help please


Originally posted by Jude:
**Hey guys, stop picking on the newbies.:)

Yea, seriously. We'll scare all the new players away if you do this. I suggest going through the mission string to get it.

How strange... To have gone so far and to want so little.

Don't worry about it. When EV Nova comes out, there will be a brand new batch of newbies, and everyone from the days prior to Nova's release will be elevated.

AIM - Skyblade500
(url="http://"")Skyblade Software(/url) -- Coming soon from me, skyblade.

This is not an answer to the topic (sorry me) but, shayborg I am using Netscape 4.7 and a Mac and when I go to your website all I see is the background.

"When the public finds out they're going to string us up in Martin Place!" -Nicolas Bell, Secretary to the Minister for the Games, "The Games"

newbies shmewbies

Intoxicated Pilots Always Have More Fun

I've played Ev for 3 years, so that means i'm still a newbie? 🙂

"If you were a hamburger and were really thirsty, would you milk a cow?" -Adam Wojtowicz


Originally posted by Decamto:
**This is not an answer to the topic (sorry me) but, shayborg I am using Netscape 4.7 and a Mac and when I go to your website all I see is the background.


I was afraid of that...I have no clue why this is happening. Like I said in my earlier post, all my code and stuff is loading perfectly, it just doesn't show anything. You can download and install the very very buggy Netscape 6 beta (that takes 4 minutes to download on a T1 line) or Internet Explorer 5. I'll try to fix it...I personally use IE, so I don't have this problem (I'm not selling my soul to Microsoft...IE's just better than Netscape, and AOL-Netscape-whatever is evil as Microsoft at heart). Sorry I can't help you more. I will work on it. I already e-mailed Netscape support, but they haven't responded yet (except with that automatic thing). Thanks a whole lot for the input, Decamto. I appreciate it a lot.

Sorry from me, too, me. Just do what Toaster said, and that should work.

Visit my EVO web site (currently under construction) and tell me how it looks (via the poll at the bottom of the page or the guestbook)! It's at (url="http://"") !

I can't think of anything else to write...