A real bug/feature?

OK here is a good one,

The ranges of weapons change with the games speed setting. Try a phased cannon with gamespeed set to 50% and then try it at 225%. The range is much longer with the higher speed settings. Is this a bug or a feature? It looks like the lifetime of the projectiles doesn't take into account the game speed.

R & R software

Its probably a bug like you said. I have always run EV with 100%, no more, no less so I havent noticed it. Ah, I tried and you're right, Rodger... Another bug to add to the list... 😉

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When I first started playing EV, I used to have the speed cranked down to about 75%... I thought it would be easier that way (note that I'm talking about EV, not 'O' - there's a more, nastier fighters in EV).

Trouble is, as you've heard, a reduction in game speed reduces the range of your weapons. And at 75% or less, you can't really deliver a Python. Ouch! The game actually got easier once I cranked it up to 100%, and learned to run away as I fought.

"Hey look Gavin... All this typing, and I didn't need to swear once..." 🙂

Game speed doesn't just affect the weapons. The turning speed is halved when the speed is reduced to 50%, and doubles at 200%.
(At least this is what happens at 1.0.2)

"To alcohol! The cause of - and solution to - all of life's
-Homer Simpson

This is probably because weapon distance (or how long the shots stay on screen) and turning (30ű per second) are both time affected. Change the speed/time the game runs at and of course it's going to be affected.

Homer: A women is a lot like a beer, they look good, they taste good, and you'd step over your own mother to get one!

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I read a post about this before, I think it's actually a feature, beacuse although you might think the game would be easier at 75% EVO and EV (I think) compenstae for this by altering the way you weapons and ships behave, then again it could also have to do with the physics calculations.



Originally posted by Evil Homer:
**Game speed doesn't just affect the weapons. The turning speed is halved when the speed is reduced to 50%, and doubles at 200%.
(At least this is what happens at 1.0.2)


Of course the turning speed is going to be effected, when the game is only going at half speed your ship will turn at half speed, it's the same thing when you run it at 200% the game speed increase would increase your turn speed just like it increases everything else.


They're talking about weapon speed and turn rate.

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Working for the Ph'for is like being flogged gently to death with a moist shoelace.


Originally posted by Mr. S'pht:
**They're talking about weapon speed and turn rate.

Pay attention and you get ahead in life <IMG SRC="http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/smile.gif" HEIGHT="15" WIDTH="15">


Was there really a need to insult him?



Working for the Ph'for is like being flogged gently to death with a moist shoelace.


Originally posted by Crawler:
**Of course the turning speed is going to be effected, when the game is only going at half speed your ship will turn at half speed, it's the same thing when you run it at 200% the game speed increase would increase your turn speed just like it increases everything else.


That is exactly what I said only in a clearer and more intelligent way. 😛

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Hip Hop Recomendation of the week: DJ Vadim - Life from the Other Side

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