Universe Next Door tech help, please?

Hello, I'm brand new to this board. I played EV, then EVO 1.0 when they were fresh. Then I was donated a faster (but still old) Mac, and I downloaded the latest version of EVO. Now I'm hooked all over again!

My problem is this: I've finally been able to unstuff 2 plugins (VROT & UND), and installed them both. By reading posts on this board, I've learned that VROT is about joining the Veggies, which I don't plan to do real soon, so I'll probably remove it. But I'm supposed to be able to go to the Mirandu home world, Mira (I think) and have an 80% chance of picking up a mission leading me to new worlds beyond the basic EVO map. The readme says I need not have completed any major missions. I have, in fact, completed several. I currently hold a "Deadly" combat rating. But I simply cannot get that mission to pop up. Wassup?

The only other plugin I was able to open was Fire & Ice (or something like that), and it crashed my Mac every time I launched EVO, no matter how high I set the memory. I have 96 megs installed, so it wasn't a memory issue.

The other caviat is this; I have to download the plugins to a PC at work and bring them home on a Zip disc. I do not have Internet access at home, and don't plan to.

So a long-winded question with a quick and dirty answer? Any takers?

If you drink, don't park. Accidents cause people.

Do yourself a favor and trow out UND now. You'll regret it if you don't.

"I watch a lot of baseball on the radio" -Gerald Ford
Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost

UND just plain sucks and I agree that you should just delete it. it is just lame


I talked to the creator of UND, and even he agrees that it sucks. It's bug-riddled and well-hated. Beyond the Crescent has a MUCH better reputation. Download that, anything but UND.

Which part of 'boil me now' do you not understand?

AIM: evandrewm
ICQ: 85380562

I appreciate the advice. I will take it. 🆒

But it seems my problems run deeper. I don't think any of my plug-ins work at all. I checked last night after I posted my original question, and I didn't install the Voinian plug after all; it was Magma. And I have not seen any change in the appearance of my game. The only plug that ever worked was the Holy Handgrenade, which was silly. And the "Fire & Ice" I refered to was actually "Frozen Heart" -- this one crashed my game. Other than these two, no other plugs I have installed have shown up when the game loads. Is there a setting I need to change? I tried removing the sample plug, but that didn't work, either. 😕

And what's up with Anna B? I've been to every southern tip renegade world (conquered 3 of 'em!), and every world in a large radius around the place I picked up the mission, and visited every bar and mission computer. Nothing. I have ship specs in my cargo, but I can't view them and I don't know what to do with them. I've been to Knox, and Lothe, and you name it.

Little help, here. 😕

If you drink, don't park. Accidents cause people.

Hmm, it's tempting to say that your pilot file is probably corrupted in the Anna B case :frown:. Have you tried giving EVO much more memory, total conversions need more than the straight game, as does Magma. Also, are you reading the Read-Me docs. If not, you should. They often refer to many known issue type things that may help you out. What computer are you using? Give us some more clues to work with.


UND is not a total conversion. It adds a few missions and about 10 systems. I have never gotten past the first mission outside of the crecent. Those Vrtrandy or whatever the heck they are called are impossible to beat! You can't even Monty Python them! Their guns can shoot twice as far as my neutros cannons!

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

(QUOTE)Originally posted by Alan:
(B)Hmm, it's tempting to say that your pilot file is probably corrupted in the Anna B case :frown:. Have you tried giving EVO much more memory, total conversions need more than the straight game, as does Magma. Also, are you reading the Read-Me docs. If not, you should. They often refer to many known issue type things that may help you out. What computer are you using? Give us some more clues to work with.

I'd rather ditch Anna than do-over. Conquering those worlds took like an hour each!

Read all of the Read-Me's. I think I set the memory to be triple the recommended.

The Mac I'm on is a 7100, or a 7500, or one of those; 100MHz, 1GB HD, 96 MB RAM, currently on System 8.6. It is currently replacing my older Performa 6115 (66MHz, 350MB HD, 34MB RAM).

If you drink, don't park. Accidents cause people.

Your file has what we call 'plug-lag'...

Every plug-in wears down your pilot file a bit and leaves traces of it even after it's gone. Eventually this builds up on older macs and causes the file to go nuts.

My suggestion is start a new pilot.

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...

Alien's famous tongue...
"Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...

(QUOTE)Originally posted by Alien 5672:
**Your file has what we call 'plug-lag'...

Every plug-in wears down your pilot file a bit and leaves traces of it even after it's gone. Eventually this builds up on older macs and causes the file to go nuts.

My suggestion is start a new pilot.

But I haven't gotten any plun-ins to work! Unless you count the Frozen Heart program crashes. But the game never once loaded fully until I took that plug out.

If you drink, don't park. Accidents cause people.

Hmmm, still think his advice is good tho' (ie start a new pilot file). I've trashed/lost so many Ultimate pilots, you would not believe. It can actually be fun reworking your way up in a different order too (eg Voinian missions in an Adzara etc, etc).


If Frozen Heart crashed your Mac it could be because your Mac is unstable. On the other hand, it could be the QuickTime problem. To solve this, remove the plugin element called 'Quicktime' or something similar, and it should be fine.

You do need to start a new pilot file for Frozen Heart.

And, yes, I agree, it would in retrospect have been better not to include the Quick Time stuff. Hence its absence in Femme Fatale.



Originally posted by Puddle Jumper:
**I appreciate the advice. I will take it.🆒

But it seems my problems run deeper. I don't think any of my plug-ins work at all. I checked last night after I posted my original question, and I didn't install the Voinian plug after all; it was Magma. And I have not seen any change in the appearance of my game. The only plug that ever worked was the Holy Handgrenade, which was silly. And the "Fire & Ice" I refered to was actually "Frozen Heart" -- this one crashed my game. Other than these two, no other plugs I have installed have shown up when the game loads. Is there a setting I need to change? I tried removing the sample plug, but that didn't work, either. 😕

And what's up with Anna B? I've been to every southern tip renegade world (conquered 3 of 'em!), and every world in a large radius around the place I picked up the mission, and visited every bar and mission computer. Nothing. I have ship specs in my cargo, but I can't view them and I don't know what to do with them. I've been to Knox, and Lothe, and you name it.

Little help, here. 😕


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