neuromancer ratink

i searched the webboard for a list of good and bad neuromancer ratings, but did not find, although i know there is one somewhere.... could anybody help me??


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(url="http://"")My plastic Army Men Site.(/url)
------- (url="http://"")Check out my (Failed) Coldstone Game Engine ProJect(/url)
-------_-(url="http://"")DONT CLICK HERE FOOL!(/url)

very nice screenshot, but i am not THAT stupid... i surely used the search function, but the results it gave me did not point to any topic with what i wanted, so if anybody could please write it to me, i would appreciate.... thanks in advance


He cleary stated that he already searched. I dont know why you are suddenly posting that image everywhere, bodadem. It is much easier to just answer.

The answer is found in the FAQ, thus is probably not going to be found by the search feature.


Your neuromancer rating is an unofficial rating given by the hacker community. It reflects your morals as a hacker. Jobs that do damage to a company will increase your Neuromancer rating. Jobs that adversely affect other hackers cause your rating to decrease.

Neutral - Aggressive - Single Minded - Activist - Anarchic – Revolutionary

Neutral - Untrustworthy - Notorious - Indiscriminate - Sociopathic - Morally Bankrupt

Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
"You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2

If you have a question please read the (url="http://";=71")FAQ(/url) first. Your answer is already there. iLock!

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