Capturing planets

Sometimes when I try to capture a planet, actually alot of times, whenever I kill a ship, the planet sends out another one. I've tried for hours, but the planet seems to have an unlimmited supplypf ships. What should I do? Thx-

Jordan Fisher

Keep killing the ships until there are no more, then demand tribute again.


But in EV there was that one planet at the beginning to the pirate world 6-7 jumps away, were you had to pase through to get to the pirate world. any way it always sent out one reble destroyer, I always distroyed it (exept once, dinnir) but it never let me take the planet, even after I hit demand tribute after destroying the only ship they had!! frustrating!!!

Remember Italians Rule
Ciao, Buona Notte I'm going to sleep!

It's been said before, but it's worth reiterating: planets often have really large defence fleets. You can find out exactly how large by opening the relevant resource (probably the spob resource) in ResEdit and checking the Defence Fleets value at the bottom. The way it works is a little odd: if the value is 1084, this means that the planet has a fleet of 8 ships, which it will send out in two waves of four (unless it's four waves of two. I haven't got the EVO bible with me right now). If it's 2008, that's 100 ships (first three digits, less 100) in waves of 8 ships per.

In EVO, some planets have small-ish fleets of about 36, some (ie. Earth) have fleets of hundreds. Even with a small fleet (ie. human renegades), if some of the ships are carriers their fighter don't count for the defence fleet limit.



For an easy fight, go dominate Summer.

There's a Voinian station that's very easy too; we're growing a bit short of front-line vessels, so it's defended by captured UE junk... not telling you which, though... I'm no traitor!

"I wear a helmet
But I've got a bare chest
I do some talking
My phaser does the rest
Don't like your tentacles
Don't like your face
Don't like your planet
Think I'll lay it to waste
'Coz I'm Rambo in Space
Yeah, I'm Rambo in Space"

The EVO engine is often set to only allow a little number of ships in one system at a time. Its often 38 or less so if you want to demand tribute really fast, get up to 36 escorts. You can either cheat or raid private ships until you have that number of ships with you and then demand tribute on every planet you want to. Only one or two ships comes out and defend and when they are defeated, ask for tribute again and its accepted. Its that simple. Its easier on Ev though.

"Terrorists are here to terrorise"!
-Quote from Vladmimir Ilich Ulianov alias Lenin-

Not a traitor huh??? Too bad.. we've been treating the defecter pretty well....

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...

It's Outpost Topel, isn't it ? Right near Emalgha space.

The Coalition lives...

AIM : Grundle004

In EV, Hunter i think is the messed up planet that sends out like one destroyer and then if you kill it and demand tribute it just sends one more. I think if you start murdering ships in that system they will give in and paytribute

Weazle is Fed up with your ShĄt, and he's going to kill YOU!

How do you get into the recourses to find out how many ships a planet has?


Originally posted by VoinianAmbassador:
For an easy fight, go dominate Summer.

Meria is easier 😛



Originally posted by New Dawn:
How do you get into the recourses to find out how many ships a planet has?

Use ResEdit or Resourcerer


ev-edit is better it gives the straight answer
