Femme Fatale

I need help!
Game: EVO
Plug-In: Femme Fatale
Mission: The Edge Of The Physical World
Problem: I can't get pod cx9 out of the Chimera!

Note: If you have no clue what i'm talking about, go download "The Frozen Heart" and "Femme Fatale".

if it looks good you'll buy it
if it sounds good you'll hear it
if it tastes good you'll eat it
but if it's real, you'll feel it
-Kid Rock

Do not be afraid of the future, it doesn't include you, it only excludes you.
-Powerman 5000

You've got to be extremely careful only to disable the chimera. One too many hits and it's dead and you can't board it. It gets confusing because it doesn't explode or anything, just sits there after its destruction. It can also take a while to get into the right position for boarding too. Keep at it, save at that planet nearby (2 systems away?) and just keep going back until you get the SOB 🙂

if you see me grinning from
my blue Volks
running a yellow light
driving straight into the sun
I will be locked in the
arms of a
crazy life

Charles Bukowski.
'one for the shoeshine man'

When I need somebody!
Not just anybody!
You know I need someone to
-The Beatles

Game: EVO
Plug-In: Femme Fatale
Mission: Find the Thor Transports (Don't know the acutal names)
Problem: I can't Find the other two ships!

Okay, I found the first ship easily enough, but I cannot find a trace of the other two. I have been everywhere, to every plague zone, war zone, disaster areas and surrounding systems, but still can't find them! HELP!

For getting the pod, purchase the best ship possible, a conditorri i think, and outfit it with fuel tanks, delta funnels, and one of those weak ballistic missle thingies. when you get to the system, ignore the things that come towards you and fire 2(i think its two) shots with the missle thingie. this should disable it. The rest should be easy. It takes a couple of tries though, so keep at it.

As for the superfreighters, one is at the pyramid on Tesken, and the other is on an uninhabited planet next to Alba. The third one you will get hints for.


all right folks, here's one for ya.
does the Femme string end after you rescue the Ad Nocturn?
for those who haven't played i didn't want to give too much info away

I believe it does, i haven't found anymore misions

Weazle is Fed up with your ShĄt, and he's going to kill YOU!

So, I have a question -- the plug-in seems corrupted, and I'm way stuck.

I have the mission to rescue Matt Itzhoff and get him to Minkar Orbiter.

I can rescue him, and when I get to the orbiter, he leaves my cargo, but
the mission remains undone. I can go and rescue him a second time.

Do I need to complete this mission? If so, how? 😕

Furthermore, fed up, I aborted the mission. Now I seem stuck. I'm not
getting any messages about the war criminal, haven't been invited back to
Artemesium, and am getting bored running cargo/passenger missions. :frown:

What do I do to start the plot going again? Do I need a better ship?


I dunno why everyone has so much trouble with this plugin.

Kosh here is my advice, read the missions "carfully" as i recall your supposed to save that dude land on minkar orbit and then go somewere else to meet someone. just fly around make money kill pirates and pretty soon you should get caught back up in the story line. you will likly have to finish the rescue mission before you can get any more missions on the story line.

Weazle is Fed up with your ShĄt, and he's going to kill YOU!


Originally posted by The Blue ONe:
When I need somebody!
Not just anybody!
You know I need someone to
-The Beatles

Game: EVO
Plug-In: Femme Fatale
Mission: Find the Thor Transports (Don't know the acutal names)
Problem: I can't Find the other two ships!
I dont know how you could miss the main war zone, which is directly connected to the story. Name A...., look 1 jump around there (I think, I played FF quite some time ago). When you find second transport, you@ll get a hint in the nearest planets spacebar. To be able to find third transport you also have to compleete the Murder Case and Stallen Art missions set (its probably not the original names, but you probably got the idea).
Okay, I found the first ship easily enough, but I cannot find a trace of the other two. I have been everywhere, to every plague zone, war zone, disaster areas and surrounding systems, but still can't find them! HELP!**



Originally posted by fireball9911:
**I need help!
Game: EVO
Plug-In: Femme Fatale
Mission: The Edge Of The Physical World
Problem: I can't get pod cx9 out of the Chimera!

Note: If you have no clue what i'm talking about, go download "The Frozen Heart" and "Femme Fatale".

To disable the chimera hit it with one maybe two plasma bolts.
A 'dust sprayer' gets those funny guided balls off your tail.

Where the hell is the third thor transport
I found the first two
Got the first bit to go to Rigal but there is now other missions



Originally posted by Burning cow:
**Where the hell is the third thor transport
I found the first two
Got the first bit to go to Rigal but there is now other missions


Then you probably haven't finished the murder case and stallen art missions strings.


I have a similar problem (to Burning cow) and can't get the third thor tanker. You say finnish the murder and art strings but how do I do that? I've almost finnished the murder string and am now suposed to be keeping my eyes open for him on my travels, i've been evrywhere and can't find him. And the art string seems to have ended after one mission.Help.
Captain Birdseye

"Only the best for the Captains table"

Well, there's a new person flying around,, talking about some sort of duties. Hail him, say Greetings and do what he says!!

Max B-H
owner of Skywalker wing
'Feel the Force, but don't forget the weapons panel!'

Exactly, the guy who is the murderer is one of the pers, shoot him down and board him (don't destroy the ship before you board it). After you finish this string, you'll probably get another mission from the art string.


You have to disable the Chimera and board it....Eeeeaassssyyy...

"Terrorists are here to terrorise"!
-Quote from Vladmimir Ilich Ulianov alias Lenin-

Where's the 3rd frieghter? BTW, I tried to complete the murder string, but it abruptly cut off! That's right, this guy I said I'll buy you a drink(which means go to the bar) so I went to the bar, but nothing happened! What gives?

Early to rise, Early to bed, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and dead


Originally posted by --Eirik--:
**You have to disable the Chimera and board it....Eeeeaassssyyy...

Hello everyone,

the problem that I'm having is that I can't board the blasted thing once I've disab;ed it! I keep getting "You're not close enough to board this ship" messages, no matter how close I get - tractor beam or not!


Michael Sas


Originally posted by Slav:
**Then you probably haven't finished the murder case and stallen art missions strings.


i've finished the murder string where's the art mission string start off?


I don't really know. I think it suppose to start at any planet. But if not , try Minkar Orbiter (is that a right name-forgot, it was long time ago). Or, may be it was Earth. Sorry, don't really remember.
