The Igazra mission string

Is it possilble to do the Igazra mission string. If so please tell me where it starts and if it materes if you did the UE misions.


The Igazra string begins at Kitrak in Miranu space. It's by Mira. it doen't matter about the UE missions except for the Miranu trade relations mission.


Yeah, you've got to have opened trade relations with the Miranu before any of the Strands will give you the time of day. Also, if you've done or started any of the other Strand missions you'll never get given the others (unless you use the Triple Agent plug, of course ;)).


Ahhhhh, the blessed TAP....

I think you need to do the Miranu missions on Blaga as well.


Thanks can you tell me how to open the trade relations

Just go to Mira (the miranu homeworld) and enter the bar. You should be offered a mission to bring a message to earth. Accept the mission, bring the message to Earth, then fly back to Mira. Then Diplomatic Relations will be opened between the UE and the Miranu. Then head to Kitrak (galactic North-West of Mira) to get the Igadzra missions. Good luck!


What if you got the purple river eel mission in Kitrak (the Igazra mission string) mission, and while you were going along you stumbled along the Pozdag system, and landed. Would you be offered the Zidagar mission (defend the planet)? And if you got it, would you be able to do 2 Strand's mission strings at once?


Originally posted by UE Research & Development:
What if you got the purple river eel mission in Kitrak (the Igazra mission string) mission, and while you were going along you stumbled along the Pozdag system, and landed. Would you be offered the Zidagar mission (defend the planet)? And if you got it, would you be able to do 2 Strand's mission strings at once?

No. Once a strand mission string is in your "to do list", you can't get any others.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --

If you want to play for two or even all three strands with the same pilot, you'll need the Triple Agent plugin. Note: you are cheating if you use this... nobody should really be granted opportunities to fly an Igazra, equipped with all the usual stuff plus a plasma siphon, phased beam, enhanced ECM, miniaturisation and experimental shields.

Well... it would rather spoil the game! Oh, go on then - just this once...

"Hey look Gavin... All this typing, and I didn't need to swear once..." 🙂


Originally posted by UE Research & Development:
What if you got the purple river eel mission in Kitrak (the Igazra mission string) mission, and while you were going along you stumbled along the Pozdag system, and landed. Would you be offered the Zidagar mission (defend the planet)? And if you got it, would you be able to do 2 Strand's mission strings at once?


You can do both the Igadzra and the Zidagar mission strings this way, with
the same pilot, no plugins necessary. In fact, almost every time that I do
one of those strings, I go ahead and use this "double-agent" trick so that
I'll have access to the other.

Have a Sloppy day!


Originally posted by Flatulence:
**No. Once a strand mission string is in your "to do list", you can't get any others.

You can't get a strand's recruitment mission if you have already completed
a strand recruitment mission. But if you have an uncompleted recruitment mission,
you can still get others too. Try it with a new pilot some time, dude, it works.
Get Igadzra rectruitment at Kitrack, then go to Pozdag and get (and complete)
Zidagar recruitment mission, and then complete the Igadzra recruitment mission.
It works, really.

Alas, this cannot be done with the Azdgari recruitment mission, because of time-limits.
That part of the galaxy is just too far away.

Have a Sloppy day!


Originally posted by Sloppy:
**You can't get a strand's recruitment mission if you have already completed
a strand recruitment mission. But if you have an uncompleted recruitment mission,
you can still get others too. Try it with a new pilot some time, dude, it works.
Get Igadzra rectruitment at Kitrack, then go to Pozdag and get (and complete)
Zidagar recruitment mission, and then complete the Igadzra recruitment mission.
It works, really.

Alas, this cannot be done with the Azdgari recruitment mission, because of time-limits.
That part of the galaxy is just too far away.


Unless you use one of the plugs that creates new hyperlinks, like from South Tip to North Tip ... but that's also cheating - probably just easier to use Triple Agent ...


speaking of which, where is Blaga? I remember doing the Miranu relations mission, and maybe the 2nd one, but then someone told me to go to blaga and i dont know where blaga is. Any help?

(url="http://"")See my Sig!(/url)

Marge, pointing to horse: "At least we don't have to feed anything I got at the fair.....except the mop."

where do you get the misions after you are allowed to get the igadzra.
I have a combat rating of excellent



Originally posted by Fried Camel:
**speaking of which, where is Blaga? I remember doing the Miranu relations mission, and maybe the 2nd one, but then someone told me to go to blaga and i dont know where blaga is. Any help?


Blaga is in the far SE corner of Miranu space. Right by Himgro.

I trust you Ubbie baby-Pam
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
You know Harry, I used to like you-Ubermann

Translated from German, Ubermannen means 'to overpower'
Translated from German, Ubermensch means 'superman'
'Nuff said

Gene pools need their own lifeguards.

A.S.S Cuisine reporting for duty!