
What The H*@#. I downloaded some plug-ins to my computer from the plug-in page.
When I download the whole thing it won't expand. Why?! It is ticking me Off!


You'll have to be a little more specific...

  1. What was the plugin?
  2. What unstuffing tools do you have?
  3. Do you get any error messages?

Answer these, and maybe I can help you...


Grybs. The Entity.
(url="http://"")Invalid Directory(/url)

Why does everyone have some quasi-amusing quote at the end of their signature file?

I am not afraid.

Thank you Grybs,
The plug-in are actully EV/O Plug-ins like "Arena" Up With The UE" Theres a list of plug-ins. I have Stuff-it expander. But for the error message there are none. :frown:


This is where it gets interesting...

Do you have ResEdit? If not, it can be obtained from (url="http://"") - it's free. The unstuffed files may be invisible. I don't know why, so don't ask me. But it has happened before. To me.

Once you're inside ResEdit, use the "Get File/Folder Info" function to see if there are any invisible files on your desktop (or wherever you download files to). The ones you're looking for should be pretty obvious. Don't mess around with things you don't understand, or you stand a chance of blowing your computer (from someone who found out the hard way - twice).

But that's unlikely.

You'll probably need the latest version of Stuffit Expander, but I use vers. 5 and it works fine...

Do you double click on them, and find that they won't work then? How far do you get? Does Expander open up at all?

If the answer to the last question is "no" - then try locating Stuffit Expander, manually opening it, and using the File->Unstuff option to point it to the files you've downloaded. It should have no problems there...

If this still doesn't work, you may want to try downloading using a different browser. That sometimes has strange effects, which may fix your problems.

The file format of the stuffed plugins will also be important. Make sure you're getting .sit or .hxq files. I think you should be able to handle .bin files too... but .sit and .hxq are the most popular ones (it seems...)

Hope I've helped you out a bit... if you're still having problems, just post the details here and I'll get back to you.


Grybs. The Entity.
(url="http://"")Invalid Directory(/url)

Why does everyone have some quasi-amusing quote at the end of their signature file?

I am not afraid.

(This message has been edited by Grybs (edited 08-15-2000).)

Every time I try to open ResEdit There's this message "The Program ResEdit cannot be open because a error typed -31.
What should I do?



"Sir, victory of the bladder over the mind is inevitable"-James T. Farrell

AIM: Deadstar72

Shut it. I don't like people who act wise.
Thank You


ok, what version of stuffit expander you have? try upgrading to 5.5, if you have an older version...

your freindly drug addict

If you get an error message with ResEdit, then the file is probably screwed up.


-= Timinator =-

"I can imagine a world without war, without hate. I can also imagine us attacking that world because they wouldn't expect it."

Like DeAdBoY mentioned, the stuffit expander have had many problems with the Binary decoding process. The newer version, 5.5 is really good and go for most of the time...And I use ZipIt to expand the files in properly Binary code and then use the Stuffit program.. Since I started with this, none of the files I download show any wrong messages and the error 31-... What's the error 31- anyway?

"You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs."

-Quote from Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, alias Lenin when he made a speech about counter-terrorism to the Soviet Union-


31 is just some error. Why don't they describe what went wrong? Why do they stick to stupid and unhelpful numbers? It doesn't make any sense.

However, if ResEdit's going down, I can only suggest you get ahold of another copy of it. Free from apple's site, for which I consider it unnecessary to provide a link...


Grybs. The Entity.
(url="http://"")Invalid Directory(/url)

Why does everyone have some quasi-amusing quote at the end of their signature file?

I am not afraid.