Reign 2. PLEASE HELP!!!!

Hello. I am having trouble finding the new base that is supposed to "Split the UE's in Half". If anybody out there knows where it is, please tell me. By the way, the guy that showed us how to fix the Flank Ariene bug, may God bless you!!! I had been trying to figure that one out for weeks. Anyway, please respond to this. Thank you.

Jesus Loves you and
so do I

I'm still trying to get the Flank Ariane mission.... How do ya fix it? Please respond, Ive been doing it for 3 weeks and still cant figure it out...

"Terrorists are here to terrorise"!
-Quote from Vladmimir Ilich Ulianov alias Lenin-


Originally posted by n2jesus:
**Hello. I am having trouble finding the new base that is supposed to "Split the UE's in Half". If anybody out there knows where it is, please tell me. By the way, the guy that showed us how to fix the Flank Ariene bug, may God bless you!!! I had been trying to figure that one out for weeks. Anyway, please respond to this. Thank you.


You are looking for system east and north of Molos. it will have some du dads behind system name.

Hail Odin,
where he gose victory and
glory follow. The old
gods are not dead and are
regaining rightful
places!! Hail the old Hail the new and hail the futur.