Reign 2 I beg you!!

My last post got a couple of reply's but nothing good. In Reign of the Voinians 2, I am looking for a new base of operations north and east of molos. When I found the system, It had an incomplete system name. I tried to land on the planet, but it would not let me, and I cannot complete the mission. Somebody please help me. If you happen to be on good terms with "Bomb", the creator of the plugin, please ask him. Thank you very much.

Jesus Loves you and
so do I

Try taking it over or bribing it. If you have to take it over I find that 1 crec. warship+3UE destoyers with your ship being a V. cruser can take over just about anything.

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

It's North of UE space, a big red planet, um, I forget the rest, it's been a while since I finished it.


I think I found a bug. When I got the "Destroy phantom hinwar fleet" mission I tryed to find it but I couldn't find it. I landed on Voinia and it said "With the destuction of the hinwar fleet"blah...blah...blah... But I didn't destroy it. And after that I got chewed out by the genirals and they sent me to yandros and I don't know what to do next. So can someone help me?

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

Good lord, something like that happen to me when I was working for the Zidagar.... Mission kept screwing up, I had to keep trying to get it to work.. abort, try again, abort, try again....

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...

Alien's famous tongue...
"Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...


Originally posted by n2jesus:
**My last post got a couple of reply's but nothing good. In Reign of the Voinians 2, I am looking for a new base of operations north and east of molos. When I found the system, It had an incomplete system name. I tried to land on the planet, but it would not let me, and I cannot complete the mission. Somebody please help me. If you happen to be on good terms with "Bomb", the creator of the plugin, please ask him. Thank you very much.


I haven't seen him online recently, but I'm fairly sure that it's a red planet several systems north of Jax.



Originally posted by _bomb:
**I haven't seen him online recently, but I'm fairly sure that it's a red planet several systems north of Jax.


I found the red planet. It has an incomplete system name. But the thing is, I can't land on it, or make any form of contact with it. And when I go back where I got the mission, it doesn't say I've completed it. Please help me!!!

Jesus Loves you and
so do I

can sombody please help me? Ambassidor?

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

Hey lone, I'm stuck in the same place you are. I checked in the mďsn resource, and the next ship comes from a disabled ship, so there could be a lot of waiting, because it will be as easy to get as the derelict decoy missions.

Let me know if you get it!


-= Timinator =-

"I can imagine a world without war, without hate. I can also imagine us attacking that world because they wouldn't expect it."

What? Didi the mis. resourses say WHERE the ship or whatever is?

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

Any system. The setup of the mission is exactly like the derelict decoy missions: Availbale in any system, 100% probability. The problem lies in the fact that there is only a certain probability that the derelict will appear, and the mďsn probability says that when it does appear, there is a 100% chance that you will get the mission.

Getting chewed out and sent back to Yandros is probably designed to be a pause in the mission and the next mission will probably start a new phase in the plot.


-= Timinator =-

"I can imagine a world without war, without hate. I can also imagine us attacking that world because they wouldn't expect it."

What is the Derilict named?

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

I didn't check that, but it should be a ship that is disabled and its government type should be "Derelict." I didn't really look into it much past looking at the mďsn resource.


-= Timinator =-

"I can imagine a world without war, without hate. I can also imagine us attacking that world because they wouldn't expect it."

Never mind... I got a mission at First Centari. But I think The game messed up and I skiped a few missions.

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

I wish I could get that kind of luck!


-= Timinator =-

"I can imagine a world without war, without hate. I can also imagine us attacking that world because they wouldn't expect it."

It's not as fun as you think. When that happens you miss a lot of the story.

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.