Idea for Seqel

All you plug-in developers out there listen up. If you need an idea for a new plug, make a sequel for the Death Blade. It has awesome graphics, incredible weapons, and all it needs is a mission string. If you haven't played it yet, go to the Add-ons file on the website.

Jesus Loves you and
so do I

Death Blade?? Ive never heard of it and I have downloaded everything on the Addon file....Do ya know what the homepage address is?

"Terrorists are here to terrorise"!
-Quote from Vladmimir Ilich Ulianov alias Lenin-

Death Blade?? Ive never heard of it and I have downloaded everything on the Addon page....Do ya know what the homepage address is?

"Terrorists are here to terrorise"!
-Quote from Vladmimir Ilich Ulianov alias Lenin-

1. Making a sequel of a plugin would be considered a derivative work as they're'd likely be some sort of continuity. This is why you don't see any other film studio running off to make a "Matrix" sequel (yes, I know one is coming.) It's obviously fine to continue the EV/EVO story line as by including a plugin architecture, Ambrosia tacitly implied consent. However taking the EV/EVO concept and moving it to another game might be... onerous without kissing andrew's pinky ring 😉

2. If you want a plugin that badly, learn to model in Mechinsto :rolleyes: and learn to develop a plugin in ResEdit.

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