For all the warriors...

Question of opinions here, btw:
If you have a warship, and you're not interested in, or don't have the cargo capacity to go trading, what do you think is the best way to make money?
I've gotten over a million credits without having to land just from killing turncoats (which often yield over 100k when you board them), and I was wondering if there are any other interesting ways for warships to get money. BTW, I've done all the "fight the renegade" missions.
Another question, if you've all ready done a bunch of UE missions, can you still get some anti-UE missions? How and Where?



Originally posted by Ice Cream Trucker:
**Question of opinions here, btw:
If you have a warship, and you're not interested in, or don't have the cargo capacity to go trading, what do you think is the best way to make money?
I've gotten over a million credits without having to land just from killing turncoats (which often yield over 100k when you board them), and I was wondering if there are any other interesting ways for warships to get money. BTW, I've done all the "fight the renegade" missions.
Another question, if you've all ready done a bunch of UE missions, can you still get some anti-UE missions? How and Where?


you can get the Ice Cream missions at mira! they'll give you your very own ice cream truck, and you can even have some! 🙂

(url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)


Originally posted by Ice Cream Trucker:
**Question of opinions here, btw:
If you have a warship, and you're not interested in, or don't have the cargo capacity to go trading, what do you think is the best way to make money?
I've gotten over a million credits without having to land just from killing turncoats (which often yield over 100k when you board them), and I was wondering if there are any other interesting ways for warships to get money. BTW, I've done all the "fight the renegade" missions.
Another question, if you've all ready done a bunch of UE missions, can you still get some anti-UE missions? How and Where?


You want to make some serious money? Forget turncoats who, at best, give you 100k. I prefer getting a CW and going after some bigger game, like Igazras. Those babies give you around 800k per ship. Now that's money! 😄

Oh no! It's locked!-Harry
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
Eat staples electro-breath-Harry

Translated from German, Ubermannen means 'to overpower'
Translated from German, Ubermensch means 'superman'
'Nuff said

Gene pools need their own lifeguards.

A.S.S Cuisine reporting for duty!

CW, bah! We don't need no stinking CW! I have beaten CW's with UE destroyer!



Originally posted by Ice Cream Trucker:
**CW, bah! We don't need no stinking CW! I have beaten CW's with UE destroyer!


so you can steal their money! go for it! 🙂

(url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)


Originally posted by Ice Cream Trucker:
Question of opinions here, btw:
If you have a warship, and you're not interested in, or don't have the cargo capacity to go trading, what do you think is the best way to make money?

The best way? Disable other ships and loot their cashboxes.

Others: planet domination.

Bounty Hunting & Zachit termination.

Zachit escort.

Trade war.

The problem is that by the time you have a good ship for these sort of things,
you probably don't need money anymore. 🙂

Have a Sloppy day!

The fastest way to make money is trading. You just need to hire 6 MHFs (3,000 tons of cargo) and find a good short trade route, like medical supplies between New Riga and Telnan...

But before you do that, get out of a UE Destroyer before hiring those MHFs, because that ship takes a couple days to jump between systems. Switch to a Lazira or Scoutship that only takes one day to jump. This is important because you have to pay your escorts daily, so if you shorten the number of days taken on traveling, your profits will be bigger.

I'm getting sick of coming back to hangar ninety six, but there is no avoiding it. This is what my existence needs.
My existence is the demise of many others' arms and legs. The world is not a good place, nor is there innocence for me
to hide in. Seven hundred and sixty one pairs of eyes look around the room aimlessly, and mine join the crowd. I see
these bodies, massacred, immobile. For all the carnage here, the stench of decay is non-existent.

hehehe, just go help your strand kill all the others by going to the border planets and disabling all of the ships, then LOOT, i do it in an azdara, you choose your ship

"what is life but a prelude to death?"-me
New Windows version 98, now with 400% more bugs and error messages than windows 95
(just $199.99)
and doesnt it make you feel better, the pigs have won tonight. They can all sleep soundly now, and everything is all right

Rabbit it all, rabbit this world, rabbit everything that you stand for, dont belong, dont accept, dont give a cow, dont ever judge me

Best way to make money??? Get a printing press.....

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...

Alien's famous tongue...
"Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...

just get some warship and all the escorts possible as Miranu HF and trade between the planets in the hatuli system


My favorite way to make money is to get my ship (crescent or a captured azgadri warship: they look cooler) and to go raid igazras. You get 500 000 or more a pop and it's kinda fun too. Try it. I got up to 800 000 of each one, and now have lots of money. Zidaras are easier and have upwards of 200k, azdgari warships have around 400k.

"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

I must say, those are all very nice ways to make cash. But not the easiest. No.... the easiest is to download ACE!, open your character file, give yourself 400,000,000,000,000 credits..... smile, laugh evily, and then open your pilot in the game.

Nah, but I'll second (or... actually... third/fourth) what the guys who are telling you to raid Iggy space are saying. By trading, it's very difficult to make 800K-1000K in one run... you'll need max cargo space (which, by the way, is a pain in the BUTT to fill up) and you'll need to find a decent route, which is tedious. Much easier to go disable ships, and not only is it easier, but it's fun, fulfilling, and rewarding. What better way to boost the combat rating, boost the rating with your adopted strand and make money? well... there ain't any.

Enjoy 😄

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --


Originally posted by zhouj:
**just get some warship and all the escorts possible as Miranu HF and trade between the planets in the hatuli system


You can do that, or you can disable all the renigades while doing that and steal all their credits. You make more money!

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

I have made a missle that is perfect for disabling ships too. I does s ton damage to shields, but ver little to armor. Thus far, I have been happy with it. But that is if you want to cheat, I do not like to much.


The best way to get money is to raid the Igazras who have over 800,000 credits in their ships. The Turncoats are better if you have a small ship but raid the igazras when you get a good ship.

"You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs."

-Quote from Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov.
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What would you guys suggest for Igazra stomping? They ARE pretty powerful ships...

""La, la, la. Yo! I wanna take some sociology classes! Lying, degredation, and affection in a social environment seem so freaking odd, and totally cool! I @#%$ING WANNA KNOW!!!" -Scuzzy