Plug-In Help!!!

I created a ship today, and I wanted to test it out in EV. I made the appropriately spun Pic and Mask (both PICT documents), and I put the graphics in the sprites part of the ship-editor in EV-Edit, and the green grid showed up, which i thought meant it was ok. I'm almost positive I have done all the statistics right. Anyway, whenever I start up EV I load the pilot file and whenever I click "Enter Ship," or "Enter Pilot," or whatever, EV quits because of a Type 1 error. Any theories on whats going on?

My mom says I'm cool.

Correction: Error Type 3

My mom says I'm cool.

Try increasing EVs memory


Oh yeah, don't use EV-Edit, it's really buggy, besides EV-Edit can't do all the nifty features that are in 1.0.2


Ok, I have a three step fix for you:

  1. Download ResEdit, its in the files section
  2. Download the EV Bible, annotaded edition, and read it
  3. Download the EVO 1.0.2 Template (TMPL), and paste it into your plug

If you do that, you'll be a real plug maker. EV-Edit truly sucks, and rarely works. Even EEEV and Schmelta-V are better than it. Actually, I might have a copy of delta_v around here somewhere... 🙂



Originally posted by QW12:
**Ok, I have a three step fix for you:

  1. Download ResEdit, its in the files section
  2. Download the EV Bible, annotaded edition, and read it
  3. Download the EVO 1.0.2 Template (TMPL), and paste it into your plug

If you do that, you'll be a real plug maker. EV-Edit truly sucks, and rarely works. Even EEEV and Schmelta-V are better than it. Actually, I might have a copy of delta_v around here somewhere... <IMG SRC="" HEIGHT="15" WIDTH="15">


actually, he needs the EV 1.0.5 templates... hes using EV.. remember? 🙂

(url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)
(url="http://"")Iced Earth(/url)

True, but the EVO 1.0.2 TMPL wont hurt. He might get ambitious. 🙂



Originally posted by QW12:
**True, but the EVO 1.0.2 TMPL wont hurt. He might get ambitious. <IMG SRC="" HEIGHT="15" WIDTH="15">


or he might just decide to go eat ice cream 🙂

(url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)
(url="http://"")Iced Earth(/url)

You'll attract less bugs eating ice cream then using EV-Edit. shudder



Originally posted by QW12:
**You'll attract less bugs eating ice cream then using EV-Edit. shudder


hehe.. .true... its not the best written program out there. now I hafta go eat some ice cream 🙂

(url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)
(url="http://"")Iced Earth(/url)

For anyone who cares, I did finally get the ship working after about 2 hours of very tedious testing. Also, while I do agree EV-Edit is buggy, it's a great program and especially easy to use, you just have to fiddle around with it when it doesn't work your way. As for EEEV, I'm looking forward to it.

Wasn't there an EEEV for the original EV? I think I remember using it once or twice.

My mom says I'm cool.


Originally posted by Ice Cream Trucker:
**For anyone who cares, I did finally get the ship working after about 2 hours of very tedious testing. Also, while I do agree EV-Edit is buggy, it's a great program and especially easy to use, you just have to fiddle around with it when it doesn't work your way. As for EEEV, I'm looking forward to it.

Wasn't there an EEEV for the original EV? I think I remember using it once or twice.


dude, ditch those editors and get ResEdit... its so much better than any of them... and is very easy to use once you get the hang of it...

(url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)
(url="http://"")Iced Earth(/url)

I know how to use Res Edit, but it just doesn't work for me with EVO, I can't get the whole template thing to work.

My mom says I'm cool.

Just use Resourcerer with the annotated templates, it's easier than ResEdit an the normal templates. Oh, and get FlagMaker 2 as well.



Originally posted by Ice Cream Trucker:
**I know how to use Res Edit, but it just doesn't work for me with EVO, I can't get the whole template thing to work.


do you have ResEdit 2.1.3? do you have the 1.0.2 templates? and do you know how to create new resources after you pasted in the templates? hehe... it should work just fine...

(url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)
(url="http://"")Iced Earth(/url)

ev-edit is a great easy to use program for people who do not wanna or do not have the time to learn a new interface and programming like me
