Nova site

What is the address of the nova site?

Now choose: CIA or KGB!

Last I cchecked Nova was long dead...


its very alive... just... in another form.... 🙂

your freindly drug addict

It "went down" a while ago.


I suppose you could say this is its site: (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS..._betashots.html(/url)



Originally posted by Spyder:
**What is the address of the nova site?


There has never been much of a Nova Website. They were to busy working on the plug in.



But are you sure it is EV3?
They might just be showing the Ev3 engine with nova ships!
I think...

Now choose: CIA or KGB!

spyder, i am beyond sure


Well, OK.
Can anyone mail me some Nova beta or something.
If it큦 dead there큦 nothing wrong sending it to me???

Now choose: CIA or KGB!


Originally posted by Spyder:
**Well, OK.
Can anyone mail me some Nova beta or something.
If it큦 dead there큦 nothing wrong sending it to me???


Nova is rather alive, though little has been heard from ATMOS, the group that's developing. I seriously doubt anyone would send you a beta version, and I doubt you'd have much fun downloading it, the archive probably being 20 megabytes plus. Uncompressed: 40 megabytes.

"We shouldn't have pissed off the judge."
- Source inside Microsoft following verdict in the Microsoft antitrust case.

AIM: ColdFusion117