
Once you get Basilisk's networking set up, look up the tracker with a command line utility (i.e. host) and use raw IPs everywhere.

You all clearly didn't hear...

Posted Image

@lnsu, on May 21 2007, 08:52 PM, said in Javara:

I get tremulous dreams. usually I get to the point where I've killed enough aliends to get a battlesuit and chaingun, then go tyrant hunting and wake up right before I get trampled.

Yes! tremulous gives me dreams. OFF TOPIC: don't you just hate the n00bs on your team that use Lucifer's cannon and blow ya up?

I use the chaingun, not the lucifer. Also, I don't play on FF servers.

Keep rockin it Ian.

the old Avara uses client-server networking, while also forwarding packets between clients in a loop. this is shown when a player has incoming connections blocked, can still play with the server host, but cannot play with other clients. I dunno how the architecture kept track of the packets...

It uses the UDP protocol as well, for the same reason Quake uses it.

There's still a couple of us who can play original Avara. If you'd like us to run packet capturing software and send you the results, I'll volunteer! I wouldn't reccomend modeling too much after the original, though. The engine code and the networking code were the two main complaints coders had when attempting to recode/port avara, if I remember correctly.

Let me know if I can help, you've got my email.

Hi everyone,

I haven't been able to get very far with this. I keep running in to issues that are so outside of my knowledge that it gets pretty hard. If anyone out there knows game developers with free time, please let me know. There's a huge difference between writing client/server applications for healthcare and writing games :).

One question though: Why Java?
It probably won't work very well...a fully 3D game in Java will likely be clunky, unresponsive, and possibly a memory hog as well.

@rickton, on Jul 15 2007, 01:57 PM, said in Javara:

One question though: Why Java?
It probably won't work very well...a fully 3D game in Java will likely be clunky, unresponsive, and possibly a memory hog as well.

Maybe one written 5 years ago...

Java is not a bad platform for games, people just automatically assume it is. As it is, I know some Java for games and such, but I don't know enough about networking right now, although I wouldn't mind helping out, I just probably won't have a ton of time.

Java's not a bad platform for games, no, but I still can't imagine it being good for 3D games. Considering that even a simple windowed application can be pretty slow.

What are you running it on? A 50mhz machine? Or are you running Java 1.0? Because Java runs just fine on just about every computer I've ever used. The only slow java apps I've run into are just badly programmed and would probably run worse if it wasn't for Java. Like Java Fish Hunter. Horribly programmed.

This post has been edited by EVWeb : 17 July 2007 - 04:15 PM

Java would be perfectly capable of reproducing Avara's look without being a system hog.

Now, running jmeter is a whole different story.

@evweb, on Jul 17 2007, 05:14 PM, said in Javara:

What are you running it on? A 50mhz machine? Or are you running Java 1.0? Because Java runs just fine on just about every computer I've ever used. The only slow java apps I've run into are just badly programmed and would probably run worse if it wasn't for Java. Like Java Fish Hunter. Horribly programmed.

Well I guess every Java app I've ever used (except, ironically, a game) as been badly programmed then.

I agree with rickton here. Web, I want you to show me an example of a properly programmed java app that runs as fast as its C equivalent. Something simple-ish, so I can program a C version if need be to tset it.

Of course Java isn't going to be quite as fast as C. It simply cannot because it has to be JIT Compiled. But my friend wrote a program in C and Java and the Java program was only about 15% slower. Which on modern isn't that big of a deal. Especially if the graphics are handled by OpenGL, because that won't be effected a lot if at all by Java.

As for a simple Java program that's well programmed... I'll have to go look.

This post has been edited by EVWeb : 19 July 2007 - 11:11 AM

We're not talking simple Java apps here. We're talking a 3D game.
But your point about OpenGL is a good one. I didn't think about that.

Java OpenGL gets CPU bound pretty quickly, because it really needs the speed of just accessing mass amounts of geometry quickly, which Java just can't provide because of how the language works. The GPU spends most of its time waiting for more data from the CPU.

I wonder if it would saturate a Rage 128...

@hamster, on May 29 2007, 02:24 AM, said in Javara:

You all clearly didn't hear...

i hate that image.... every time i see it i get all excited until i remember it's a mock-up....

It's not a mockup, it's a completely different game. 😕

And it's not even a particularly good game. People accuse Avara of having a confusing control scheme, with a billion different options; well, this takes the cake.

Dark Horizons - Lore or something, is what it's called. Try it out at your own risks.

Hey everyone,

Apparently the boards stopped sending me alerts when this thread got updated... I'm still looking for some people to help out.

About the Java/C thing: I know that Java will not run at the same speed or faster than C, but from the demos I've seen, it is very capable of handling a game like Avara. The main reason I'm using it is because I know Java.