Best Strand !!!

Do you have version 1.0.2, Flatulence? Cuz' i've heard that in version 1.0.2, all the fighters get a lot tougher. I have version 1.0.2, so this may explain why I like the Azdgari so much.


Yep, I have 1.02..... the iggy ship blasts the first 2 fighters out of the sky before the others start circling....

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --

i always see the iggies blow away all the little azdara then go on to destroy the Azgari Warship


The Eridani are the best

(This message has been edited by Rodger (edited 08-23-2000).)

Firstly, let us say that we believe the Igazra are the best Strand.

Now, let us back it up.

In EVO 1.0.2, fighters have become more deadly, true. However, a Kriat is still a piece of space junk, and UE fighters get scrapped across the floor by bigger ships.
Veteran players all know how to make a super figher using the Azdgari fighter, a prototype shield generator, etc.... however, how many AI's have that ship?

We are correct when we say to see which ship is truelly best, we need an AI vs. AI battle, one ship vs. the other.

We created a very simple plug, everyone knows how, that simply made a new system next to Sol, where there was always an Azdgari warship and an Igazra warship.

In the head on battle, (at least every time we watched), the Igazra decimated the Azdgari warship. Firstly, it took out all the fighters, almost 1 per pass, and was only down to around 65% to 75% shields, depending.

Next, its SAE modules slammed into the Azdgari warship, almost destroying it before it was even within range.

A similiar battle against the Zidgar didn't last half as long, the Igazra crushing it.

We think, in AI vs. AI, the Igazra is the better Strand, simply because their ships have more weapons, more powerful weapons, more shields, and a good combination of speed an maneuverability.

Now, if we wanted to compare actual people, opinions vary, although not many people would pick the Zidgar it seems (we may be WRONG, please say so if we are). Frankly, we can't see buying a UE or Voinian ship, simply because Strand weapons can decimate a UE Cruiser. (We tried an Igazra vs. the biggest UE ship, the Cruiser. The Igazra was barely touched, more than 60% shields every time).

If you like fast ships, everyone usually agree's that a super Azdgari fighter with all the options is your best bet.

If you prefer head on bashing of your enemy, which we do, the Igazra is hard to beat. 5 turrets can decimate the whimpy blaze cannons on all UE ships, and a Cresent Warship is like a small scoutship if you use your SAE modules. AND, the Igazra has plenty of room to expand, just use weapon space mod's, getting rid of that cargo, put in some armour, speed upgrades, and you have yourself one bad-ass ship.

The Team
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