
What is this Council and why are they always mad at me?


The Council is a big mystery, there's a homepage for it, somwhere, but it doesn't really tell you much. Anyway, they get mad whenever you fire on a Strand ship, which you have to do to complete the Strand War Central Objective.

General Hammond: I have a report here, Henry, from your chief nurse, Major Houlihan. Now, she makes some accusations, Henry, I find pretty hard to believe.
Lt. Col. Henry Blake: So, don't believe them, then. Thank you, General, goodbye.
--MAS*H, the movie.

In the Ji and Proxima nebula exploration missions, the Miranu scientist guy says that the Council prevents the Miranu from exploring beyond the Crescent...

Working for the Ph'for is like being flogged gently to death with a moist shoelace.

Another thing, it is commonly acknowledged that the three strands (Igazdra, Zidigar, Azdgari, I can spell them) are composed of (relatively) the same letters. Council Station is in the Gazdair system, and Gazdair also follows this pattern, so the Council has something to do with the Strands. They get mad at you when you fire on any of the Strands, so my guess is that it is a council of all three Strands or something like that...


Working for the Ph'for is like being flogged gently to death with a moist shoelace.

Play the Beyond the Crescent plug, it'll give you a possible explanation of the Council, I think there's one on the Chronicles as well(not sure).



Originally posted by Wazzup_Fool!:
**What is this Council and why are they always mad at me?

Ever meet Ali Saidi? He's a Lazira who never responds to my hails. I've run into him three (plus or minus) times, and the second time, he yelled something at me before he attacked (and it $#$(& HURT!).
My thery is that the Council was at one time the body that governed the Council, but one (or all?) of the strands, probably the Zidigar, got mad and bashed their homeworld of Gadzair. (For an example of Zidigar homeworld–bashing, land on the Adzgari homeworld. Ouch!)
Or, maybe the Council at one time dominated the Strands like the Vionians dominated the Hinwar and Ehmalga, and they eventually got bashed. That would explain the reason for the lack of diversity of Strand ships, if they were captured from the Council.

I think the council governs the strands. In one of the news things it says that the coucil announced it is considering the future of the strands.


the Council is porbably the people who govern all the Strands. But how do you ever get to dock at the station


One of the easiest ways to get onto Council Station is to get a cargo mission there. There isn't much there, the desc says that robots unload the cargo and that you can only walk in one big loop around the station.

I started to write a plug involving the Council and a fourth Strand, but I've never gotten back to it or made the resources.

Could Somebody Dim The Sun? It's Too Bright

The council are the governing body of the strands. The strands all came from Gadziar and splitt up after the disagreements but the Coucil remained nuetral.

What i think: The council cut off the cresent because another strand the Dzaigar got to powerfull so the council cut them off so they didn't destroy the cresent. ( I'm writting a story about the 'lost strand' it will be in the chronicles and at Grybs sight soon) well a couple of months.


Da Cuncil be idiots cause dey got no friends...

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...

Alien's famous tongue...
"Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...

Whoa, Alien is actually Sebastian the crab! 🙂

Working for the Ph'for is like being flogged gently to death with a moist shoelace.

Hey!! Look Everyone!! Its Sebastian the Crab!!!!!!

"what is life but a prelude to death?"-me
New Windows version 98, now with 400% more bugs and error messages than windows 95
(just $199.99)
and doesnt it make you feel better, the pigs have won tonight. They can all sleep soundly now, and everything is all right

Rabbit it all, rabbit this world, rabbit everything that you stand for, dont belong, dont accept, dont give a cow, dont ever judge me

you can also get a mission to ferry passengers to council station, but I haven't tried it yet


Never mind that, Sebastian the Crab is here!!!! Woah!!!!!! 😄

If it´s quality software you can read "Made with Macintosh" -Shadow

I think that the council sort of governs all the strands, though not entirely. I also think that all three strands are slightly related, and the main homeworld is on Gadzira. Maybe the Council was the original ruling body of the strands, and then it lost part of its control after the Azdgari, Zidagar, and Igadzra broke up. Also, I think that the millions of years of being separated from one another has made the strands much different compared to each other. The Azdgari now have long fingers, sharp teeth, incredibally strong heart and lungs, and muscular arms and legs. The Zidagar are shorter, because of the high gravity on Zidagar (I think thats the name of their homeworld). The Igadzra are really big, really tough, and really mean.
