Xianu Override

Sorry, I know I touched on this in another topic but I seem to have forgotten which one it was. Anyway, Xianu was a really interesting total conversion plug-in for obviously EVO, but the site was taken down. If it was released, I didn't notice.


Lunar 2
One is back, new and

uh, i dont know.

I think the project died before being completed.


Effectively, yes. Check the website for the full story. There's a lot of good graphics (stellars, landing pics) looking for a home, if there's an enterprising plug builder looking for some art. Not sure what conditions the creators would attach to their use - they'd probably just want a credit in there somewhere.

Oh, too bad.... I was really looking forward to that plug.
Where's the website?

Lunar 2
One is back, new and

I e-mailed the person overseeing the preject about this. Here's what he wrote:

No. Xinau Override is not dead. I'd moved our offices and the bills
from Internic (Network Solutions) went to the old place and were not
forwarded. I was on the west coast for 3 weeks when they pulled down
the site due to lack of payment (a mere $35, which I paid as soon as
I knew what was going on.) It took a couple days to fix things. Now
everything is running fine. (The same thing happened to Hotmail last
month). Maybe you could post this message to let people know.

The crew that had been working on my stuff seems to have disappeared,
however, so there is no action. But the project has not completely

Guess it didn't completely die. I offered to help with programming if he needed it until the crew came back.

"Don't worry - that red flashing light proably doesn't mean anything..."
"Then why did the escape pod just launch?"
"Oh s###!"

Cuz i'm a 21st-century digital boy
i don't know the monty python but i've got a lot of guns
my daddy is a renegade
his name is Hellcat Helian - wait a second...isn't Hellcat Helian a -

Thanks.... I also offered to help.

Lunar 2
One is back, new and

Xianu Override is (according to my bookmark)...

Check it out. Very nice stellars, some nice planetary pictures. I don't think Xianu will make it... it was very ambitious. Still, the graphics should be salvaged and used, I reckon. With permission, of course.

Don't give up on Xianu, its waaaaaay too good to diss. I wish Digital Boy & Lunar 2 good luck in taking up the effort.....hope you are successful!


Hmmm, let me check out this Xianu place...

Ooooo, nice gun, I like I like.. ZAP

AAAHHHHH!!! God-rabbit this rabbiting thing!!!! It just rabbiting shot me, the bloody rabbit!!!

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...