
I just started playing EVO instead of EV, but whenever I try to run missions (specificly in the SW) I always get killed. But since im not familure enuf with the game i dont know where the mission goes untill after i except it...anyway i was wondering if anyone has good commodity routes within 1or2 jumps...(i looked for another post on this and didnt see one, sorry if i missed it)

Ok, this is copyied, but I like it:

Microsoft Works

On Earth pick up equepment and take it to first centari. Sell the equpment and buy food. Sell food on earth. Repeat until yov can upgrade to the scoutship and then the the Freight coureir.

P.S. when a U.E. officer says something about a military thing, DON'T ACCEPT!! When you get a Fright Coureir and a combat rating of avrage or better go to Pax in the dogovar system. It's on the far left side of the map. po to the bar and accept any mission that a voienan offers you.

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

(This message has been edited by Lonevoinian (edited 07-29-2000).)

alright thanx man! any others?

Ok, this is copyied, but I like it:

Microsoft Works

Well, there is a Pax-Omm-??? thing.(I don't remember the last stop. But it's somewhere on the board, Try a search for crassworms.) You buy crassworms from Pax, sell them at Omm, buy medicle suplies,(Unless the monks are on strike) take them to the last stop and sell them, buy equpment and sell it on Pax. Repeat untill desired amount of credits is reached. And you probobly want to wait until you have a freight courier, since Pax is a war-zone.

U.E. lovers Are Ignorint Of true Power.

FFS i was doin the first one and i hired an escort...the fker left cuz i didnt pay him enuf or somethin and took all the now i have 69 credits so i cant even buy anything

Ok, this is copyied, but I like it:

Microsoft Works

(This message has been edited by IndyFreak (edited 07-29-2000).)

That means that you should do at least 1 mission. 90% of missions are safe unless you have to pass through a uninhabited system to meet a dead line. Then you'r on your own.

P.S. try to get to the thoso system without giting killed. It's hard for a shuttle, But if you can land at New Chicago and get the Steller Corp. missions then before long you'l be rolling in credits.

U.E. lovers Are Ignorint Of true Power.

WOW...30k for a frieght delivery...thats the most ive eva seen given in evo...hehe u can tell i dont play it much huh? u have AIM or ICQ?

Ok, this is copyied, but I like it:

Microsoft Works


Originally posted by IndyFreak:
**WOW...30k for a frieght delivery...thats the most ive eva seen given in evo...hehe u can tell i dont play it much huh? u have AIM or ICQ?


AIM or ICQ? What is that? I'm good at EV:O but bad at technicle terms. And yes I can tell.

P.S. I have seen the voinians pay 60,000 credits for a 35 ton shippment.

U.E. lovers Are Ignorint Of true Power.


Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
**AIM or ICQ? What is that? I'm good at EV:O but bad at technicle terms. And yes I can tell.

AIM: Aol Instant Messenger
ICQ: I Seek U (url="http://"")

they are instant messenger things

thanx for your runnin the route in a frieghter and a bunch of shuttle escorts now 🙂

Ok, this is copyied, but I like it:

Microsoft Works

i think i found a bug...
i am in grr my memory sux, that system where u can run the route w/out jumping.

anyway i have hired 3 Helians as says they have 50 cargo yet i can only buy 60 tons of cargo (my ship) wats up?

Ok, this is copyied, but I like it:

Microsoft Works

if you capture renegade ships ya dont get the cargo capacity, thats probably why

"what is life but a prelude to death?"-me

I think the game has a few ships that it dosen't think that it has cargo unless it's your ship.(I think the game thinks that ships that are best at combat have done mass upgrades until it dosn't have any cargo space left.) And no, I don't have an instant message system.

P.S. Have you joined the voinians yet? I just finished destroying verril prime as a voinian.

U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

(This message has been edited by Lonevoinian (edited 07-29-2000).)

Well, im trying to join the vionians, i accepted the mission, but everytime i attack the frieghter, a bunch of UE people kill me

Ok, this is copyied, but I like it:

Microsoft Works

A some-what safe route would be Tulir to Ariane. Buy medical supplies on New Riga in the Tulir system and sell them on Telnan in the Ariane system. The two systems are right next to each other. Every now and then, Telnan will raise the price of medical supplies, so you get a major profit on when that happens. If you have hired 6 Marinu Heavy Freighters, you will get a profit of about 440,000 credits per return-trip. That's not too impressive compared to other routes, but you will get something like 2 million credits (profit) if the price on Telnan is raised (it will say "higher"). It's amazingly satisfying to sell at such a price.

If you're feeling dangerous, you can also trade metal on the return trip, but I don't recommend it because the price of metal on New Riga often goes way down (it will say "lower"). It's just too risky. Besides, you don't make much profit for it, and you'll just wear out your mouse button that much faster.

This is, in my very humble opinion, the fastest (in terms of real-life time) and easiest way to make money. I even like it better than the Saalian Brandy route.

Another way to make money is to get a badass ship and disable board Renegade vessels. You get a high combat status and social standing in the process, not to mention possible escorts.

"I like ice cream without chunky bits in it... they get stuck in my tubes." — Bungie's Soul

I found another good route, short and safe in UE space.

Start at New Tokyo, buy Luxury. Two hops to Paaren. Sell off and buy Medical. Two hops back to land on New Calcutta. Sell off and land back on New Tokyo to start over. A nice short route using the two high margin commodities, which minimizes escort fees. Also this route only gets better after the Paaren Station missions (medical gets cheaper).

Tip: Before buying each time, check for special missions to your destinations. These are always worth more profit for the cargo space than pure commodities.

Happy trading...