Building gateways

I noticed that in the PC version that they have had people building custom gateways. Are these just for show or can you actually put them into the game and use them? How would go about creating a gateway and using it?


Nevermind I a found a guide on how to do it.


Someone is making a Gateway creater. He said its in beta and will be out soon tho I dont know a link or remember who it was.

Why not? | (url="http://"") | (url="http://";=26")The Search Function(/url) | (url="http://"") FFF (/url) | (url="http://"")Good Lord of the Rings(/url)
The Ancients: Will we survive the onslaught? (EVN Plug)


Originally posted by AfterBlast:
**Someone is making a Gateway creater. He said its in beta and will be out soon tho I dont know a link or remember who it was.


WhO: adriac
What: GatewayX

rning:! Error with Server)
Conection Terminated By

Just so you know, there is this little thing called the"Edit Feature" where you can go back and change your messages at any dont post twice in a row, just edit your first one...

(url="http://"")My plastic Army Men Site.(/url)
------- (url="http://"")Check out my (Failed) Coldstone Game Engine ProJect(/url)
-------_-(url="http://"")DONT CLICK HERE FOOL!(/url)


Originally posted by bodadem:
**Just so you know, there is this little thing called the"Edit Feature" where you can go back and change your messages at any dont post twice in a row, just edit your first one...



you have been extremely rude lately. it only hurts your reputation.

1. do not be "smart allecky"(my mom tells my sister that all the time) like you were above.

2. do not put that screen shot you have about the search feature on every page to people you think should use the search feature. It is big and rude and people dont like being told what to do by somebody with a karma of -8. One of the moderators can tell them about the search feature.

If you want your karma back, do not do things like this

rning:! Error with Server)
Conection Terminated By


Originally posted by Computer_Man

you have been extremely rude lately. it only hurts your reputation.

1. do not be "smart allecky"(my mom tells my sister that all the time) like you were above.

2. do not put that screen shot you have about the search feature on every page to people you think should use the search feature. It is big and rude and people dont like being told what to do by somebody with a karma of -8. One of the moderators can tell them about the search feature.

If you want your karma back, do not do things like this


Karma is a number. And for that reason i will not let it control me.

(edit) My name is bodadem, not "Bobadem" Spell it right (Please) (/edit)

(url="http://"")My plastic Army Men Site.(/url)
------- (url="http://"")Check out my (Failed) Coldstone Game Engine ProJect(/url)
-------_-(url="http://"")DONT CLICK HERE FOOL!(/url)

(This message has been edited by bodadem (edited 06-15-2003).)

Karma is a number that represents your attitude on this board. And that is why yours is so low. If you want to fix it, fix your attitude

rning:! Error with Server)
Conection Terminated By

Also I believe you lost 2 karma in the last 4 hours loose one more and you wont be comming back very soon.

Why not? | (url="http://"") | (url="http://";=26")The Search Function(/url) | (url="http://"") FFF (/url) | (url="http://"")Good Lord of the Rings(/url)
The Ancients: Will we survive the onslaught? (EVN Plug)

I didnt think forge visited this page, but apparently he does, and bodadems gone for it.

As for the topic, yes, GateWay X will allow you to edit things. InterLink is also in beta that will allow you to easily make skins.

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
"You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2


Originally posted by bodadem:
**Karma is a number. And for that reason i will not let it control me.

(edit) My name is bodadem, not "Bobadem" Spell it right (Please) (/edit)


I know you dont hear this, but i never have to spell your name right again 🙂

rning:! Error with Server)
Conection Terminated By

Who: Me
What: GatewayX
When: Maybe next next weekend, depending on when I get my AC adapter (Arrives 3-4 days from Monday).
How: (url="http://"")

Thank you for your sensible post, Adriac. The rest of you better stay on topic (next time).

Posted Image

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If it's just a game, and life is all a game, then isn't the game real life?

(This message has been edited by mrxak (edited 06-15-2003).)