yeah, lol this is getting rather fun.
Anyway, I gotta go to bed now, I'll see y'all in the morning.
@hypochondriac, on Mar 14 2008, 11:05 PM, said in GTW Round 20:
To be honest I was getting bored with the game. Thanks for making it more interesting jrsh92.
No problem. If you need havoc wreaked anywhere else, just ask. I appear to be quite good at it.
When does this round end?
After further analysis, I have come to the conclusion that Jacabyte is a terrorist.
I'll go ahead and end the round in about 12 hours or so I guess. Hopefully someone will break the tie by then.
This is getting fun!
At first, I didn't want to risk voting off an I.A.... but the whole bait-and-switch fiasco earlier just strikes me as dishonest.
If jrsh92 is an I.A., then his fate was sealed the moment lemony outed him.
So, then what reason the bait-and-switch? What reason the subterfuge?
Why the need to goad Hypochondriac into voting for him?
Why then switch his vote?
Why deny that he had voted for Hypo at all?
Why make it seem as if he had voted for someone else?
And why, then, try to paint Hypochondriac as the aggressor?
I honestly do not understand how an I.A. could decide to take the course of action that jrsh92 did.
It all looks much more like an attempt to frame Hypo.
Vote: jrsh92.
This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 15 March 2008 - 12:49 AM
Never mind.
Edit: I = stupid and unobservant
This post has been edited by egroeg : 15 March 2008 - 03:46 AM
@eugene-chin, on Mar 15 2008, 01:46 AM, said in GTW Round 20:
At first, I didn't want to risk voting off an I.A.... but the whole bait-and-switch fiasco earlier just strikes me as dishonest.
If jrsh92 is an I.A., then his fate was sealed the moment lemony outed him.
So, then what reason the bait-and-switch? What reason the subterfuge?
Why the need to goad Hypochondriac into voting for him?
Why then switch his vote?
Why deny that he had voted for Hypo at all?
Why make it seem as if he had voted for someone else?
And why, then, try to paint Hypochondriac as the aggressor?
I honestly do not understand how an I.A. could decide to take the course of action that jrsh92 did.
It all looks much more like an attempt to frame Hypo.
Vote: jrsh92.
So, what you're saying is that if I'm an IA I'm dead anyway (true), and if I'm not I'm fake and deserve to die for lying and otherwise being crazy. So voting for me seems safe. This is reasonable. However, if I am an IA, what about Hypochondriac? Why not kill him on the chance that I am an IA, and kill me next round? (actually, I'll die tonight anyway...)
Okay, I think the terrorists are 100% sure that I am an IA at this point because of Lemony outing me, and the innocents are 100% sure that I'm a terrorist cause they're insane, but I will leave this last piece of wisdom for the innocents when I die. Nobody will take this advice now, because they think I am a terrorist, but for your own sake, when you kill me and I turn out to be an IA, or the terrorists nightkill me (making me obviously not a terrorist), please look back on this post in a different light, knowing it was from an IA. Until then, just shut up about it.
Hypochondriac and Eugene Chin are both terrorists. Egroeg is not one. Lemony is not one.
This post has been edited by jrsh92 : 15 March 2008 - 12:45 PM
Rickton walks into the room looking grave.
"I'd like to inform you all of something horrible."
The delegates look up in horror.
"jrsh92 is making a horrible fashion statement."
The delegates relax.
"He's wearing cement galoshes."
The delegates look up in confusion.
"Where his brains used to be."
The delegates' confusion turns to horror again.
"Well, let's check out your votes," Rickton claps his hands in glee.
1Eevee1 -
darth_vader -
egroeg - Hypochondriac
Eugene chin - jrsh92
GutlessWonder - Hypochondriac
Hypochondriac - jrsh92
jrsh92 - Hypochondriac
kickme - jrsh92
Lemonyscapegoat - jrsh92
Manta - 1Eevee1
SoItBegins -
"Well that's convenient. Looks like the terrorists killed one of their own? Doubtful. Well at least we don't have to worry about the unpleasantness of an execution."
jrsh92's role will be revealed in 12 hours, and the round will end in around 60.
This post has been edited by Rickton : 16 March 2008 - 11:09 AM
You didn't paint yourself up to be an innocent. If you really were an IA, then let's just say that I'm disappointed.
@jacabyte, on Mar 15 2008, 06:35 PM, said in GTW Round 20:
You didn't paint yourself up to be an innocent.
I have to concur with this.
As I said before, what got to me was the attempt at deception re: Bait-and-switch Hypochondriac vote.
You chose to be deceptive about that. You chose to lash at everyone who voted against you (lemonyscapegoat included).
How can you be so surprised to find that your own actions are what cast the rest of your argument into doubt?
This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 15 March 2008 - 02:26 PM
@lemonyscapegoat, on Mar 15 2008, 04:59 PM, said in GTW Round 20:
no, you won't die tonight if we don't vote for you, because you're a terrorist.
Note to anyone planning on running GTW:
Don't put night kills before lynchings, the terrorists will bitch at you.
@rickton, on Mar 15 2008, 03:44 PM, said in GTW Round 20:
Note to anyone planning on running GTW:
Don't put night kills before lynchings, the terrorists will bitch at you.
Let me guess; if a person they've targeted is already about to die, and said person dies at their hands, they don't want the council to know that that person was innocent, yes?
Of course, what I'm planning for my GTW game is going to be something that's never been tried before, so I should expect as many complaints as nfreader got at the very least.