EV for the...um...PC (duck)


Originally posted by AnaerobicShark:
**Before you start screaming at me for the message subject:) , I've gone through and looked at some earlier posts about EV/EVO for the PC. There was some talk about emulators ( part of my question ) and the usual Windows user flaming =P.

First of all, someone wrote that you can find emulators for "apple but not for windows" I haven't had any luck finding an emulator for my PC to do a virtual mac interface. I have a 75 mhz Mac and believe me its not fun when you got a UE destroyer with all of its blaze cannons and turrets facing you and firing, the game gets so slow its hard to do anything and my ship usually gets torched unless I'm cheating ( rare :))

And its been like 6 months since anyone I can find posted something like this, again I post the same question posted many times in the past =P "Is EV/EVO/EV3 coming out for the PC at ALL? Any ports?"

Thanks, and yes Microsoft wants to steal your dog, your house, your possesions, your life savings, your cat, AND your donkey.


First of all...Ooter, thanks for the advice. I've tried it and it works, and the programs run smoother, and I can actually run EVO. :cheering:

And for the second issue, I tried to load one of the cheat plug-ins, (no criticisms, please) and it caused the program to develop an "Unexplained Application Failure" even before the first splash screen loads. It won't go away, even though I've now deleted and reloaded the program three times now. This is still using Executor, mind you. Is there some file that I need to delete to stop this problem? Thanks.

I don't know if someone else posted this but there are FASTER than Excutor free Mac emulators out there @
(url="http://"http://www.emulators.com/")http://www.emulators.com/(/url) (they essentially bought out all the competition)
ftp://www.emulators.com/fusion <--full version, there giving it away now!

NOTE: Older MacROM needed. I have a MacIIci and cx over here...

and for the benchmarks (url="http://"http://mes.emuunlim.com/benchtests/")http://mes.emuunlim.com/benchtests/(/url)

Please note some of the ridiculus claims such as "rivals the speeds of even the G3..." etc. It emulates a 68040. If PC emulators emulated x386/486 I'm sure that we could make them "rival the fastest Ghz chip..." Thus that is why they only do up to MacOS8.1.

Anyways, hope this helps.

Trentent Tye

I never thought I'd go
as far as I am right
now. Now that I'm
here, I have to start
over or else I've got
nothing to do.

I am also running EV on the PC, and it seems to work pretty well despite the age of my computer (as long as I don't try and engage multiple cruisers), but I'm having some troubles. First, when I start EV, the splash screen where it says how long you've been playing and whether or not you should register doesn't come up. I downloaded it from this site, and haven't used any cracks on it, so what's up? I distinctly remember it doing that when I played it on my friends Mac. Also, for you Executor users, have you been having any trouble w/ the StuffIt Expander that comes w/ it? Maybe this is a result of my ignorance of how StuffIt works, but I can't unstuff many files. I open StuffIt and go to expand, then select a file, but it just quits out of that screen w/out doing anything. Is this normal? The files are of types that I thought it should work on (i.e., .sit, .bi, and files w/out extensions). Should I download a new copy of the Expander? Is this a known problem w/ Executor's copy?

Metzen, thanks. I know this really isn't the forum for this, and I don't mean to continue to impose on your generosity, but I have a question about the Fusion emulator. The program and components downloaded from the FTP site seem to work fine, but after I extracted the ROM from the ROMUTIL file and renamed it, the program still cannot detect a ROM image! Does anyone have an idea what's going wrong here?

What type of computer did you extract the ROM from? It needs to be a 68040 or less I believe, though not below a 32bit "clean" system such as the IIci. I'm not sure if it is a ROM name error as mine was recognized and works fine (IIci ROM image).

What utility did you use to extract the ROM from the computer? I used CopyROM.

Good Luck.

I haven't tried EV in Fusion 3.0, but I'm assuming it will work better than executor...

I never thought I'd go
as far as I am right
now. Now that I'm
here, I have to start
over or else I've got
nothing to do.

Sorry about that, but the file I was thinking of wasn't a ROM image after all. Er, I've got a Quadra 605 sitting over in the corner, but before I go take the time to hook it up, I need to know how to get the image. Thanks for the continued help.

I have an Apple II+....older then any of the IIe series.....the thing has 3 holes in the back....HOLES....that you run wires through that attach to a disk controller card. It has a 1979 date on its internal components...hell, 4 years OLDER then me. As for Mac 128k's.......does anyone have one in a back closet or an attic that they could spare, because im looking for one.....thanks,



I have an Apple II+....older then any of the IIe series.....the thing has 3 holes in the back....HOLES....that you run wires through that attach to a disk controller card. It has a 1979 date on its internal components...hell, 4 years OLDER then me. As for Mac 128k's.......does anyone have one in a back closet or an attic that they could spare, because im looking for one.....thanks,



My mom&dad; bought me a PC!!!! They kicked me off our G3 So now I cant play EV unless I sneek onto the coumputer! It is a "good" PC, Though.(If such a thing is possible.) It is has an 800Mz, pentium III proseser with 40 Gb of ram and about 200 Mb of memory. BUT I CAN'T PLAY EV:O ON IT!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.


Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
My mom&dad; bought me a PC!!!! They kicked me off our G3 So now I cant play EV unless I sneek onto the coumputer! It is a "good" PC, Though.(If such a thing is possible.) It is has an 800Mz, pentium III proseser with 40 Gb of ram and about 200 Mb of memory. BUT I CAN'T PLAY EV:O ON IT!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Sounds like a clear case of child abuse to me. Call your local Social Services office immediately and report this incident.

Joe Burnette

"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄 😄

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

I have a 450hz/G4 with a Apple Cinema Display so everyone with a 66hz computer gonna hate me for this.... I have a registration code for "Executor", got it off SerialSurfer 2000 and is:
Serial: 5958004
Key: 9mbszf42fhhth

Will this help?

"Terrorists are here to terrorise"!
-Quote from Vladmimir Ilich Ulianov alias Lenin-

Hi all. Thanks for all the great advice on this thread! I got executor to run EVO very nicely on my p2/400/128. I'm very happy with it. The only problem is that there's NO SOUND! It doesnt sound like muchbut it bothers me alot. Does anyone know how to fix this? Sound works in other emulated mac progs. Any tips would be great. Also, does anyone know how to register Executor? Or know anywhere I can 'borrow' a full version from? 🙂 (and no, dont worry, i wont crax0r EVO...I love shareware companies)


Originally posted by Siddartha:
Sorry about that, but the file I was thinking of wasn't a ROM image after all. Er, I've got a Quadra 605 sitting over in the corner, but before I go take the time to hook it up, I need to know how to get the image. Thanks for the continued help.

If you go to vMac's website (at (url="http://"http://www.leb.net/vmac/download/CopyROM/CopyROM.hqx)")http://www.leb.net/v...ROM/CopyROM.hqx)(/url)

you can download the program there.

Put it on your target computer, open the program, and I'm not 100% sure what happens, but I seem to remember it saving a file on there...


I never thought I'd go
as far as I am right
now. Now that I'm
here, I have to start
over or else I've got
nothing to do.

Ah shouldn't have gone on vacation, 54 replies lol, well anyways I'm gonna try executor and this Fusion program again, when I left for vacation I dumped my PC in the shop so they could install more memory, 120 mb of ram now, EV may run smoother. And about the serial number thing, yeah I have one already, but where do you ENTER it is the problem?


Well, I've taken down my computer and found...most of the cables, so can anyone tell me how to load a Macintosh disk and have it recognized by Executor? Of course, I can't seem to write to it anyway, so...I think the serial number inserting for Executor is non-existant.

"I am also running EV on the PC, and it seems to work pretty well despite the age of my computer (as long as I don't try and engage multiple cruisers), but I'm having some troubles. First, when I start EV, the splash screen where it says how long you've been playing and whether or not you should register doesn't come up. I downloaded it from this site, and haven't used any cracks on it, so what's up? I distinctly remember it doing that when I played it on my friends Mac. Also, for you Executor users, have you been having any trouble w/ the StuffIt Expander that comes w/ it? Maybe this is a result of my ignorance of how StuffIt works, but I can't unstuff many files. I open StuffIt and go to expand, then select a file, but it just quits out of that screen w/out doing anything. Is this normal? The files are of types that I thought it should work on (i.e., .sit, .bi, and files w/out extensions). Should I download a new copy of the Expander? Is this a known problem w/ Executor's copy?"

I have also experienced such problems. My StuffIt Expander works for aobut a tenth of the stuff I download. I can't seem to expand any of the others. This is really pissing me off. Also, Executor can't seem to work EVEdit either.

Seems kind of old but I guess I can answer it even tough the answer might already be up there somewhere.

go to ardi.com and get executor ~ 30 day trail

download ev

read below:

Override works much better than EV on executor. In any case you need to use the following command line << 😄 (your path) executor.exe -fullscreen -applzone 64M >> where 64M is the amount of RAM you have minus 32 meg or so. Then in Executor select the EV executible(?) and hit alt + ctrl + shift + 5 this should give you an options menu turn on animation and turn sound off. If you have a fairly good system it should run alright. EVO runs much smoother. good luck