enough with that, just forget about. and it was Hitler and his military's fault not the german people. I am chinese so I am not a supporter of the "axis" powers
enough with that, just forget about. and it was Hitler and his military's fault not the german people. I am chinese so I am not a supporter of the "axis" powers
Originally posted by zhouj:
**enough with that, just forget about. and it was Hitler and his military's fault not the german people. I am chinese so I am not a supporter of the "axis" powers
More or less agree. Just wish some people had a little better notion of history and what it meant. My original comment was sparked more by the fact that none of my German friends would be stupid enough to have made the original comment, but I guess that just makes me a racist asswipe.
zhouj, youre chinese! How nice, we have a chinese member on the board!
If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow
Ahem...back to the Bounty hunters issue and away from the off topic history lessons.
Ive conqured a lot of planets and needless to say get chased by a lot of Hunters.
Thing is...I use my fleet of escorts to help me conquer, so what I do is this...Conquer the planet...land on it just so the file is saved, then dash off to an uninhabitted planet that you can also land upon.
Land on the uninhabitted planet then leave it...keep doing this over and over again...the bounty hunters come after me, but since I have just left the planet (Without moving of course) I am nicely surrounded by my escorts (6 Igazras).
The poor pathetic hunter just comes rolling right into the jaws of death!!!
Ususally I just have to pick off a couple of the fighters and thats all...then re-land on the planet and myself and my escorts are magically re-armed and re-shielded. Repeat the above procedure many, many times till they stop coming.
Of cpourse, it is worth bearing in mind that the most important part of this strategy is having a nice fleet of escorts to set the trap. So, before you dominate any more planets...get yourself a good escort fleet(preferably captured) and suss out all the uninhabitted planets that are ok to land upon.
best of luck mate
Who cares not whether he is considered a newbie.
Originally posted by zhouj:
**enough with that, just forget about. and it was Hitler and his military's fault not the german people. I am chinese so I am not a supporter of the "axis" powers
Nice to know i'm not the only asian person around here...=)
"Quoted the Kwanza Man...nevermore"
AIM: Kwanzar26
Kwanzasoft Graphics
If yar tough enough to conquer a planet, y'ar tuff enuff too kil uh bowntee huntuh
I do not suffer from insanity
I enjoy every minute of it
-Cantharan Commodore za'Grom
After the capture of Earth
Puddle Jumper, I here by declare you not a newbie. Those speech and typing skills do not belong in a 'new player''s hands!!
Germany: Ain't their fault! A madman rose to power, and millions die. Germany, was just a puppet..
Eggies, Veggies, Humies, Mirries, Ziddies or ziggies, Azzies is a favorite, Iggies too, Zaccies, Stranddies, Reggies, and Indies. Shadow, we decided to abbv. them all since we had such a rabbiting time spelling them...
You should've seen me with Voinions...
BH's: Rob, that idea is excellent!!!!!!! I'm going to use it for now on!
It's not "Voinions" it's "Voini A ns", Alien.
U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.
(This message has been edited by Lonevoinian (edited 09-04-2000).)
Originally posted by Alien:
1. Germany: Ain't their fault!
2. A madman rose to power, and millions die.
3. Germany, was just a puppet..
1. I never said it was, that was Kwanzar's misinterpretation. All I stated was doubt as to whether a German would write what Ubermann did.
2. That's right, and his party rose to power on the back of ideas such as 'Ein Deutches ist Ubermensch' and such ideas were directly implicated in what followed. 'Forgive but don't forget'.
3. Whatever.
Sorry Rob, I won't open this thread anymore.
Yes, I read the "Why we spell the races wrong" topic, and I agree with soem of the names:
"Veggies, Humies, Mirries, Ziddies or ziggies, Azzies is a favorite, Iggies too"
"Azzies is a favorite"
"Iggies too"
-Why not make it completly stupid and call them "Merries"? Or we could use the more correct (cuz I think so) name "Miruana".
-Why not call them Lobsters, since they seem to have higher IQ than most of you.
-Yea, I like it. Reminds me of...
-Why not replace the "i" with "a", then we could call them "Zagg-ass".
-Zid dies? Could call them "S/Zaddies". Maby the "Laddies".
-Make em sound like "Fuzzes/Fuzzies".
If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow
"Puddle Jumper, I here by declare you not a newbie. Those speech and typing skills do not belong in a 'new player''s hands!!"
-The whole board has to decide that, a singel member can´t do that. Still, he can´t be a regular...he haven´t been here long enough.
"Those speech and typing skills do not belong in a 'new player''s hands!!"
-What si this!? No one has said that newbies can´t type and speech, it seems like you think newbies are "lower grade people". There are newbies that are jerks, but you shouldn´t judge them all becouse a few assh*les!
Puddlejumper has (DELETED), except for calling the various races stupid names that is very childish(sp), (DELETED).
If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow
(This message has been edited by Shadow (edited 09-05-2000).)
Maybe I should run for political office. I've got the Jewish vote, I can spell "potato," I have good speech-witing skills, and I have a growing group of advocates of all races. Not to mention, I spark debate wherever I go. :p:
What d'ya think? The Override Party? Where do we stand on the environment? (I think I know where we stand on guns...)
If you drink, don't park. Accidents cause people.
Rob, I think that is an excellent strategy. It sounds like I just need to install some big guns and capture myself some decent escorts. I'll let you know. Thanks.
If you drink, don't park. Accidents cause people.
Originally posted by Shadow:
**zhouj, youre chinese! How nice, we have a chinese member on the board!
Hey, I'm semi-Indian...kind of...my father is from India, and my mom's from Bangladesh.
I can't think of anything to write here.
About the third Emalgha world... I mean, the third PLANET in the Emalgha system. After you help the Emalghians (Ya happy, Shadow?) defeat a few Voinians, the third planet will stop being "Forbidden" and you'll be allowed to land there. The Emalgha missions start on Emalgha. Enter the bar, and you'll get a mission to defend the Emalgha from the Voinians. after you've done that, collect your reward, and head for the third planet. (Gurado.) Check the Bar, and you should get another mission, and then you're off. Hope that helps, Puddle Jumper!
I may be a bit late, but I created and uploaded a plugin to effectively combat Bounty Hunters...
"Support UE Search and Rescue! Get LOST!"
Originally posted by The Profound Pchan:
**I may be a bit late, but I created and uploaded a plugin to effectively combat Bounty Hunters...
You don't need a plug. You need a ship that can kill 3 cres. fighters and bring a Cres. Warship to 40% shields.
I guss Hucked on Phonex werked fer you tew.
And I just happen to have one
However, my plug is a little more effecient I think. Personally, I get kinda sick of fighting those things all the time.
For instance, I set my plug to disable the Bounty Hunters automatically, so you can simply board them right away. One of the problems I had with fighting the hunters is that it could at times be difficult to disable them before they could jump away.