The Fraud named Shield Regenerator

I'm sure you all have noticed that shield regenerators don't have any noticeable effect on any ship but a fast-recharging fighter. There's a reason for that... the EVO Bible lies about the workings of a shield regenerator.

The shield recharge rates in the shďp resources are measured in "frames per shield percentage point". Examples:

Igazra: 1500 frames per percentage point
Crescent Warship: 600 f/pp
Lazira: 200 f/pp
Arada: 100 f/pp
Crescent Fighter: 30 f/pp
Azdara: 4 f/pp

A regular shield regenerator subtracts 10 from these figures. Unless you're in a fighter, this is has no discernible effect whatsoever. The experimental shield regenerator is much better, it subtracts 50. If you use both the regular and the experimental regenerator, you can double an Arada's recharge rate (which isn't excessive to begin with, but at least you can tell the difference).

According to the EVO Bible, a regenerator with the value "30" in its ModVal field gives you one additional percentage point per second (pp/sec). That's a blatant lie. In reality, it gives you one less second per percentage point. That's a huge difference. Let's do the math for a Crescent Warship and a Crescent Fighter:

Starts with 30/600 pp/sec = 1/20 pp/sec.
With a 30-value shield regenerator, that becomes 30/570 pp/sec = 1/19 pp/sec.
==> Added recharge power: (1/19-1/20) pp/sec = (1/380) pp/sec, as opposed to the postulated 1 pp/sec.

Starts with 30/30 pp/sec = 1 pp/sec.
With a 30-value shield regenerator, 30 frames/pp are reduced to zero... or more likely, to a minimum of one. That leaves us with 30/1 pp/sec = 30 pp/sec.
==> Added recharge power: (30-1) pp/sec = 29 pp/sec, as opposed to the postulated 1 pp/sec.

Amazing, huh?

I sure hope EV3 will bring a new way of calculating shield recharge rates. This is a grave flaw.

-- Cinga

BTW: To recharge all its 100 shield percentage points, a Crescent Warship would need 600100 frames, or 600100/30 seconds (= 2000 seconds = 33.3 minutes ). Happy waiting.


I don't know about the rest of you but I have never had to wait 33.3 minutes for a crescent warship to recharge.



Originally posted by CelticStarbase:
**I don't know about the rest of you but I have never had to wait 33.3 minutes for a crescent warship to recharge.

Me neither. What version of EVO are you using, Cinga?

A scholar's ink lasts much longer than a martyr's blood. - Irish proverb.


Originally posted by CelticStarbase:
**I don't know about the rest of you but I have never had to wait 33.3 minutes for a crescent warship to recharge.

I remember once, back in the good old days, my ship (the M.A.K. Peanut-Spoon) had just finished off a couple of Igazra... although they were now floating about the empty air outside, I had taken a considerable amount of damage myself! My shields were completely down, and the repair-bots had just finished patching up my armor. To be on the safe side, I waited for my shields to charge back up before jumping out of the system. Well, about 15 minutes later, I was getting a little impatient. So I went down to the Engineering Sector and pulled out the Mark IV Plasma-Coil Shield Generator Manual, Second Edition. To my horror, I found that the thing had been built by Nazis!!! This explained the incredibly slow performance. Moral of the story: never buy your ship from a Republican! (Cost me a bloody fortune, too!)

(url="http://"")Meowx Design Studios(/url)
Graphics. Games. And more...

Look on the bright side -david-, at least it wasn't built by Bob Dole, then the performance would be horrible.

Yes, I know that was a horrible joke, but he is a Republican, which does fit in with what -david- said.


Originally posted by Meowx Design:
**I remember once, back in the good old days, my ship (the M.A.K. Peanut-Spoon) had just finished off a couple of Igazra... although they were now floating about the empty air outside, I had taken a considerable amount of damage myself! My shields were completely down, and the repair-bots had just finished patching up my armor. To be on the safe side, I waited for my shields to charge back up before jumping out of the system. Well, about 15 minutes later, I was getting a little impatient. So I went down to the Engineering Sector and pulled out the Mark IV Plasma-Coil Shield Generator Manual, Second Edition. To my horror, I found that the thing had been built by Nazis!!! This explained the incredibly slow performance. Moral of the story: never buy your ship from a Republican! (Cost me a bloody fortune, too!)

two things:

1. what was your ship?
2. DAMN REPUBLICANS!!! Newt Gingrich is probably behind ALL of this! Dennis Hastart and **** Armey are probably spearheading another movement against ships in EV!


"You have to know, not fear, that someday you are going to die. Until you know that and embrace that, you are useless."
-Tyler Durden
DON'T SMOKE! SMOKING KILLS! Don't beleive me? Ask The Weathermen about March 6, 1970 in Greenwich Village.


Originally posted by CelticStarbase:
**I don't know about the rest of you but I have never had to wait 33.3 minutes for a crescent warship to recharge.

I might have misunderstood what the EVO Bible means by "Shield Percentage Point". Seems quite unambiguous though. And I know from my own experience that shield regenerators aren't worth the dirt they're made of even when on a Lazira.

On the other hand, all my calculations are based on what the EVO Bible says about the ShieldRe field. They might have screwed up the description there, too. :rolleyes:

-- Cinga


33.3 minutes?????? what version do you play

"Veni, Vidi, Vici"
"I came, I saw, I conqeured."
Julius Caeser

Morol of this little cat-fight over the shield regenerators????

Stay away from the programs of the game!!!


Originally posted by Alien {at school}:
**Morol of this little cat-fight over the shield regenerators????

Stay away from the programs of the game!!!**


(url="http://"")Meowx Design Studios(/url)
Graphics. Games. And more...

I believe he was trying to say "moral of this little cat-fight" not "morol".

"Sir, victory of the bladder over the mind is inevitable"-James T. Farrell

I am not sure but I think the values you see in the shield recharge have to be applied individualy to each ship. For example for the Igazra it is 1500 Sec. This tell you how long it takes for its entire shields to recharge. 1500 sec is 25 min. . This sounds like a long time but divide shields by recharge time and it = .33u/sec. . 500/1500=.33
This is a correct value I believe. The UE Crusiers is = .5u/sec. So is the arada's using this method. I also makes since with all the other ship because the fighters get slightly higher values for recharge than the big ships and the vionians have the worst recharge rates and that make since. These values are also in the same range if you compare them to the values for the old EV for ships in general. I am not sure how to apply the shield generators to determine the new recharge rates though.

Why are there no maroon ships?


Originally posted by Jubee:
I am not sure but I think the values you see in the shield recharge have to be applied individualy to each ship. For example for the Igazra it is 1500 Sec. This tell you how long it takes for its entire shields to recharge.

Hmmm. That could be it. In this case, the description in the EVO Bible is just plain wrong. And yes, it still leaves the question of shield regenerators open.

-- Cinga


Confucious say: Man under car with tool in hand not allways a mechanic.
If your that worried about your shields, hack the ship. >:-).

Good luck and may the
force be with you!