Good Plugs

ok... so ive been playin EVO for on and off for a while now. now, ive pretty much done almost all there is to do in EVO. I havent really messed around with many plugs, though (except for magma and a plug that lets u keep stuff u cant get back when u change ships). so i was wonderin if any of u could suggest some good plugs.

also, im kinda new to the board, so if this topic has already been dicussed a lot, then im sorry.



I think that Babalon 5 plug is great.

bah. go for the Reign of the Voinians. You'll have to start a new pilot file if you've already done everything, but it's very fun. Try it out and LONG LIVE THE VOINIANS!!!!

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --

I agree with Flatulence.....Go the ROTV...And when you have finished it download Reign: 2......Heaps of fun except when you get to the Flank Ariane mission who dont work...

"Terrorists are here to terrorise"!
-Quote from Vladmimir Ilich Ulianov alias Lenin-

thanks for the tip. i think ill give ROTV a try. i dont really like the voinians, but since ROTV is currently the highest rated plug (rating: 89), i guess i give it a chance.



Originally posted by Captain Mike:
thanks for the tip. i think ill give ROTV a try. i dont really like the voinians, but since ROTV is currently the highest rated plug (rating: 89), i guess i give it a chance.

Try some total conversion plugs too! Two really excellent ones are Frozen Heart and Femme Fatale. TC's give you an entirely new universe to explore.

And Seccession is a good, small plug that extends the Free Huron string. 🙂


"I dreamt I was a butterfly, but when I awoke, I thought I might actually be a butterfly, dreaming that I was a man."
-- Chuang-tze (330 BCE)