Tracing a Hacker Missions

All of the missions I try to accept that are entitled "trace a hacker" will not let me accept. It says "we cannot allow you to (accept or contact) this mission under specific instructions of the employer" Does this mean that the game generated a mission that would lead to me or something?

"You seem like a pretty cool guy." -Jshei

My guess is that it could be because of your Neuromancer rating, or you've joined one of the two corporations involved in the story line.


I've heard of this happening, and the explaination I remember is that it probably leads to you, and we wouldn't want you to trace yourself. Might get in some trouble.

Theoretically, if you linked 2 people mentally, so that one felt what the other person felt, and caused a tiny amount of pain to one of them, wouldn't it feedback until both their pain centers burned out?

Xero Curvox is correct. You are the hacker that is being traced.

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"When you burn your bridges, just make sure they aren't in front of you." -mrxak

(This message has been edited by mrxak (edited 04-27-2004).)