Problem in ROTVII

I have recently downloaded ROTVII, after completing ROTV (conquering Sol).
The problem is that as soon as I began playing ROTVII, I appear in a ghost-Sol-System, owned by Voinians with NewVoinia as Port. I can jump to an adjacent system and when I look at the map, Sol is now owned by Union Earth, ports are Earth and Luna, and I am Most Wanted, and the Sol with New Voinia has dissapeared.


Will I be able to play ROTVII from this situation?
Where is the first mission?



The error happend to me too. I think you have to reverse tha alphabetecal order of the 2 plugs. Or it might be that you don't have ROTV1 in the plug folder. And ther first mission is on new voina. If none of those are the probolems then I recomend downloading one of the combined versions.

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

Where can I find those combined versions?
Is there a web page for ROTV?



I think it's on the add-on page. I think it's called "Reign: Magma". You don't have to use magma if you don't want to but that plug lets you if you want to. I think there are a couple other versions but that one worked best for me. And as far as I know there isn't a web site for ROTV.

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

speaking of rotv2, could someone please email me a copy of your pilot file showing sol system as replaced by new voinia? my address is i have both plugs, and i wanted to save myself some time in playtesting a new concept.

thank you in advance. if you're curious as to the concept, feel free to check out my thread on the developer's page.

Natural Resources Defense Council - the Earth's Best Defense

voinians suck!!!!!!!

"Veni, Vidi, Vici"
"I came, I saw, I conqeured."
Julius Caeser

I beg to differ, voinians have much better turrets, imo.

While ignorance is bliss, intelligence is orgasmic!
"In Radio, sound is a rather important ingredient" - Alfred Hitchcock
Official sexy bitch of my hometown,
The Apolyton Lith of Wisdom,

This also happened to me, try putting •• before one of them and see does it work, alternatively, fly to another system and then load the plugs.

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