Global Thermonuclear War Game 25

@templar98921, on Jun 5 2008, 09:30 AM, said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 25:

Nup. I don't like this at all. Someone's being tricky.

I don't think the vote for egoreg is helpful, and he's a open target, lurking/not being here. That would make it difficult to be a terrorist...

So, the one that started that particular bandwagon this round gets my vote:

RJC Ultra

It isn't my fault egroeg got bandwagoned, you know. I voted him when his fellow-lurker lemonyscapegoat already had two votes against him.

@darth_vader, on Jun 4 2008, 10:39 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 25:

Mackilroy didn't jump on the biggest bandwagon, but the second biggest. It seems that the evil players have wised up to our watching of bandwagons so I don't expect them to all jump on the biggest one anymore. Mack also didn't have much of a reason for voting for egroeg. Many people haven't voted this round and yet he didn't even mention them in his post. He just picked someone with two votes already against him. I suspect if he is evil he didn't bote with mrxak because mrxak has been playing very aggressively even by his standards and drawing attention to himself.

I considered voting for nfreader or lemonyscapegoat, but if someone's not going to play why should they be on the list? I'm just clearing deadwood. You convince me to vote for someone else, darth_vader , I'll gladly change my vote.

(in other words, this is a self-defense vote)

I've removed my vote for Jacabyte. I'm also going to be abstaining this round, and possibly the next as well. My grandmother just died last night (some kind of spinal cancer or something, and complications from recent surgeries). Her funeral is this Saturday. I'll be out of internet access (probably) until Sunday evening. I'm sorry to have to stop playing, at least for now, but I'm sure that y'all understand.


@gutlesswonder, on Jun 5 2008, 06:08 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 25:

I've removed my vote for Jacabyte. I'm also going to be abstaining this round, and possibly the next as well. My grandmother just died last night (some kind of spinal cancer or something, and complications from recent surgeries). Her funeral is this Saturday. I'll be out of internet access (probably) until Sunday evening. I'm sorry to have to stop playing, at least for now, but I'm sure that y'all understand.


Oh man, I'm so sorry. Go take care of yourself and your family.

Well, not including you, there are 5 people who haven't voted. Does the round end tonight, or am I off by a day?

There's something fishy about soitbegins.

Gutless, go. Real life is more important then a game.

As for me, I will have to cast my vote for SoItBegins again. There's something about you that I can't put my finger on.

All of a sudden, within 5 minutes, there's two votes for SoItBegins? Perhaps there was some secret meeting of the rogue members?

@gutlesswonder, on Jun 5 2008, 05:08 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 25:

I've removed my vote for Jacabyte. I'm also going to be abstaining this round, and possibly the next as well. My grandmother just died last night (some kind of spinal cancer or something, and complications from recent surgeries). Her funeral is this Saturday. I'll be out of internet access (probably) until Sunday evening. I'm sorry to have to stop playing, at least for now, but I'm sure that y'all understand.


Ouch, that really stings. I'm sorry about that, but at the moment the best I can do is change my vote to somebody who hasn't said anything yet, such as lemonyscapegoat.

I could say I forgot about this, but I'd be lying. I'm sorry guys, I've just been really unmotivated to come here lately, blame WoW. Still, I'm still here sort of and I'll make an effort to keep checking up from now on.

Alright, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and vote egroeg (retracted) instead.

Same here: egroeg it is, in that case.

First off, Gutless, you are probably getting sick of hearing this, but my condolences. (That sounded so bad. I'm sorry.)

Mrxak, I'm aware that even the mighty terrorists go walkies occasionally. Who doesn't?

Hmph. I still think the egoreg bandwagon is suspicious. Even if he's a terrorist, he's not here to implicate any one. Sometimes terrorists are more useful alive...

Why would it be more useful to keep a terrorist alive? All they want to do is kill us all. I don't get it.

Less than 24 hours to go (roughly 21), assuming I get back to Wellington in time.

@templar98921, on Jun 5 2008, 10:52 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 25:

Sometimes terrorists are more useful alive...

Well, after that little gem of wisdom , I think I'm gonna have to vote for Templar98921.

I vote for Templar98921 for his statement that terrorists are more useful alive.

@templar98921, on Jun 5 2008, 08:52 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 25:

Sometimes terrorists are more useful alive...


...what? :blink:


You, Templar, my friend, have some 'splainin to do. I won't vote for you (yet), but I would like a full explanation of that pithy bit of wisdom.

That... is a very strange comment.

Vote Tally:
egroeg: (3)
RJC Ultra
Eugene Chin

Templar98921: (2)

SoItBegins: (2)

lemonyscapegoat: (1)

nfreader: (1)

GutlessWonder: (1)

Mackilroy: (1)

RJC Ultra: (1)

darth_vader: (1)

No Vote: (5)

@templar98921, on Jun 5 2008, 10:52 PM, said in Global Thermonuclear War Game 25:

Sometimes terrorists are more useful alive...

Uhhh False!

This flip flopping is ridiculous, but it sounds like Templar98921 thinks we should keep the terrorists alive. A vote for him is a vote against terrorism.