Tractor Beam???

What does the tractor beam do? Is it worth 10 tons?

Jordan Fisher

It basically slows down slow ships. I find it useless, I think the Repulsor Beam is more useful.

My sentiments exactly. Tried it once, and found better things to do with 10 tons...

If you have only unguided, short-range weapons, it can be useful. But only then...


If you really, really want a 'beam' type weapon, and (like everyone else) you hate the Ziddies, all you're ever going to be able to get is a tractor beam or repulsor beam.

The tractor beam is handy for towing disabled fighters back into disabled motherships, so you can then board them and 'steal' the ammo... this practise allows you to carry more than the normal maximum of fighters.

The repulsor beam allows you to disrupt incoming Azdaras, slowing them down long enough so that you can nail them before they're off out of range and regenerating their shields... but the plasma siphon does a pretty good job of that anyway.

If you still really, really want a beam weapon I have a copy of the plugin (unhelpfully called simply 'ev outfits') that includes a 'shield drainer' weapon, and some other stuff, for sale at Freeport. Be warned that the outfits in the plug are pretty unbalanced, though, and I don't normally use them.

"I wear a helmet
But I've got a bare chest
I do some talking
My phaser does the rest
Don't like your tentacles
Don't like your face
Don't like your planet
Think I'll lay it to waste
'Coz I'm Rambo in Space
Yeah, I'm Rambo in Space"

If you have a ship who really can give a punch but dont have the speed to catch your enemies or destroy them when they attack, the tractor beam can be good. They stop the other ship and you can destroy it with your guns. But if your ship is fast, forget it. And forget the repulsor beam too, because they suck on ships with a small mass. When you hit'em, they are blown out of the picture and their shields can reload before they attack again. Go for the Zidagar beam (cant remember the name), that one is worth 10 tons. šŸ˜‰

"Terrorists are here to terrorise"!
-Quote from Vladmimir Ilich Ulianov alias Lenin-

If you have a ship who really can give a punch but dont have the speed to catch your enemies or destroy them when they attack, the tractor beam can be good. They stop the other ship and you can destroy it with your guns. But if your ship is fast, forget it. And forget the repulsor beam too, because they suck on ships with a small mass. When you hit'em, they are blown out of the picture and their shields can reload before they attack again. Go for the Zidagar beam (cant remember the name), that one is worth 10 tons. šŸ˜‰

"Terrorists are here to terrorise"!
-Quote from Vladmimir Ilich Ulianov alias Lenin- get the Ziddy phased beam, you have to side with them in the strand war. I'd rather be with the Iggies, for their cruiser, or the Azzies if I wanted to fly an Azdara.

Since I'm in a Voinian Cruiser (Reign style) right now, I think I'm going to have to side with the Azzies in the near future, or I'll completely forget how to fly fast ships!

Reign II didn't soup up the Voinian Cruiser, by the way.

-= Timinator =-

"I can imagine a world without war, without hate. I can also imagine us attacking that world because they wouldn't expect it."

Good - because the Reign I cruiser is a bit of an anomaly. It's got far too many turrets. Until you try to sell a few off... as we've discussed on another thread.

"I wear a helmet
But I've got a bare chest
I do some talking
My phaser does the rest
Don't like your tentacles
Don't like your face
Don't like your planet
Think I'll lay it to waste
'Coz I'm Rambo in Space
Yeah, I'm Rambo in Space"

Hmmm.. I actually find the tractor beam rather useful on my Igazra (and sometimes on my Aggy Warship)....

I use to to suck in ships and drag them along with me... when I release the beam, they fly at your exact same speed in your exact same direction, and they don't fire guns. Could you ask for a nicer target?

As for ROTV... yeah, the cruiser is pathetically unbalanced. I don't even care about the turrets... it's the fact that you have 800 armor, and I believe 150 shields (could be more)....

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --

The name of the Zidagar beam is the Phased Disruptor beam.

As for the sucker and the spewer... beats me, never tried 'em!

And the V Cruiser... I dunno, I want one, but I'm stuck with my frigate...

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...

The tractor beam was great in EV because it weighed nothing and used no fuel, you could hold fighters while you pumelled them, they could only turn slowly with it so they didn't have time to use rockets etc.

The one in EVO sucks.


BAH! It doesn't suck! you guys... ummm... just aren't creative enough to use it! šŸ˜„

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --

It'd be neat if the repulsor beam could repulse or deflect enemy shots and missiles.

drools messily ah dang, as if my keyboard wasn't sticky enough...

"That's cool how you just walked through
that door, but I still won't let you leave."
Ā— Durandal

If a sort of "energy meter" system is implemented in EV3 (which in some ways for primary weapons I hope it doesn't), the tractor beam could drain energy for that so you don't have to waste precious fuel. In fact, I think that if an "energy meter" were implemented, it should be used solely for beam weapons and other weapons that don't use explicit ammo and not for the primary weapons.


-= Timinator =-

"I can imagine a world without war, without hate. I can also imagine us attacking that world because they wouldn't expect it."

Oh yeah, it would be neat if the tractor beam could lock on to projectile weapons, because then you could steer the weapons at other ships. That would add another element of strategy to the game. Of course, it would take skill to be able to maneuver other shots like that...


-= Timinator =-

"I can imagine a world without war, without hate. I can also imagine us attacking that world because they wouldn't expect it."

That would rule. I'd be like the movie "Galaxy Quest"...

"Sorry, Salas (I think that was his name??), but what you don't know is that we're DRAGGING MINES!!!"
BOOOOOOOM :rolleyes:

Lay space mines, and then drag them with a tractor beam. That'd rule. šŸ˜„

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --

To be able to lock other missiles on other ships? That would be neat but then you have to think about how to make it realistic... One thing I thought would be neat was if you could get a device that sucked fuel from other ships and on to your own....Then you wouldt have to pay for the fuel if you are in a need to get some...... And you dont have to spend money on it when you land on planets...

"You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs."

-Quote from Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, alias Lenin when he made a speech about counter-terrorism to the Soviet Union-


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But to equal out the benifets of a device like that you would have to have it make all the planets near to you hostile to you.

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.