The never ending question, which Strand is best?

like someone said before, a newbie is a person whos personality isn't really known, but once you can point out what their like, or a bunch of people know them, then they're not newbies.

but as for the original question, ive got a theory that works pretty well in general, newbies(i mean in the game, not the boards) prefer the Igadzra, while more experienced players prefer ships with finesse, and strands like the Azdgari.

New Windows version 98, now with 400% more bugs and error messages than windows 95
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and doesnt it make you feel better, the pigs have won tonight. They can all sleep soundly now, and everything is all right

hey pig, yeah you, hey pig piggy pig pig pig


Originally posted by RCD:
**1 Vorilion Cruser

Sweet mother of Borb! :eek:

Much as I dislike Voinians, I find such a savage name abomination shocking. I mean, I've grown used to "Vionian" by now (everyone seems to use it) and I've seen some pretty cruel stuff done to strand names, but this one tops them all. It's not even remotely related to the original. :rolleyes:

-- Cinga



Originally posted by Cinga:
**Sweet mother of Borb!:eek:

Much as I dislike Voinians, I find such a savage name abomination shocking. I mean, I've grown used to "Vionian" by now (everyone seems to use it) and I've seen some pretty cruel stuff done to strand names, but this one tops them all. It's not even remotely related to the original. :rolleyes:

I hate when people screw up the names. If they like the game enough to play it, and talk about it on the boards, how can they not even read the game text? When you select a ship, it says, 'Voinian Frigate.' Don't they read any of that? People should be banned for this offense... well, not really, but they should be ignored until they learn how to spell.

AIM - Skyblade500
(url="http://"")Skyblade Software(/url)


Originally posted by Oedipus:
**but as for the original question, ive got a theory that works pretty well in general, newbies(i mean in the game, not the boards) prefer the Igadzra, while more experienced players prefer ships with finesse, and strands like the Azdgari.

I've had the game for two years (registered for 1), and I still think the Igadzra are best. The Azdgari are good, but I prefer powerful warships to maneuverable fighters. Call me a newbie, if you wish, but I'll still like the Igadzra best.

AIM - Skyblade500
(url="http://"")Skyblade Software(/url)

As far as a "Newbies" being people who arn't well known, well this is a poor definition. I have been playing ev/evo since about 1995-1996 whenever the damn game came out and I rarely post messages on this board. Though it does have good info. Anyway I don't think I am a newbie yet by your def I would be because none of you people know who I am.


Originally posted by hollister:
As far as a "Newbies" being people who arn't well known, well this is a poor definition. I have been playing ev/evo since about 1995-1996 whenever the damn game came out and I rarely post messages on this board. Though it does have good info. Anyway I don't think I am a newbie yet by your def I would be because none of you people know who I am.

just like me 1 month ago when i didnt have a cable connection.

I like fighters and fast ships since I played Frozen Heart (remember? Tachionic(?) Fighter)

Captain Orne


Originally posted by Captain Orne:
**just like me 1 month ago when i didnt have a cable connection.

I like fighters and fast ships since I played Frozen Heart (remember? Tachionic(?) Fighter)


Don't understand your first statement. your internet connection doesn't really effect the other then how long it take to download it.


that was a good ship. I have yet to try to tackle Femme Fatale. Frozen Heart is one of the better plugs I have come accross. I wonder if femme is as good?



Originally posted by hollister:
**Don't understand your first statement. your internet connection doesn't really effect the other then how long it take to download it.


that was a good ship. I have yet to try to tackle Femme Fatale. Frozen Heart is one of the better plugs I have come accross. I wonder if femme is as good?


what I meant with my first statement was that I came to the board but didn't post cuz with a modem connection, time is money 😉

Captain Orne


Originally posted by Captain Orne:
**what I meant with my first statement was that I came to the board but didn't post cuz with a modem connection, time is money;)


I guess I just don't get it. It really doesn't take much to post here. I run a modem at home and have DSL at work. Not really that much difference unless I am downloading. Page do load faster, but what's 30 seconds more.

My strand ratings are: Zidagar-best, Azardi (sp?), and Izagrar-worst (sp). I'll tell you why.

a) You join the Zs by destroying renegades!
🆒 You can't do the As starting mission w/ a UE Crusier 😄
c) The Is attack the Miranu in the Nebula Penetration Missions

BTW, give me a break from the spelling... I'm really young.

Max B-H

"I've taken the disperser out of the loop and run the cables through the initiator power intake on the engine power system. The feedback energy is just accumulating in the repulsor system. When the power level is high enough, I'll reset the feedback power breaker and dump the energy right into the initiator intake on the engine power systems."
"Jump-start it," Han said. "I'm going to jumpstart it."


Originally posted by macmaxbh:
**BTW, give me a break from the spelling... I'm really young.

AIM - Skyblade500
(url="http://"")Skyblade Software(/url)

I think most people will agree that when arguing which strand is best it comes down to Igdarza and the Azidgar. However, get either of their top ships, equip it with bronev plating and you have yourself one hell of a mission. By the way, you can still do the UE missions and have access to it. Just do the voinian missions first, and then once you start doing UE missions periodically go back to voinian space and do one of those save our planet missionsand you'll be fine. Right now i'm enemies with UE frontier but i think its worth it.



Originally posted by widowmaker:
**I think most people will agree that when arguing which strand is best it comes down to Igdarza and the Azidgar.

Well, I don't agree with you. Since there is no Igdarza, and there is no Azidgar.

AIM - Skyblade500
(url="http://"")Skyblade Software(/url)

They must be secret races we don't know about 😉 I bet they are somehow related to the Igadzra and Azdgari though... Anyway, I wanna make a mention to "Newbies liking Igadzra". I have played EV since it came out (within 2 weeks I had it, a friend on mine told me about it and I got it). I got EVO within days of it coming out because I loved EV so much. I like the Igadzra, that must make me a newb according to that! After thousands of hours of playing, I have come to find aganist AI (<--- key words) Power and Sheilds/Armor wins out over speed and agility, of course thats just me. The Igazra has 5 turret slots, lots of room (especially with selling 3 SAE launchers) and the most shields of any ship in the game. It has decent armor (for the cresent), and its faster than a UE cruiser or Voinian Crusier. I also REALLY like the plasma siphon. it drains fuel now, but it drains so little its negligable. And as for the misson tread, how can you compare with the other strands thinking you can blow up planets?

"Escape Velocity and EVO?
oh they were really easy,
after I got the cheat
plugins..." - a phrase
heard too many times

Here is my opinions on the three strands:

  1. Igadzra: I hate em.They always attack you, and they are just plain unfriendly.

  2. Zidagar: Nice race. Ships aren't the best, but otherwise its a good race. Doesn't get mad at you or shoot you for no reason.

  3. Azdgari: These are my personel favorites. Fast ships, cool ships, powerful ships, and I like the name. Actually, when I first saw the word, I called them the "Agzari". Anyway, very nice race. Ultimate starfighter. However they will sometimes attack you for no reason.


ya know, against AI, i have never been defeated by any ships in my azdara, except, for, well, the dreadnought, but i got cocky.
now, lemme say whats been said before countless times YOU CAN'T JUDGE AI VERSUS HUMAN, IT NEVER IS FAIR, HUMANS WILL ALWAYS WIN,
unless you really suck. and in AI vs. AI, the azdgari warship always beats an igazra, and an azdgari arada beats the igadzra arada all of the time

and doesnt it make you feel better, the pigs have won tonight. They can all sleep soundly now, and everything is all right

hey pig, yeah you, hey pig piggy pig pig pig

(this message has been edited by Oedipus 10/7/00)

AI Azz WS always beats AI Iggie WS??? Whoa, pull your head out of your pants!! The SAE modules rip the annoying Azdaras to shreds while the turrents just go plain nuts... So far the only time I have seen the Azzies win is when the Iggie has been through a few bouts and is low on ammo...

I don't just WATCH... I ANALYZE!! And I'm probably the person that knows the most about the AI's actions right next to the ole' Ambrosia team..

Ziggies stand much more of a chance against that big yellow... er... ship, then the Azzies do... And who is going off about their ships suck??? The phased disruptor has shredded countless ships!!

But I must say that the iggies are very unfriendly...

'No response' 'No response'...

^%$#@%^ Igs....

What I have to say is that all of the strands are different. You can't compare apples and oranges. The Igadzra have very powerful ships and weapons to blow away the Azdaras while the five turrets pound away at the warship and arada. They rely on brute force. The Zidagar are well protected against their SAE modules with their Zidagar ECM and the phased disruption beam can easily drain an Azdara's shields faster than they can recharge, but a swarm of Azdaras around a Zidara could easily take the Zidara out. The Azdgari's main advantages are the maneuverability, which the Igadzra lack, and the shield recharge, which the Zidagar lack. It is totally a matter of opinion. :rolleyes:

P.S. Please spell the names of the races correctly. :mad:How would you like it if all of the sudden some alien race whose name was easy to spell started spelling 'human' 'hewmaan' or 'higgie' or 'hippie?' :redface: Really, it's not that hard to memorise the spellings. One thing you can

YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM

actualy i wouldn't mind if someone spelled human wrong. Anyway, there was a test, someone created a plug in which there was a vacant system and a Iggy warship and a Aggy warship battled it out. There was some dispute that the speed the game ws set at could vary the results but the Iggy always won.


no, the igadzra(see? i spelled the name right, but i wouldnt mind if we were called hippies) always won when the player was at a harmless combat rating, but once they were ultimate, the azdgari won after that. now, which are you going to play the game more with, a harmless or ultimate combat rating?

and doesnt it make you feel better, the pigs have won tonight. They can all sleep soundly now, and everything is all right

hey pig, yeah you, hey pig piggy pig pig pig

(this message has been edited by Oedipus 10/7/00)