The never ending question, which Strand is best?

NOW, lets not fight over this, but rather debate peacfully 😉

I personally like the Igadzra for a couple of reasons. 1)The Igazra. Argueably (key word!) the most powerful ship in the universe. lotsa space, 5 turret spots, and the most sheilds in the game. 2)Plasma Siphon. Although not nearly as powerful in 1.0.2, still useful, and does it job. 3) I like yellow more than green or purple 🙂 4) I think the mission sting that makes the other strands think you can blow up planets is cool 5)I like the SAE modules a lot. Againist anyone but Zidagar (blast that ECM!) they are great!

I still have a lot of respect for both the other strands. Zidaras and Azdaras are both very powerful when decked out, but I find the Igazra the best.

"Escape Velocity and EVO?
oh they were really easy,
after I got the cheat
plugins..." - a phrase
heard too many times

(quote)Originally posted by Toaster:
**NOW, lets not fight over this, but rather debate peacfully:). The azdara are the best fighter (in my eyes) because of their speed, recharge, etc. but I can't see an azdara (or azdara cruser even) destroying even 1 Vorilion Cruser and a frigate. It's really a matter of choise.

So this is what I say. Get EVO Fixer and Triple agent, then get an Igzara with SAE, then give it a Azdara bay and 6 fighters. Then all the speed, turn, etc. upgrades, and use the rest of the space for shield, armour, cannon, turrets or whatever.

Or maybe I should shut up. 😉

Torn pages curl and brown. The flames fly up.
In the flickering light a cry.
Who will lift the fallen stones? Who will link the broken chain?

Rivers of fire. Even the rocks burn.
An island rises from the sea.
Dark magic in an errant phrase.


So this is what I say. Get EVO Fixer and Triple agent, then get an Igzara with SAE, then give it a Azdara bay and 6 fighters. Then all the speed, turn, etc. upgrades, and use the rest of the space for shield, armour, cannon, turrets or whatever

that's a hell of a ship 🙂

Captain Orne

(This message has been edited by Captain Orne (edited 10-05-2000).)

There was (url="http://"")another string a little while ago about that, titled "Opinion Question" (I know, I started it) (/url). There's a lot of stuff in there. Basically, most people say the Azdgari are best.

I think so too. Their weapons aren't all that special or anything, but their ships are incredible. The Adzgari warship is really hard to beat (except in my good old souped up CW 😄 ), and the Azdaras are incredible, especially the enhanced ones. Plus, their colors are spiffier than boring old banana-colored Igadzra ones.

Visit my EVO web site (currently under construction) and tell me how it looks! It's at (url="http://"") !

I can't think of anything else to write...

(This message has been edited by shayborg (edited 10-05-2000).)

(This message has been edited by shayborg (edited 10-05-2000).)

(This message has been edited by shayborg (edited 10-05-2000).)

azdgari base their power in maneuverability, the igadzra in strong ships and the zidagar are in a middle term, thats what i think.

Captain Orne

Actually, I would think the Zidagar have the best weapons/outfits. For example, the phase disruption beam and Zidagar ECM are some of the best outfits in the game. And, probably just because I don't like the Igadzra much, I think they just use brute force and size. A very ugly way to win, but I guess it works most of the time. The Adzgari, though...what finesse!

Visit my EVO web site (currently under construction) and tell me how it looks! It's at (url="http://"") !

I can't think of anything else to write...

the first strand i ever worked for was the zidagar

Captain Orne

me too. I think i picked up the mission after a cargo run to the planet.

I guss Hucked on Fonex werked fer you tew.

it is curious but i think that i had boarded a zidara near Gadzair before doin the Zidagar missions

Captain Orne

The Azdgari are my favourite, An azdgari Cruiser with all the Azdgari tech just rocks soooooo much.

(url="http://"") (url="http://"")

Adzgari. Fighters with shield regen + Dospect, oh yes.


What in the universe is an Adzgari cruiser? Is it a plug ship or something? Someone please enlighten me...

Visit my EVO web site (currently under construction) and tell me how it looks! It's at (url="http://"") !

I can't think of anything else to write...

I hate being a newbie. This is the only game I can think of where you can have a combat rateing of ultimate and still be a newbie. Where can I get these plug-ins and edit programs you guys keep taking about. I want to get a souped-up Igazra like the one mentioned.

Voinian Armor: Every world dominator needs it.

Get the plug-ins (url="http://"")here(/url).

You can get EV-Edit at (url="http://"")this(/url) site. I don't reccomend it, though. You should get Res-Edit at (url="http://"")this(/url) site.

As for being a newbie, I wouldn't worry about it. I'm still one ;). And getting a combat rating of Ultimate isn't that hard. 😉

AIM - Skyblade500
(url="http://"")Skyblade Software(/url) -- Coming soon from me, skyblade.

As for the question about the Strands, I say, Igadzra all the way. The Igazra is the most powerful ship, and they control the most space. Plus they're really secretive. You never know what they've got up their sleeves (like the Plasma Siphon, and Igadzra beam). The Azdgari are good, but I prefer the Igadzra. Oh, and the Zidagar, they are weak! They suck, and their ships suck!

AIM - Skyblade500
(url="http://"")Skyblade Software(/url) -- Coming soon from me, skyblade.

So far I agree with skyblade; the Zidigar are easy to beat and though the Azdgari are very good when it comes to sheilds, constant wear will put them down (I'm talking about the AI's here, like I said, I never bothered to finish any of the strand missions).
Oh and shayborg, two things;
1. Thanks for the help on the Crescent Station Mission
2. What is a "CW"?

"When the public finds out they're going to string us up in Martin Place!" -Nicolas Bell, Secretary to the Minister for the Games, "The Games"

CW = Crescent Warship AW = Azdgari Warship

These abbreviations are pretty common, so its a good thing you asked what a CW is. Anyway, in regards to the strands, I like the Azdgari. The Azdgari warship (or AW) is just as good (if not better) than the Igzara in AI vs. AI combat. The Azdara is sweet, there's just no getting around it. I like the Igzara okay, but it should have some sort of fighters. The Zidagar are good allies, but the Phase Beamer is not very good for a human. I like the ECM, though, it's good for beating the Disco Bison :D. And the Azdgari are much cooler than any other strand, though, so I'll vote for them as the top strand.



Originally posted by Decamto:
Oh and shayborg, two things;
1. Thanks for the help on the Crescent Station Mission
2. What is a "CW"?


1. Anytime. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I get to help someone. 🙂
2. Like Samurai said, a CW is a Crescent Warship. I really love those things...visit (url="http://"")this link(/url) for a short review of the ship (it's part of my web site available at the link below). It's awesome (both the ship and the web site, I hope)!!!

Visit my EVO web site (currently under construction) and tell me how it looks! It's at (url="http://"") !

I can't think of anything else to write...


Originally posted by skyblade:
**Get the plug-ins here.

As for being a newbie, I wouldn't worry about it. I'm still one ;). And getting a combat rating of Ultimate isn't that hard. 😉


I don't think you qualify as a newbie any've got 792 posts and counting. That's quite a few for a new person!

Visit my EVO web site (currently under construction) and tell me how it looks! It's at (url="http://"") !

I can't think of anything else to write...


I don't think you qualify as a newbie any've got 792 posts and counting. That's quite a few for a new person!

hehe, i agree 🙂

Captain Orne