Missions that help the UE mess over the Voinians...

I'm in the process of doing whatever I can to spank the Voinains like a redheaded stepchild right now, but I'm a little bit stuck. So far, I've helped to take the space station from them, and in that, I've also helped start the slave revolts. The only problem I'm having now is, what to do now? I ferried around that funny little alien guy to the diferent Voinain planets to help him rally support, I took my troupe of marines to the space station and stomped some booty there, but I can't seem to see any effects or missions after that. I know there must be, but Sol, Outpost Gamma, and the new space station in Romel aren't offering me any missions. Where do I go and what do I have to do?

Please help me, I'm REALLY itching to whomp some more Voinians ASAP. grumbles something about armor making them think they can just boss him around

"I cannot accept responsibility for the actions or inactions of my peers or myself"
-Carl Gambino, when asked by a Zidigar patrol to halt for a cargo inspection

1. I cant remember what happpened next in the mission string.. Sorry.
2. There is no more UE missions against the voinians after that. You can do some against the renegades but there is no more missions against the voinians except the missions where you destroy convoys with voinian spaceships...Sorry for that too..

"Life is like a lesson, you learn it when you're through"
-Limp Bizkit-
Email me at: (url="http://"mailto:psycho_e@excite.com")mailto:psycho_e@excite.com(/url)psycho_e@excite.com

Next, you have to take me on, Carl. Go ahead, take your best shot. What have you got Earth boy? Huh? huh?

...but seriously - that's it. The peace-loving humans are quite happy to just push the Voinians back a few systems, and then leave them alone. It's a bit of an anticlimax.

If you want to see a race's capital city in ruins and its population enslaved, join the Voinians next time! (And get the ROTV plugs, suitably renamed.)

"Hey look Gavin... All this typing, and I didn't need to swear once..." 🙂


Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
**Next, you have to take me on, Carl. Go ahead, take your best shot. What have you got Earth boy? Huh? huh?

...but seriously - that's it. The peace-loving humans are quite happy to just push the Voinians back a few systems, and then leave them alone. It's a bit of an anticlimax.

If you want to see a race's capital city in ruins and its population enslaved, join the Voinians next time! (And get the ROTV plugs, suitably renamed.)

Voinians!!! Argghhh!!! (Stomps on puny UE ships)

I trust you Ubbie baby-Pam
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
You know Harry, I used to like you-Ubermann

Translated from German, Ubermannen means 'to overpower'
Translated from German, Ubermensch means 'superman'
'Nuff said

Gene pools need their own lifeguards.

A.S.S Cuisine reporting for duty!

Seems to be a LOT more Voinians than there were just a month ago.

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

ponders the replies for a second or two Well, that being as it may, then, where's the mission to get the biggest UE ship there is? I was reading one of the ship guides that you can download here at the ambrosia site, and it showed this massive UE thing that looked like an Igadzra would just turn, run, and wet itself upon seeing. Is that not part of the Voinian missions, then? And if it isn't, then what and where is that mission?

"I cannot accept responsibility for the actions or inactions of my peers or myself"
-Carl Gambino, when asked by a Zidigar patrol to halt for a cargo inspection

The mission to get the UE Cruiser starts at New Taranto (in the Tahii) system. You need to have finished the Get the Stranded UE Scoutship crew mission, and it is kind of rare. It starts out in the bar with a mysterious note you see.

And, yes, the UE Cruiser CAN make an Igadzra wet itself (and go toe-to-toe with the Voinan Cruiser).



Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
**Next, you have to take me on, Carl. Go ahead, take your best shot. What have you got Earth boy? Huh? huh?

...but seriously - that's it. The peace-loving humans are quite happy to just push the Voinians back a few systems, and then leave them alone. It's a bit of an anticlimax.

If you want to see a race's capital city in ruins and its population enslaved, join the Voinians next time! (And get the ROTV plugs, suitably renamed.)


Funny story. Anyone ever noticed that the creator of the plugin's name is actually only one letter from "Borb?" A coincidence?

And yes, for the misinformed and the UEs, that is me..




Originally posted by Bomb:
**Funny story. Anyone ever noticed that the creator of the plugin's name is actually only one letter from "Borb?" A coincidence?

I doubt it...

I trust you Ubbie baby-Pam
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
You know Harry, I used to like you-Ubermann

Translated from German, Ubermannen means 'to overpower'
Translated from German, Ubermensch means 'superman'
'Nuff said

Gene pools need their own lifeguards.

A.S.S Cuisine reporting for duty!

you have to complete the dreadnought mission to get the UE cruiser mission. If the UE cruiser was in service why would the UE government be afraid of the Dreadnought
there does seem to be more Voinians or Human traitors here but the Humans will preveil


Okay, I know I'm probably getting annoying at this point, but I got the mission.... NOW WHAT?? I have roughly 1000 worlds out there to search for signs of this babe. I've searched about 40 of them. Unfortunatly, they've all been the WRONG 40. 😛

So, uh.... hint? Clue? Help? Where do I look for her?

"I cannot accept responsibility for the actions or inactions of my peers or myself"
-Carl Gambino, when asked by a Zidigar patrol to halt for a cargo inspection

I ain't telling but I'm a gona give you a hint. It is in the V---- system. You just need to fill in the blanks. And to apreciate how cool it is you have to have 'Magma' in your plugins folder.

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

As it says in almost everything the Igadzra is the most powerful. Not the UE Cruiser. The UE has 4 blaze turrets, 300 shields, 100 armor. The Igadzra has 5 turrets, 500 shields, and 25 armor add it up and the cruiser stands no chance. The only thing that might be able to take the Igadzra is the Vonion dreadnaught i've never faced one with my Igadzra


You'll pardon me, I hope, for being a complete EVO-bunny, but why is Magma so special to getting the UE Cruiser? hesitent curiosity

"I cannot accept responsibility for the actions or inactions of my peers or myself"
-Carl Gambino, when asked by a Zidigar patrol to halt for a cargo inspection


Originally posted by Carl Gambino:
**You'll pardon me, I hope, for being a complete EVO-bunny, but why is Magma so special to getting the UE Cruiser? hesitent curiosity


Oops. I thouht you were talking about the voinian dreadnaught. The U.E. crusier missions start where Anna Bashlova retired. It says if shes there in the planet description.

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.


Originally posted by Chewbacaa:
**As it says in almost everything the Igadzra is the most powerful. Not the UE Cruiser. The UE has 4 blaze turrets, 300 shields, 100 armor. The Igadzra has 5 turrets, 500 shields, and 25 armor add it up and the cruiser stands no chance. The only thing that might be able to take the Igadzra is the Vonion dreadnaught i've never faced one with my Igadzra

The UE Cruiser has 100 armor, which takes an eternity to ablate with Crescent weapons. The UE Cruiser has more secondary firepower and fighters. Also, if you play the UE Cruiser, you can give it a fifth turret, rip out the fighter bay and rockets and replace them with 8 Miranu Defense Systems. Now that's the ultimate killing machine.

On the other hand, the Igazra is more maneuverable, so I kinda like it better. The problem is that you can't play the other strands in an Igazra (you can capture one, but you can neither sell the SAE launchers nor buy any SAEs, so it kinda sucks), which works well in a UE Cruiser.

-- Cinga


To Cinga: I made a mistake the Igadzra has 40 armor and forgot to mention it has the plasma siphon. I can take 4 Voinion Frigates in a row with just firing the turrets and siphon and i think the total armor of 4 frigates is more than 100.And i never realy have liked the defence system I thought it was to hard to hit someone with.



Originally posted by Cinga:
The UE Cruiser has 100 armor, which takes an eternity to ablate with Crescent weapons. The UE Cruiser has more secondary firepower and fighters. Also, if you play the UE Cruiser, you can give it a fifth turret, rip out the fighter bay and rockets and replace them with 8 Miranu Defense Systems. Now that's the ultimate killing machine.

On the other hand, the Igazra is more maneuverable, so I kinda like it better. The problem is that you can't play the other strands in an Igazra (you can capture one, but you can neither sell the SAE launchers nor buy any SAEs, so it kinda sucks), which works well in a UE Cruiser.

-- Cinga

Clearly the far better way to upgrade a UE Cruiser is to pull out all of the secondaries, get all the upgrades (RCS, Azdgari, Accel, Engine, etc.), a shield generator and enhancer, maybe some armor plating, and, of course, an Azdara bay, hehe.

The only legal thing better than that would be an Enhanced Azdara bay, but you can't buy those for some reason.

Slackers and layabouts beware! Be prepared to justify your existance to the invisible hand of vengeance!! (Originally by Danny, immediately followed by "Oh no! What have I done?!" after it was made my signature.)