia defence fleet. It'd take a while though. If Lonevoinian hates this idea of him being in it, okay, I won't put him in it. I just need a few suggestions for missions.

(font color="red")The Voinian Empire shall break!(/font)

It would be OK for me to be in it. You would have to have me in my ship though.

V. Dreadnaught with 3 phase turrets, 8 enhanced nuetron turrets, 3 nuetron cannons, 1 phase cannon, Bronov, Dospect, 4 shield capacatators speed, turning and acceleration upgrades, Crec. fighter bay w/3 fighters. I think that is what I have. I know I can kill a UE carrier+fighters in about 10 seconds.

I guss Hucked on Fonex werked fer you tew.

Okaaayyy... It might never be finished, though, or it might suck. Wait about a year, and if it hasn't come out, then it'll probably never come out. As for the dreadnought, I don't see any logic at all in having weapons that are from the other side of the galaxy, when you are the main portion of the defense fleet and cannot leave.

(font color="red")The Voinian Empire shall break!(/font)

Well, it was meant for plug-ins. "You can only wonder what will happen to this fragile alliance..."


I checked my ship and I don't have any crec. weapons besides turrets. And I only have 6 neutron turrets. But I still can kick butt.

I guss Hucked on Fonex werked fer you tew.

Er, I noticed that you have crecsent fighter bays and three fighters.

(font color="red")The Voinian Empire shall break!(/font)

Yeah. That is what I ment when I said I didn't have any crec. weapons besides Phase Turrets.

I guss Hucked on Fonex werked fer you tew.


Originally posted by Lonehuman:
**(font color="red")The Voinian Empire shall break!(/font)

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