Triple Agent Problems

I've been screwing around with the Triple Agent plug which allows you to play all the strands eventually. Only problem is I'm on the last Strand, the Adzgari, and they really hate me. So naturally I can't land on the planets I need to get missions most of the time.
Does anyone have a plug that clears your legal status in the strand systems, kind of like a fake ID for the UE systems except for the adzgari or any of the strands.

Help is appreciated....

Just kill a bunch of iggys or ziggys. And there is a plug that has a record clearer but i don't know what it's calld

I guss Hucked on Fonex werked fer you tew.

If you're really desperate then you could make your own plugin. Just copy over the Fake ID, and change the government information to reflect the Adzgari, and that would probably do it.

Slackers and layabouts beware! Be prepared to justify your existance to the invisible hand of vengeance!! (Originally by Danny, immediately followed by "Oh no! What have I done?!" after it was made my signature.)

(This message has been edited by Ooter (edited 10-09-2000).)

Best solution if you don't want to get other Strands mad is to blow up renegades. I think that makes the Azdgari happy, since they're at war with the renegades too. You can also protect Azdgari people when they're under attack by renegades. Look at a few of the systems east of the Rock (DSN-2234 or something) and there should be Azdgari being attacked there.

Visit my EVO web site (currently under construction) and tell me how it looks (via the poll at the bottom of the page or the guestbook)! It's at (url="http://"") !

I can't think of anything else to write...