Tractor Beam???

I'm disappointed... the Forklift weapon shots little forklift trucks...
Why doesn't the tractor beam shoot little tractors?
Another blatant violation of the Trade Descriptions Act, 1974.

"Hey look Gavin... All this typing, and I didn't need to swear once..." 🙂

the reason is that the beam is a BEAM not a projectile weapon, and it isnt violating that act seeing as tractor means to pull, and a tractor beam does just that

"what is life but a prelude to death?"-me
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and doesnt it make you feel better, the pigs have won tonight. They can all sleep soundly now, and everything is all right

Rabbit it all, rabbit this world, rabbit everything that you stand for, dont belong, dont accept, dont give a cow, dont ever judge me

Ok then... as long as it makes Jean Michel Jarre style projections of little tractors on the hull of hostile ships as I pull 'em in.

(This is a polite way of saying: "You're taking my post far too seriously, Oedipus.")

"Hey look Gavin... All this typing, and I didn't need to swear once..." 🙂