Tribute from Igadzra Homeworld AAA!!!

HI, I've been destroying ships all afternoon and can't make the bastards submit to my will....i know this makes me an idiot but its also frustrating as hell, does anyone know FOR SURE whether or not the Igadzra homeworld can be overtaken?

AARRGGHHH!! and thanks....

Frustradely yours,



shpydah wrote:
**HI, I've been destroying ships all afternoon and can't make the bastards submit to my will....i know this makes me an idiot but its also frustrating as hell, does anyone know FOR SURE whether or not the Igadzra homeworld can be overtaken?

AARRGGHHH!! and thanks....

Frustradely yours,


Every single planet can be taken over. The defense fleet is probably very big, but there are ways to overcome this.


1)Download EVO Cheater
2)Get as many fighters in your fighter bay as possible.
3)The the max # of Azdgari(did I spell that right?) warships as escorts.
4)get 999 of all shield upgrades
5)get 2 space mine layers and 999 space mines
6)I think you can infer the rest.....


1)Open EVO data with EV-Edit
2)make the defense dude for the planet you wish to subjugate something crappy
3)set the defense fleet to 1

"It is not polution that is harming the ecosystem, it is the impurities in air and water that are harming it."
-Dan Quayle


OctoberFost wrote:
**Every single planet can be taken over. The defense fleet is probably very big, but there are ways to overcome this.


1)Download EVO Cheater
2)Get as many fighters in your fighter bay as possible.
3)The the max # of Azdgari(did I spell that right?) warships as escorts.
4)get 999 of all shield upgrades
5)get 2 space mine layers and 999 space mines
6)I think you can infer the rest.....


1)Open EVO data with EV-Edit
2)make the defense dude for the planet you wish to subjugate something crappy
3)set the defense fleet to 1

Method 3 (No Cheating) 🙂

  1. Capture 6 Azdgari warships (use as escorts)
  2. Attack a ship in the system (need to get the escorts to launch their fighters) so don't destory this victim.
  3. Now demand tribute. With luck they will rollover because you have more than 32 escorts. At least thats what the EVO FAQ read. My experience is that the number of defenders is reduced but no planet rolls over and says they give up.


ok thats kick ass advice, my thanks, i already have the maximum number of escorts and several are Izgadra ships so i don't want to give them up but the don't have any fighters....i'll have to get some myself....thanks a bunch to all who replied....




shpydah wrote:
**ok thats kick ass advice, my thanks, i already have the maximum number of escorts and several are Izgadra ships so i don't want to give them up but the don't have any fighters....i'll have to get some myself....thanks a bunch to all who replied....


So you know: Igadzra has 20005 as it's DefCount in it's Spöb. This mans there will be 1000 ships, in waves of 5.

The Azdagari planets are (b) sooo (/i) much easier to take over. You just park a distance from the planet, then kill each bug as it comes at you. Very fast.

I get almost $100,000 per day, which is $200,000 per jump in my ship. This is more money than I know what to do with, and I have about 170 credit sticks (each worth $150,000). I usually hire a crescent warship as an escort just to keep myself from getting too much money.

Oh, I own all of the Azdgari worlds, all the Strandless worlds, all the Renegade worlds, and all the Independant worlds, if you were wondering.

Where in EV Edit can i set the number of warships that defend a planet? I'm tired of killing these ****ers....thanks....



the_only_ben wrote:
**So you know: Igadzra has 20005 as it's DefCount in it's Spöb. This mans there will be 1000 ships, in waves of 5.

The Azdagari planets are (b) sooo (/i) much easier to take over. You just park a distance from the planet, then kill each bug as it comes at you. Very fast.

I get almost $100,000 per day, which is $200,000 per jump in my ship. This is more money than I know what to do with, and I have about 170 credit sticks (each worth $150,000). I usually hire a crescent warship as an escort just to keep myself from getting too much money.

Oh, I own all of the Azdgari worlds, all the Strandless worlds, all the Renegade worlds, and all the Independant worlds, if you were wondering.**



Capt. B.A. Knutson wrote:
**Method 3 (No Cheating):)

  1. Capture 6 Azdgari warships (use as escorts)
  2. Attack a ship in the system (need to get the escorts to launch their fighters) so don't destory this victim.
  3. Now demand tribute. With luck they will rollover because you have more than 32 escorts. At least thats what the EVO FAQ read. My experience is that the number of defenders is reduced but no planet rolls over and says they give up.

Actually they do. I had 6 Voinian Dreadnoughts under one pilot and I charged all through voinian space taking each planet. They usually only sent out one or two ships at a time and usually 1-10 ships till they tributed (if that is a real verb).

As long as UBB reigns over the community, so shall the ol' hammer and sickle

Cheat plugs. yawn What's the point? Where's the fun?
And... using EV-edit to fins answers to the game's mysteries is cheating too.

WOW. An intelligent Voinion.... Hmmm, scary thought.....

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...

wow... that is pathetic. you guys are telling this fool all the methods you know of cheating to capture a planet? goddamn... if you're sick of killing the ships, then attack a different ****ing planet (not a homeworld, moron)....

sigh... whatever.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
"Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

-- Loiosh & Vlad --


Originally posted by the_only_ben:
I have about 170 credit sticks (each worth $150,000). I usually hire a crescent warship as an escort just to keep myself from getting too much money.

What are you talking about? I've never seen a way to convert credits into
sticks, and what's wrong with having lots of money? Is this some Strict Play
thing, to avoid losing money if you explode, or something?


WOW. An intelligent Voinion.... Hmmm, scary thought.....

Judging from the way he spells "Alaska"...


"No! Try not! Do. Or do not. There is no try." -Yoda

"Impossible is a word Humans use far too often." -Seven of Nine


Originally posted by Sloppy:
**What are you talking about? I've never seen a way to convert credits into
sticks, and what's wrong with having lots of money? Is this some Strict Play
thing, to avoid losing money if you explode, or something?

No, its a way for cheap bastards to not have captain hector steal their money(he can't steal objects).

Man, what you need is a big ol Chronic blunt then I guarantee you'll see a sailboat, some dolphins, and a couple of mermaids you know, doin some of that lesbian sh!t...