Mugabi and Destiny Secrets, Q&A


Over the years since I made Mugabi and Destiny, I have received many emails asking how I made various aspects of the plug-in. And in many ways, the answers to how are virtually as important as the answers to why I made it, and these aspects.

The most asked question is how I managed to fit the massive spatial graphics into a game engine which supports pics only one-quarter of the size. Yes, many of the graphics in M&D are precisely four times larger than in any other plug, unless, someone has also endeavored to use my technique. It is simple, if tedious to pull off. The huge Sun, Mugabi Ra, for example, is actually not one spatial object, but four. It appears seamless, because the four bodies are precisely quarters each of a large Nasa shot of our own sun, and placed to the very pixel beside one another.

Since we are on the topic of Mugabi Ra, I'll answer another Sun question: How did I get the Sun Mugabi Ra to age... go from a white-hot young sun, to a red giant, as the aliens manipulated their doomsday weapon? Again, easy, but tedious... whenever you (the player) are sent out of the alien system to make crucial stops in the human systems, I exchanged the entire alien system for a new one, virtually identical, except for the changes I wanted... like the aging sun.

The third sun-related question... Why do you (often) die when you enter Mugabi Ra's orbit? This is extensively explained in dialogues in the plug, but, the radiation and heat from the star is so great that you will only have a few seconds to "fly through the corona" or land, as it were, to gather crucial data to the mystery of the rapidly changing star. As to how I achieved the damage by radiation... I will hang onto that answer for now...:)

Why did I not make a replacement universe? Because I continue the storyline from exactly where the original missions leave off. And, considering it is already 12 MB, it would be approx 150 MB if I did. I do replace most of the planets or stations we will be spending time in, and have created an entirely new alien set of systems, with graphics of every kind (spaceports, etc, also).

I also receive statements about the plug "I don't want it to be done so soon" or "why is it so short"? These make me smile, because, it is my answer to one of the things that I dreaded most about trying plugins: Flying around vast but boring universes that give me NO guarantee that I am not completely wasting my time on what often turned out to be a bug. I am by no means knocking other plugs... many inspired me to do what i did. But, we have all played plugs that take a long time, and go nowhere, and I don't even know why, and will never find out.

What I wanted in M&D was the opposite: A very fast-paced storyline that does not leave you hanging, and waiting. I wanted the adventure to take you, leave you feeling out of control, as you plunge into circumstances that bring your abilities, your past, your sense of duty, your conscience, and the urgency of matters all into sharp focus. In truth, there is more writing in M&D than in most plugins. I expanded the dialogue boxes to maximum allowable sizes in many of the missions to allow for the dialogue and events to arrive more quickly and in greater detail, although not one person has actually mentioned to me that they have noticed this, which to me is a good sign. Many of the missions used up nearly every allowable letter per dialogue box that the game engine permits. What results is much like an interactive movie that unfolds over a few days, or however long you play for upon one sitting. So, to me, the word "playability" is completely irrelevant with regards to how long it takes to play, in light of my purpose for this plug-in, and the purpose it serves amongst plug-ins that do take a long time to play.

Do not misunderstand me, the original EV storyline was a magic balance of time, commitment, striving, working hard, earning, gaining, rising, defeating, capturing your first Corvette against ridiculous crew-number-odds...OMG it was good... finally getting to the big missions... discovery.... investing... saving... need I say more. This balance is probably the game's highest achievement, and its ultimate hook.

Mugabi's purpose is very different: to pick up exactly where the EV storyline ends off, but throw you into the wildest (in-game-time) weeks of your life.

There are no spelling mistakes, and no grammatical errors, from day one. (No, I make no guarantees about THIS post 🙂 ). If you want people to take a plug seriously, or any writing for that matter, it is the only way, I believe.

I knew from the moment that I played Clavius and Beyond, that my plug-in would also have a girl.... But, in Mugabi, the girl is just slightly more exotic... she IS an alien.... The attraction to this girl, over time, is a part of your enlightenment as to the similarities between the two cultures, and, you make shocking discoveries about your past....
My room-mate at the time of the making, played the entire EV game, and then my plug, and when she had finished, she simply had a twinkle and a smile, and threw out the casual comment as she walked away... "Now you just need to write this story so a girl can really play it..."

Hence, I also made the second (twin) version, "for her".

It is not an easy plug-in to play. You will probably definitely die :), unless you are very very good. But it is very forgiving. All missions can be found again. The ships are deadly in capability and maneuverability, and likewise need good skills to fly, as do the weapons require tactics and discretion with their power, but, trust me, you can do it.

Back to some questions, I also get asked about the better fuel in alien space, giving your ship extra speed. It is actually a secret (hidden) modification you receive after completing the previous mission, but I dare anyone to notice until they fuel up in alien space a few jumps later... :).

How did I make a cloak-detector modification? In the Mugabi story you are provided with a prototype cloak-detector that a brilliant inventor friend of yours offers to let you try. It works, just well enough for you to notice an unmistakable dark outline of a cloaked alien fighter, distorting the twinkling stars behind it. The effect is simply done with a new graphic I made using the original alien fighter outline, and, the outfit you actually receive and get installed on your ship performs a different secret function entirely, something that pops up in a later mission.

I used up every conceivable mission-bit field in order to make all of the things happen that i wanted. I also went to extreme lengths to isolate the alien system from the human systems in terms of other space-traffic. The aliens are tremendously advanced with regards to space-jumping, and have extensive and manipulative techniques for hiding their system and planets from the usual galactic code-mapping and hyperspace plotting, hence they have survived the original defeat of one of their homeworlds. The delicate nature and balance of morality, justice, and politics from the moment of your discovery of the alien girl, is critical. The political unrest within the alien faction itself is also a major factor. The potential for massive destruction between the two empires is hanging in the balance, and, therefore, it would be completely silly if a bunch of merchants suddenly popped up in an alien system, and said "Hey, can I buy some whatever" This is virtually "first contact" since the "lone" cruiser fell to your attack. And, worse off, you find the alien, barely alive.... on a human planet, an alarming shock. "How did she get there, and are humans in imminent danger again..?" But your cool head prevails.... So, no, this is not the time for commodities, buying, selling, fitting in, normal EV life, sorry. This is historical.
I am not saying there is no profit, believe me. Just put into perspective what you would actually do in the same circumstances. (sigh tell that to the Ferengi, I guess.... 🙂 ) No there are no Ferengi in this plug-in....

What is the music I use??? I have received several desperate emails from people who recognize some of the more obscure pieces, but could not place them. Much of the music comes from two movies: "The Last Temptation of Christ" (Peter Gabriel) and the "Jacob's Ladder" soundtrack. I simply cannot find a better combination of exoticism (world-music) with accessibility and the power of the female, than Peter Gabriel's music. It is perfect for this adventure. Jacob's Ladder in its own right is one of the smartest and thoughtful, and scariest, horror flicks in the last decade.... But, the music is exquisite, thoughtful, and quite sad actually, in the form of beautiful piano.
The bit from the Phantom Menace I just could not help but throw it in.... great composition.

There are also lots of detailed descriptions, references and sources of artwork (Dozens of artists were involved, including myself) available on the websites.

Oh, and yes, when a plug-in states "START WITH A NEW PILOT" it actually means do it. Really. Actually. 🙂 When a car says "windshield-washer fluid only", do you put in gasoline? Or, vice versa? The main reason people start with an old pilot is to keep their Rebel Cruiser or what not, and eliminate wasting time in a plug before the adventure begins. Mugabi and its supporting files tell you about a hot-rod ship-builder that has a modified executive transport, stripped and rodded to the nines, which will help you achieve the required experience in no time. I had a lot of fun flying in that modded ship... it reminds me of a fast MR2 or a Nissan Skyline, if you know what i mean. But, regardless of what ship you start the adventure with, I guarantee you will lose it. Gone. Rendered useless, by the storyline.
So... c'mon.... start with a new pilot....:) You won't mind that you did, I promise.

There are many other mysteries and surprises; these are the most asked-about ones. I do not think I have given too much away here....

Sheesh, I shoulda expanded the size of this web-board's dialogue box as well.... :laugh: I wrote a lot. I like to write... which is the primary reason I made this plug, along with my love for this cult classic game. And, I guess, the plug's making began as the making of my own custom ship and weapons to play EV with... which is the very one (one of) used in this plugin. Little did I know it would turn into what it did; 12MB later. That fighter, in every way, is the heart of this plugin. Oh, and the girl too.... 🙂

Hope it was as fun for you to play as it was for me to make.... I definitely slept little. And I certainly hope you find it different. Shoot me any thoughts, arguments, or questions... as you wish.

Bubaii for now,

This post has been edited by Gandalf : 20 December 2005 - 07:51 AM

Gandalf, on Dec 16 2005, 07:36 AM, said:

The most asked question is how I managed to fit the massive spatial graphics into a game engine which supports pics only one-quarter of the size. Yes, many of the graphics in M &D are precisely four times larger than in any other plug, unless, someone has also endeavored to use my technique. It is simple, if tedious to pull off. The huge Sun, Mugabi Ra, for example, is actually not one spatial object, but four. It appears seamless, because the four bodies are precisely quarters each of a large Nasa shot of our own sun, and placed to the very pixel beside one another.
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:rolleyes: Clearly you have never tried the EVO plug 'Galaxy's Edge', where the guy who developed the plug was crazy enough to make the sun with a single sprite, and my was it a doozy! It was at least four times larger than your sun Mr. Gandalf, although game performance suffered greatly.

~vIsitor~, on Dec 16 2005, 07:38 PM, said:

:rolleyes: Clearly you have never tried the EVO plug 'Galaxy's Edge', where the guy who developed the plug was crazy enough to make the sun with a single sprite, and my was it a doozy! It was at least four times larger than your sun Mr. Gandalf, although game performance suffered greatly.
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I refer only to EV, not EVO or Nova, as "Mugabi..." is only for EV. 🙂
The limitations are very different for both EVO and Nova. "Mugabi..." takes EV to many of its engine limits, or exploits them in ways not originally intended.

I cannot remember what the size limit for a single planetary object in EVO are, but I do not believe they are 16x the size of the EV spatial objects limitations, according to the EV game engine parameter limits... but , then again, it has been a long time since I mucked around with EVO limits.

Yes, the spob (planets, suns, etc) sizes certainly affect performance, but the funny thing is, with the maneuverability of the new (Mugabi....) ships it is a challenge just to fly and land... the large spatial objects make it easier to land... In fact, one comment I received was that it was too hard, and he set the gameplay speed to 1/2, to make it easier. I particularly enjoyed the extra speed and response. Landing is only a matter of hitting the 180-degree turn key, and a lightning quick power thrust... and you are still.

This post has been edited by Gandalf : 16 December 2005 - 05:20 PM

Oh, and about the radiation thing, I beleive your alledgedly 'harmless' relay satelite things are what kill the player.

~vIsitor~, on Dec 16 2005, 10:12 PM, said:

Oh, and about the radiation thing, I beleive your alledgedly 'harmless' relay satelite things are what kill the player.
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I used invisible projectiles emminating at the highest speed possible with a range that covers the entire system. coming from the warning buoys (telling you to stay away for your own saftey due to the sun's dangers). I could have made them invisible, but a person could still track them with the system-scan "brackets" or targeting. It was better to make them visible and give them a benign "purpose".

I think i also made them indestructable.... not that a person lasts very long in there....

Gandalf, on Dec 15 2005, 06:22 AM, said:

Yes, Mugabi and Destiny is a direct continuation of the EV storyline, when you have defeated the one (supposed) alien cruiser. View Post

Coincidentally, I'm playing M&D For Her right now, and am thoroughly enjoying it. Good job! The Riloto is an awesome ship.

I couldn't figure out why the mission string didn't continue when I first landed on Octarranoe, I thought I was trapped in a buggy system! Then found out it had an availability of 38%ish percent. I had some trouble with the time limit on the mission where I land on Mugabi Ra. After a quick search of old posts, I found that I needed to change the time limit.

~vIsitor~, on Dec 16 2005, 12:38 PM, said:

:rolleyes: Clearly you have never tried the EVO plug 'Galaxy's Edge', where the guy who developed the plug was crazy enough to make the sun with a single sprite, and my was it a doozy! It was at least four times larger than your sun Mr. Gandalf, although game performance suffered greatly.View Post

Did you finish Galaxy's Edge? I played it last year, and couldn't finish the Starlight string because the wormhole never appeared for a specific mission. I spent hours digging through it with ResEdit to find out why the bit wasn't set for the wormhole to appear, but couldn't figure it out. 😞

Callide, on Dec 17 2005, 08:19 PM, said:

Coincidentally, I'm playing M&D For Her right now, and am thoroughly enjoying it. Good job! The Riloto is an awesome ship.

I had some trouble with the time limit on the mission where I land on Mugabi Ra. After a quick search of old posts, I found that I needed to change the time limit.
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There is no need to change any time limits. Just be sure that once you have accepted the mission, do not land or stop over anywhere else... These are matters of urgency!! 🙂 Where did you get the mission from? It should only be available from the one location.

Glad you liked the Riloto... did you use your bay-fighters? They are such obedient, effective, and promt minions... 🙂


This post has been edited by Gandalf : 20 December 2005 - 07:56 AM

Gandalf, on Dec 19 2005, 01:09 PM, said:

There is no need to change any time limits. Just be sure that once you have accepted the mission, do not land or stop over anywhere else... These are matters of urgency!! 🙂 Where did you get the mission from? It should only be available from the one location.View Post

Got the mission from Octarranoe. Then, two jumps to Mugabi Ra, landed, left and hypered one jump and the mission failed before I could make the final jump.


Glad you liked the Riloto... did you use your bay-fighters? They are such obedient, effective, and promt minions... 🙂

Indeed they are. Although, I had trouble launching them during the final battle, even when I dismissed two of my escorts, I couldn't get them to launch. Doesn't matter, really. It was easy to destroy the Orcs with just the Riloto. 🆒

Callide, on Dec 21 2005, 12:52 AM, said:

Got the mission from Octarranoe. Then, two jumps to Mugabi Ra, landed, left and hypered one jump and the mission failed before I could make the final jump.

Indeed they are. Although, I had trouble launching them during the final battle, even when I dismissed two of my escorts, I couldn't get them to launch. Doesn't matter, really. It was easy to destroy the Orcs with just the Riloto. 🆒
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What ship were you using at this point in the story? Were you in the twin fighter? Should be... The jumps would only take one day each... arriving back in Octerranoe within five days.

An inability to launch the fighters would be an EV thing, as the limit of ships in the system may not allow all carriers to launch all their ships. The moment some are eliminated, more are realeased... launching them asap upon entry, or prior, would be even better..... would probablly do the trick.

For a cool satisfying challenge, I would often fight that last battle piloting only the twin fighter. It makes for a lot of flying, but it is possible, and way fun. The Riloto is tough just because it will get hit a lot more.

Er, I can't remember if I was in the modified Corvette, or the Fighter. I think it was the Twin Fighter. Either way, each time you leave a planet, it adds a few days to the date you land, so even if I were in a one-day-jump ship, the mission would still take nine days.

It was still a fun game. Have you created any others?

Is there a chance of porting this Mugabi and Destiny to EVN Standard, but still playable in EV for EVN?

kauthor, on Dec 28 2005, 07:42 PM, said:

Is there a chance of porting this Mugabi and Destiny to EVN Standard, but still playable in EV for EVN?
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There is a chance... I will have to get some free time... 🙂 and make a few decisions... I shall see.... At the moment my hands are completely tied...

I would like to.

This post has been edited by Gandalf : 14 January 2006 - 02:18 PM

Gandalf, on Jan 14 2006, 01:15 PM, said:

There is a chance... I will have to get some free time... 🙂 and make a few decisions... I shall see.... At the moment my hands are completely tied...

I would like to.
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I would like you to. 😛

Man, this thread brings back some memories. Thanks for sharing your tricks, Gandalf, it was really interesting.

I remember M&D from years ago, but I never finished it. That was back when I was downloading plug-ins left and right, playing multiple plug-ins together, screwing around with making them, etcetera. Eventually I settled down and played through Galactic Scourge and a few others, but never got around back to Mugabi. Now with OSX it's impossible to play EV. 😕


Do not misunderstand me, the original EV storyline was a magic balance of time, commitment, striving, working hard, earning, gaining, rising, defeating, capturing your first Corvette against ridiculous crew-number-odds...OMG it was good... finally getting to the big missions... discovery.... investing... saving... need I say more. This balance is probably the game's highest achievement, and its ultimate hook.

Hoooo-boy, I know what you're talking about. 🙂