@mrxak, on Feb 28 2008, 08:21 AM, said in GTW Round 19:
Stop posting when you're dead.
Sorry about that I was away from my computer and got sidetracked a little.
As for Fluffy, we have already captured, killed and cremated him. He was carrying documents that reveal that he was a terrorist. Good job, but there is at least one left, though they seem to have not struck this turn. Most odd.
That is all, and this round will last the usual 48 hours. I'll send out the appropriate PMs within the next few minuets.
Or didn't want to draw attention to themselves?
Edit: Oh, sorry. vanishes in a puff of smoke
This post has been edited by JacaByte : 28 February 2008 - 11:17 PM
Buffalo the kid is guilty
P.S. whose left alive?
This post has been edited by Hypochondriac : 29 February 2008 - 09:43 AM
Seven Players still alive:
Eugene Chin
Buffalo the Kid
That is correct.
In alphabetical order:
Buffalo the Kid.
Eugene Chin
The general consensus seems to be that Buffalo the Kid is a terrorist.
We were right last time, so hopefully we're right again.
@kickme, on Feb 29 2008, 06:52 PM, said in GTW Round 19:
The general consensus seems to be that Buffalo the Kid is a terrorist.
We were right last time, so hopefully we're right again.
Says an arms dealer. If Buffalo the Kid is the last terrorist, you're next.
This post has been edited by prophile : 29 February 2008 - 05:00 PM
BuffaloTheKid , I have a message from your comrade. It reads "Join me."
I think you should, as do many others.
So, by the hands of the intelligence agent, die.
@prophile, on Feb 29 2008, 03:35 PM, said in GTW Round 19:
Says an arms dealer. If Buffalo the Kid is the last terrorist, you're next.
If buffalo the kid is the last terrorist, the game's over isn't it
Yes, he's innocent. Apart from one time in his country's parliament where he came in with a limbo stick and started swinging it around while intoxicated. I believe the video is on Youtube.
@1eevee1, on Mar 1 2008, 01:47 AM, said in GTW Round 19:
Yes, he's innocent. Apart from one time in his country's parliament where he came in with a limbo stick and started swinging it around while intoxicated. I believe the video is on Youtube.
Heh. Reassuring to know.
I should apologize to egroeg and RJC Ultra. I was the source of the behind-the-scenes reasoning that got them killed.
When I was contacted by the I.A.'s (Communicating through darth_vader), I immediately pulled the plug on my attempts to lynch Hypochondriac. I wove the other story to try and cover the fact that I had been contacted. After all, when it was learned that mrxak had been contacted by them, the terrorists Night-Killed him Twice. I firmly believed the same might happen to me.
darth_vader then told me who had, and more importantly, who had not been investigated. At the time, there were five names, but two of them jumped out at me:
Buffalo the Kid, FluffyWithTeeth, GutlessWonder, RJC Ultra, egroeg
My reasoning depended on double-thinking JacaByte regarding the list he provided earlier in the game. As that reasoning went, he would not name another dictator in such a bandwagon-heavy game for fear of getting them Lynched. If one made this assumption, then the fact egroeg and RJC Ultra didn't appear there became a lightning rod for suspicion.
egroeg's quiet play throughout the game had been a red-flag to me before, and RJC Ultra's Roadie-like behavior another. When he refused to get off the Hypo bandwagon when I derailed it myself, it made my suspicions beliefs. I shared my reasoning with darth (And prophile, by the way), who saw things the same way.
The fact that their votes in their last two rounds were in lock-step of each other only made a growing perception of guilt even worse. There wasn't enough evidence in any other direction.
Since I would have had to reveal, not only that I had been contacted by the I.A.'s, but also several of the known Innocent player's identities to make this argument, it was passed along by PM and never in the topic. Because of that, egroeg and RJC Ultra never had a proper chance to argue against it.
That was unavoidable, but I want to apologize to egroeg and RJC Ultra for it.
Don't blame darth_vader. He was the first to vote against egroeg, he was the one who Paranoided RJC Ultra, but he did it because of arguments I made, conclusions I jumped to.
I won't apologize for reaching those conclusions, though.
The overwhelming majority of votes this game were either on one-sided bandwagons, or abstentions. While there were players who didn't fall into these two patterns, they were significantly outnumbered by those who did.
With so many either Silent or Bandwagoning, it's impossible to read their motivations.
Put another way, look at the vote tallies for the first three rounds:
Round One
SoItBegins: . .8
Abstain/No: . .7
Other: . . . . . .4
Total: . . . . . 19
Round Two
nfreader: . .. . 4
Abstain/No: . .7
Other: . . . . . .6
Total: . . . . . 17
Round Three
Shlimazel: . . .9
Abstain/No: . .3
Other: . . . . . .3
Total: . . . . . 15
% Bandwagon: 41%
% Abstentions: 33%
75% of the votes in the first three rounds were either Abstain/No Vote's, or on a Bandwagon.
In No Round Did An Alternative Candidate Hold More Than Two Votes.
(Rickton gained Three votes in the First Round, but two of those switched to SoItBegins, and the third switched to darth_vader.)
All the bandwagoning and abstention favored the Evil Dictators this game. The windfall of the two I.A.'s linking up through mrxak in the second round probably turned around the game. Couple that with mrxak's subsequent and I.A.-assisted efforts to kill, by hook or by crook, as many of the unknown roles as he could, and the I.A.'s were able to narrow down the list of suspects, and coordinate the known Innocents, very quickly.
If there had been only one I.A., we would be in a very different position right now.
Which brings me to another point I've just realized:
Game Balance.
No matter how many Evil Dictators remain alive, they collectively get one Night-Kill each round.
Intelligence Agents get one investigation each round. Each.
If there's Two I.A.'s in a game, that's Two investigations each round, to the Dictator's One Night-Kill.
It might be argued this is balanced by the fact the I.A.'s don't Start knowing each other, but if everybody gets it into their head that, say, as I.A.'s, they should always investigate mrxak in the first round, and reveal themselves to him if he's Innocent, then GTW becomes a numbers game for the I.A.'s, and a luck game for the Dictators.
The I.A.'s have to investigate or kill all unknown roles before the Dictators kill them, the Dictators have to hope they get lucky and kill all the I.A.'s before they investigate too many people.
In any game with multiple I.A.'s, the I.A.'s have a distinct advantage in the form of multiple investigations, as compared to the Dictators one Night-Kill. If their investigations overlap, the result would be the I.A.'s getting linked up with one another, creating a single voting-bloc with multiple investigations per round. (As long as the I.A.'s are talking to the people they investigate.)
Barring unparalleled luck, by-the-numbers unbeatable.
If I may I propose a possibility for any future games with more than one I.A:
As the Dictators only get one Night-Kill per round, no matter how many of them are alive, the I.A.'s would get only one Investigation per round no matter how many of Them are alive.
This would also stop the host from putting in too many I.A.'s, as they'd know who each other were. (Modifying the Blind Dictators Rule for the I.A.'s wouldn't work if they collectively only got one investigation. They'd all know who was investigated in Round One, and that player would be asked to relay all of their identities to each-other.)
Too. Many. Words.
This post has been edited by Eugene Chin : 29 February 2008 - 11:45 PM