Old plugs 4 new update

I was playing EVO with the old Star Wars plugs and they don't work like when you have a gun you can't shoot it most of the time! It really sucks but it was my favorite plug. Has someone made a update? Will someone make it for EV3?

Man I'm pretty-Johnny Bravo
Wimp...um...well...Oh Yeah!...( what really bugs me is knowing I'll probably come up with a much sharper retort later today darn

I'm thinking of doing a star wars TC for EV 3, that is, if I can find time to create some spiffy graphics in Cinema 4D. I've got this official CD, with loads and loads of video clips of the original Star Wars films, so I'd have a pretty comprehensive library of videos to choose from.

Hip Hop Recomendation of the week: People Under the Stairs - The Next Step

(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/newsdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=20&forum;=*EV/EVO+chronicles&DaysPrune;=25&article;=000024&startpoint;=")The Tides of War(/url)