The Ji Nebula exploration Please assist

Is it possible to Get more fuel if you run out in the center and please don't tell me im stupid for this i already know that



"He's probably the least qualified person ever to be nominated by a major party... What is his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?"
- Ron Reagan, son of the former president, on George W. Bush; a (url="http://"")Ralph Nader(/url) supporter.

AIM: ColdFusion117

Umm...cheat or die...literally.

Die, if you have an escape pod...and have completed the main goal of the exploration.

Cheat, if you have no escape pod, or if you haven't landed on that specified planet yet.

Have fun...PEACE YO!


"Quoted the Kwanza Man...nevermore"

AIM: Kwanzar26

Kwanzasoft Graphics

Has anyone here ever heard of fuel scoops?

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

...or at least an escape pod.

Guys, the solution to this one is so simple it hurts. I did the entire Ji Nebula without refuling at a station, in a crecent warship, none the less. Mind you, it was a <i>tweaked</i> Crecent warship, but a standard C. Warship none the less. Two fuel scoops and two external fuel pods is all it takes. Jump and explore till you're out of fuel, and then drift till you fill another jump worth of your tanks, then jump again. Note, though, that to do this you need to be extremely patient.

To Kwanzar

How would you cheat to do it



(1) Use ACE to edit the fuel level listed in your pilot file.
(2) Use resedit to do the same.
(3) Write a pluglet that adds ships to the system you're in - shoot them, board them, take their fuel.
(4) Go back to an older version of your pilot file, and change to a better ship.
(5) Go back to an older version of your pilot file, and use that stupid cheat plug that
offers a five-jump fuel tank outfit.
(6) Write a pluglet that adds a space station to the system you're in.
(7) I can't think of a number seven, sorry.

Not cheating...

(1) Give up and create a new pilot, and let the sad tale of the careless pilot who got
stuck far from home serve as a stern warning to the other students at the space
(2) Release an escore from servitude, shoot the poor soul, board him, take his fuel.
(3) Use an escape pod.
(4) I can't think of a number four, sorry.

"Hey look Gavin... All this typing, and I didn't need to swear once..." 🙂

If you've a bounty hunter on your trail, he'll follow you all the way into the heart of the nebula. (but there is only one NPD in exsistence!??) If you've got a bounty hunter on your tail, just disable him, board him, and steal his fuel. If you don't, i guess you're stuck.


Ahhh! The most important item in those missions is the fuel scoop or at least an escape pod. Don't forget the pod just because you restart your file whenever you die.

I trust you Ubbie baby-Pam
Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
You know Harry, I used to like you-Ubermann

Translated from German, Ubermannen means 'to overpower'
Translated from German, Ubermensch means 'superman'
'Nuff said

Gene pools need their own lifeguards.

A.S.S Cuisine reporting for duty!

Yeah... the 'pod is a vital piece of equipment, even for those of you who don't use strict play. In EVO (unlike EV) it's a mass-zero item, so why not buy one as soon as you get your new ship? They never cost over five grand, and they can make the difference between life and death, when all else fails. Surely your life is worth the price of a simple passenger run!

If you're stuck, stuck, stuck, with no recent file backups (not necessarily made for cheating - a tape streamer record of the whole HDD will do)... then I'd suggest you choose between getting hold of ACE and using it, or starting again from scratch.

I love EVO - I'd start again! Any excuse...

"Hey look Gavin... All this typing, and I didn't need to swear once..." 🙂