Best Strand !!!

AI fights: Zidagar dominate. They have a 50%/50% chance against Azzies and they almost ALWAYs win against Iggies...

Human Fights: No comment, I hate Strands....

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...

What are u talking about, ziddies dominate? I can almost take down a zidara in a azdara, where the only mods are 2 extra phase cannons. Its mauervarability rocks!! I can fly circles around zidaras, not to mention the dispy's they launch. The azdgari are by far the best strand


He said in AI fights nimrod. Put some spackle on those dendrites, get em moving.

"Sir, victory of the bladder over the mind is inevitable"-James T. Farrell

AIM: Deadstar72


Look, I can take a voinian dreadnaught down in a scoutship. That does not make the UE a better gov to side with.

We all have our personal opinions about this... yes, in AI battles, Zidara easily overpower the other ships, because that phased beamer is pretty damn wicked. However, they, as computers, get to use it far too much. I captured a Zidara and gave a little test to the beamer... it drained ALL of my fuel in 2 seconds. The comps leave it on for a very, very long time.

But, whatever. It doesn't matter if you can kill them with 5 phase/neutron turrets before they even reach you 😄

So, in conclusion... everyone has their own favorite strand to side with... for me, personally, it's the Iggies. Powerful ships, powerful weapons, and the only place where they have a weakness (fighter swarms), has a great anti-weakness-weapon (heh), the Siphon.


"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --

Like I said before, the Strand ships are weak as heck compared to the awesome power of my UE Cruiser. However, the Azdagari does have a sweet Warship. Now the Igadzra does have the Plasma Siphon yet it lacks the AI use of it. Now if AI used it, plus you, it would be a whole other story. As for the Zidagar, I agree that they use their beam WAY too much. However, it doesn't do much good on a ship like a UE Cruiser that destroys it before they even get a chance to whip it out.
Now the Crescent Warship is okay if you modify it but otherwise it sucks against a strand such as the Azdagari. In fact, I have a Crescent Warship right now and I'm trying to work for the Igadzra. It is near impossible when all I have is the Plasma Siphon, 2 SAD launchers, 30 SADs, 1 Disp. Rocket launcher, 20 Disp. Rockets. With no speed or tuen upgrades along with no shield or armor upgrades, the Azdaras tear me up in the defend Outpost Rai mission. Plus I don't have much money to get the upgrades needed. Any suggestions?

Feel the Jive
I'm not as think
as you stupid I am.

"If it weren't for my horse
I wouldn't have spent that year in college"
-Lewis Black

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Go to 1 of the renegade places and sit there for a couple houres and steal renegade credits. A Cres. Warship has about 300,000-320,000 creds. on it, an arada has 30,000-50,000, a lazira has 70,000-150,000.

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

Do the other main objective missions the UE and the Miruna give you loads of money 😄 and so you can buy all the upgrades you want.

Igzadra will rise above the other strands and crush them like dust all will pay, all will play. Then we shall over through the council and rule the cresent for ourselves HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA 😄 😄 😄
😛 😛 😛 😛


We'll help you with the cresent if you help us with the Hew-mans. And after we counquer them both we can split up the miranu.

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

Looting other ships is a great way to make cash. hell, you don't even need to go to Reggy (renegade) space, just take over a planet, land on it, and when you take off, there's a good chance that a bounty hunter will be after you. Disable, steal, repeat.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --

yeah, but bounty hunters have jack sh*t credits, like 9k or something.
oh, and the zidigar use their beam so much because they naturally gain fuel, but only the comp. gets this ability

"what is life but a prelude to death?"-me
New Windows version 98, now with 400% more bugs and error messages than windows 95
(just $199.99)
and doesnt it make you feel better, the pigs have won tonight. They can all sleep soundly now, and everything is all right

Rabbit it all, rabbit this world, rabbit everything that you stand for, dont belong, dont accept, dont give a cow, dont ever judge me

One reason why the azzies are the best strand. Does anyone else have a fighter that can take down igazras by itself? I didnt think so. I know that thats with a human (me) controlling the azdara, but still, thats pretty good for a ship that only costs 1.5 mil!


dude... shut the **** up about human vs comp AI... it's really stupid, and it's not proving your point. sheeeeesh.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --

The Azdgari, or course, are the best. Especially when you put all their fancy tech on a bitchin' Voinian ship.


uhhhhhh, the azdgari are the best when you put their tech on an azdara, so what? the azdgari tech is just the best

"what is life but a prelude to death?"-me
New Windows version 98, now with 400% more bugs and error messages than windows 95
(just $199.99)
and doesnt it make you feel better, the pigs have won tonight. They can all sleep soundly now, and everything is all right

Rabbit it all, rabbit this world, rabbit everything that you stand for, dont belong, dont accept, dont give a cow, dont ever judge me

Very true, Aggies have the best tech, by far.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --

But they have no empire, i mean look at the Iggies they have half the cresent!!!
The iggies have all the resorces they need.
The iggies are the best because they've got the most ausome ship. The Igzada.

Igzada with Dorspect armour and phase turrets can take on any ship in the cresent!!! 😄


Any warship from the crescent with dospect armor is far more lethal than one without so your comment about the Iggie Warship isn't exactly true. Yes it would be great with it but the same can be said of the Zidara or the Azdgari Warship or even the Crescent Warship.


there, i hope all this stuff about "my ships the best" is over now

"what is life but a prelude to death?"-me
New Windows version 98, now with 400% more bugs and error messages than windows 95
(just $199.99)
and doesnt it make you feel better, the pigs have won tonight. They can all sleep soundly now, and everything is all right

Rabbit it all, rabbit this world, rabbit everything that you stand for, dont belong, dont accept, dont give a cow, dont ever judge me

I'm still saying the Azdgari are the best. There technology is incredible, their ships are awesome, and as for their skills in AI vs. AI battles? The Azdgari almost always win. Okay, here's a fight between an Aggie Warship and an Igzara (since that seems to be the big debate.) The Aggie Warship lauches 6 Azdaras, which shoot off to attack the Igzara. The Iggie starts pummeling the fighters with its turrets. After it takes out about 2 fighters, the Aggie Warship itself arrives and starts firings its turrets at the Iggie. The Iggie is down to about 40% shields by now, and dropping fast. the Iggie usually takes out one more Azdara before it goes down. The Warship recalls its remaining fighters, and calmly jumps out of the system. And plus, the Azdgari are really, really cool. 🆒



Originally posted by Samurai:
**I'm still saying the Azdgari are the best. There technology is incredible, their ships are awesome, and as for their skills in AI vs. AI battles? The Azdgari almost always win. Okay, here's a fight between an Aggie Warship and an Igzara (since that seems to be the big debate.) The Aggie Warship lauches 6 Azdaras, which shoot off to attack the Igzara. The Iggie starts pummeling the fighters with its turrets. After it takes out about 2 fighters, the Aggie Warship itself arrives and starts firings its turrets at the Iggie. The Iggie is down to about 40% shields by now, and dropping fast. the Iggie usually takes out one more Azdara before it goes down. The Warship recalls its remaining fighters, and calmly jumps out of the system. And plus, the Azdgari are really, really cool.🆒

hmmm... I guess if that happens, the Igazra would lose... the battle I witnessed was an aggy warship jumping into a system and launching its fighters at an Igazra who was flying away... the Igazra killed the fighters, and then, while at 60% shields, took the Aggy warship head on and killed it.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --